Big Islander 2

Chapter 453 Preferential Treatment of the Native Alliance

Chapter 453 Preferential Treatment of the Native Alliance

Facing the two hill-like physiques of black and white Shuangsha, Mr. Foreign Minister couldn't even arouse the courage to struggle.Even big monsters and Xiaobai didn't need to do anything, big monsters and their little monsters were pulling Fu Xiang's arm, just like pulling a little yellow duck toy.

Of course, this was already planned by Taohua Island, which is to drive these high-level representatives who look like dogs into the indigenous people.They are all human beings, so there is no specialization.

But if the organizer arranges it this way, those guys in suits and ties must disdain to be with the natives, so they might have to use some tricks.Because although it is an indigenous conference, it has close ties with the governments of related countries.It just so happened that the unlucky Mr. Foreign Minister hit the muzzle of the gun, so of course he was going to be the target. As the saying goes, the rafters rot first.

With Mr. Foreign Minister as an example, those so-called civilized people in modern society were also driven out by black and white evil spirits and mixed into the indigenous camp. Where they were sitting just now, there were only rows of small horses.

Since they are integrated together, of course it is better to use the country as the unit. For example, the Inuit are divided into several groups, and their languages ​​are also different. Some are from Canada, some are from Alaska, and from Greenland.The high-level representatives of the national government and the natives of this country sit side by side, shoulders shoulders as brothers, and now they are completely equal.

After a long period of chaos, the beach gradually settled down, and Mr. Pheasant's voice sounded again: "I will announce the official opening of the world's first indigenous conference. Next, we will proceed to the first event of the conference and play the Internationale—"

A impromptu band began to play, including some impostors, members of the Peach Blossom Island Philharmonic Orchestra, including several chimpanzees.These guys are fairly dedicated, except for the occasional scratching with their paws, there is nothing out of the ordinary.

"Arise, slaves suffering from hunger and cold! Arise, sufferers of the world! My blood is boiling, and I must fight for the truth—" Under the leadership of the pheasant, a few natives who could sing the Internationale raised their voices and hummed along, but Most of them don't know why.Fortunately, there are translators, so I can explain the meaning of the lyrics to them.Most of the natives who attended the meeting nodded their heads in praise. On this occasion, this song is quite appropriate.

You must know that among all countries in the world, the status of the aborigines is very low, and their lives are the most difficult. They are indeed the category that suffers the most.

And the representatives of the various countries have a bit of a bad face. This is a blatant slap in the face. Could it be that Peach Blossom Island is going to lead the indigenous peoples of the world to start a revolution?

Thinking about Peach Blossom Island, a country that doesn’t even take sanctions from the United Nations, and thinking about the owner of Datou Island who didn’t follow the routine, the representatives couldn’t help but feel anxious: Don’t kill us first!
This kind of worry is not unreasonable. According to the usual practice, don't many reactionary organizations like to engage in some weird rituals when they are established?
The lyrics also seem to have infected these indigenous people, and more and more people began to join the ranks of singers. Therefore, various voices and languages ​​intertwined to form a veritable "Internationale".Fortunately, so far it's just singing, and it seems that I haven't taken any drastic actions for the time being.

After a song, the hearts of the indigenous people gradually united.No matter where they come from, no matter what customs they have, but the desire for freedom and happiness is common.

"Starting today, the World Indigenous Alliance has been formally established. From then on, we aboriginals have also formed an organization. If you are bullied, you can find my brother pheasant—you can find our organization!" The voice of the pheasant is still quite provocative, but The more this guy talked, the representatives became more and more frightened: It really is the rhythm of rebellion——

Tang Jide slapped his hands cheerfully. Some words are difficult for others to say, so he just let the pheasant fire the cannon, and the effect was even better.

The natives also clapped their hands and cheered. After a long commotion, the Numan chief from Africa stood up and asked the pheasant: "What kind of organization is our World Indigenous Union? If I have no food and no money, can I ask the organization?" Application?"

"If you don't have a wife, you can apply!" The pheasant was deliberately speaking ironically. Chief Numan was considered a rich man among this group of people, and he scattered handfuls of diamonds, and his wives were even more numerous.

In fact, the aborigines are also rich and poor. At least, most of the aborigines present here are high-level tribesmen, and more than half of them hold most of the resources in the tribe.But the life of ordinary tribal members is not as luxurious and rich as them, and this is another important topic of this indigenous conference.

Chief Numan hecked a few times, and then sat back on the ground very tactfully. He was one of the first group of indigenous friends who formed an alliance with Peach Blossom Island. He didn't stand up just now to disturb the situation, but to cheer for the pheasant.Sure enough, the pheasant quickly went downhill: "As for the purpose and constitution of the indigenous alliance, everyone needs to discuss it together, and finally come up with a plan. Everyone has a share in this, and no one is allowed to be lazy."

Originally, according to Tang Datou's intention, the purpose of the indigenous alliance was directly drawn up by Peach Blossom Island.But Xiao Xiami is worried that this will be criticized by others. After all, Taohua Island is only a part of it, and it cannot represent everything, so it is better to seek everyone's opinions.Although the vast majority of aborigines do not have much culture, they cannot be deprived of their right to speak.

Next, the group discussion will begin. This is also the first task of the first Aboriginal Congress, that is, to have all the representatives discuss the purpose and charter of the Aboriginal Alliance.

Although many indigenous tribes didn't even have written words, this didn't affect their enthusiasm. Soon, the meeting place became busier than the vegetable market, full of chaos and noise.This is also helpless, the vast majority of indigenous people have loud voices, they walk in the vast world all day long, and they don't like restraint the most.

Tang Jide led Xiao Xiami, walked here and there, listened to the opinions of the Inuit for a while, and mixed a few words with the Maori for a while.To his surprise, these natives were not as silent as he had imagined, but instead had a lively discussion.Although many ideas are far-fetched, it is the first time for many aborigines to express their wishes so freely.

Seeing Tang Datou, the old Inuit shaman wearing a fur hat immediately pointed his fingers and wowed for a long time.Through the translation, Tang Jide understood a little bit, and he scratched the back of his head vigorously: "We natives should strive for living space, but if we want to bring down the whole of Alaska, this requirement seems a bit too difficult, right?"

The vice president of the United States next to him also looked very embarrassed. Although it only cost more than 500 million U.S. dollars to buy Alaska from the Russians, it is simply cheap, but to allocate such a large piece of land to the Inuit people, That's really unreasonable. Is the native alliance really planning to launch a war of independence?

At the end of the morning, a lot of weird requests like this were quickly collected.Taking advantage of his lunch break, Tang Jide looked through it roughly, and couldn't help muttering: It seems to be crooked. The purpose of the indigenous alliance was to be discussed, and it turned out to be a meeting of complaints. It seems that our indigenous friends are really bitter enemies. Deep——

That's right, the aborigines are mostly aboriginal people from all over the world, and with the rapid development of the world, they gradually lost their original homeland. Although hundreds of years have passed, this unforgettable history cannot be forgotten.

But asking for land from the governments of various countries is simply as difficult as reaching the sky. Not to mention that Peach Blossom Island is just a new small country, even the hegemon of the world cannot make such a request to other countries.It seems that the indigenous alliance has a long way to go.

After two days of discussion and research, the programmatic document of the Indigenous Alliance was finally released. The main idea can be summed up in one sentence, that is, "Indigenous people from all over the world unite to build a better homeland together."

There are also 28 conventions below, which enumerate the rights and obligations of all indigenous peoples. This is the "Peach Blossom Book" that became world-renowned later, and became the code of law for indigenous peoples to protect their rights and interests.

In the Peach Blossom Book, the definition of aborigines is clearly regulated, and it also clearly points out many rights and interests of aboriginals such as survival rights, personal rights, territorial rights, and property rights.The Code downplays the concept of the state and emphasizes the regionality of indigenous peoples.For the first time, it is proposed that each country has the obligation to divide the living territory for the indigenous people, and strive to protect their rights and interests from being violated.

Regarding this point, although the representatives of the governments of various countries did not explicitly express their opposition, they all evaded it, claiming that they cannot make decisions on such an important matter and need to submit it to the parliament for discussion after returning home.

In fact, in their hearts, they simply scoffed at this: This is just another piece of paper. For a country, land is the most fundamental resource, and every inch of land is expensive. Who would be willing to allocate a living space for the aborigines alone?

But in the ensuing meeting, the second brother made a clear statement on behalf of Taohua Island: "Since the Indigenous Convention has been proposed, the entire international community must abide by it. As one of the members of the Indigenous Alliance, Taohua Island is responsible for supervising this matter."

The representatives all snorted: Let alone Peach Blossom Island, even if the United Nations takes the lead, it will definitely not be implemented.

Regarding the reactions of these representatives, the second senior brother certainly saw them all, but he was not in a hurry, because in his hands, he held the magic weapon to restrain the other party.I just heard him say unhurriedly: "Since joining the Indigenous Alliance, each indigenous nation must of course be given preferential treatment. Since the production of the big head brand life essence is currently limited, it can only be supplied to members of the Indigenous Alliance. It can be regarded as the heart of Peach Blossom Island."

What, we civilized people can't enjoy this kind of life-prolonging life element, but send it to the barbarians first. Is there any reason? The representatives of various countries immediately bombed the camp. , It turned out that the bamboo basket fetched water in vain. Is Taohua Island playing tricks on us?

In the chaos, some people kept their heads clear. They finally understood the intention of Peach Blossom Island: to control the life element resources in the hands of the natives of various countries. If you want life essence, then first satisfy the requirements of the indigenous people.This method is really——too wicked!
(End of this chapter)

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