Big Islander 2

Chapter 465 The Transformation of the Big Drug Lord

Chapter 465 The Transformation of the Big Drug Lord
"Big head, how on earth did you discover the emerald veins?" The bald man is now completely convinced, and under Tang Jide's command, he drilled five more holes, stretching out for more than ten miles intermittently.Every drill hole has landed on the vein, and the trend of this vein has basically been figured out, which makes people have to be convinced.

If there is an element of luck in one drilling hole, but there are six drilling holes in total, all of which are very accurate, this is the skill.Even professionals cannot do this.

Judging from the detection situation, this emerald mine has a great mining value. It is conservatively estimated that the value can reach tens of billions.What shocked the bald head was not only the huge wealth, but also Tang Datou's miraculous prospecting technology.He didn't take the millions of bets he lost in the end, because even if he was penniless, he still had food and drink on Peach Blossom Island.

At this time, Tang Jide was of course arrogant, he pouted his big mouth, and ate the fruit of the big star's filial piety with peace of mind: "It's too simple. When I stand on the mountain and look at it, the situation underground is clear at a glance. The legendary clairvoyance, said That's me."

Of course, everyone doesn't believe this kind of nonsense. What science needs is rigor, so everyone surrounds him. If he doesn't explain the truth clearly, he will definitely not let him go.The most important thing is that the shallowest ore vein is only a dozen meters above the ground, and it can be mined in the open pit.If Tang Jide really has a sharp eye, it will save trouble to start drilling here.

Because there were so many people, Tang Jide couldn't tell the truth, so he shook the rattan whip on his waist: "This is my most handy prospector—"

While speaking, he inserted the rattan whip into the ground.Although the ground is hard, the vine whip is like a drill bit, continuously extending to the ground for more than ten meters, and then rolled out a rough emerald stone, which was bigger than a watermelon.

Seeing this miraculous scene, everyone was amazed.It has long been no secret about Tang Jide's ability to manipulate rattan whips.However, this method cannot be learned by others, so Baldhead Wen can't help but feel a little regretful.

The happiest thing is the pheasant, who got the bald man's family property out of thin air, making the pheasant prize even more generous.Perhaps because he was afraid that the bald man would cheat, this guy forcefully forced the bald man to sign, and he was satisfied.After receiving the IOU, it yelled: "Today is a big day, go back and drink to celebrate, get drunk!"

Everyone responded in a roar, and returned to the station beaming.The rest is simple, smuggling over the mining equipment, and then mining the rough jadeite.There are hundreds of free laborers working three shifts a day, and the rough jadeite flows out of the ground continuously.

What annoys Naukan the most is that his guts are almost regretful: If we knew that there are such treasures hidden in the valley, do we still need to worry about drug trafficking?

But it's too late to think about anything now, it's lucky to be able to save his life, let's work honestly.

For the mined jadeite rough, it is processed on the ground, after cutting and pondering, all the jadeite inside is extracted, and then smuggled to Hong Kong Island for sale in the Ocean Treasure Museum.As for the money obtained, it will naturally be transferred back to Myanmar to support those farmers who grow opium poppies to rebuild rubber plantations.

It is not easy for Peach Blossom Island to come forward, so after discussing with Uncle Datou for a while, Xiao Xiami simply asked Nao Kan to take charge. As long as a few members of the Scar team are around to supervise, it will be absolutely safe.

When Naukan was throwing money everywhere with a sad face, those farmers were shocked. They never imagined that the former big drug lord had a conscience and turned into a good person.

Those who are familiar with Naukan are also very surprised. They finally believe that: bad people can still be transformed into good people!
At the beginning, Naukan was also very resistant to doing this kind of thing, but as time went by, his thoughts gradually changed, especially when he saw the farmers' gratitude from the heart, his once extremely cold His heart also gradually softened, and a sense of satisfaction that he had never had before gradually occupied his heart.

If it was forced at the beginning, then later on, Naukan did it willingly, and what he gained was inner fulfillment and happiness.

Tang Jide also saw this change in Naukan, and felt very comforted in his heart. After all, it was easy to kill Naukan, but wanting to cure the disease and save lives, and completely change this big drug lord, is even more fulfilling and rewarding. more meaningful.

As the jadeite was continuously mined from the ground, Tang Jide was completely at ease, and led Xiao Xiami and Daxing Pheasant around the jungle all day long.There are mostly virgin forests that have not been developed here. Swimming in them, Brother Big Head feels a bit like a fish in water.

It's not that Tang Jide couldn't think of Sichuan and was reluctant to leave. The main reason is that Myanmar is a chaotic place with various forces intricate.Although the mining of emerald veins has always been carried out in secret, there is no impenetrable wall, so it is better for him and Xiao Xiami to sit here for a while.

On this day, Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami were feeding mushrooms to the Burmese tortoises they found in the woodland. Suddenly, the satellite phone on Xiao Xiami's body rang. Phone: "Uncle Datou, our happy vacation is over. A small group of armed forces from the Wa State has come to the valley station. It seems that trouble is coming."

Tang Jide threw all the mushrooms in his hand to the tortoise, and then scratched the back of his head: "I really feel too free these days, and I just go back to meet them——Where is that Wa State?" It's a bit of a mess, so Big Head can't tell which is which.

Little Xiami didn't expect much from Uncle Big Tou, so he explained to him as he walked.Only then did Tang Jide know that the Wa State is the second special zone of Myanmar and an important part of the Union of Myanmar.The total area controlled is about 3 square kilometers, the population is about 50, and the military is very strong.There are more than a dozen ethnic groups living here, including Wa, Lahu, Shan, Kachin, Han, Aini, Lisu, Miao, and Blang.Although the Wa state has always advocated drug control, the efforts have not been strong, and the support of the international community has been relatively slow. As a result, many forces in the Wa state still control drug cultivation.It should be the activities of Tang Jide's anti-drug team some time ago, as well as the changes of the big drug lord Naukan, which aroused the suspicion of some armed forces.

As the saying goes, soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, big brother really doesn't care about the armed forces in these places.If the government came forward, Brother Big Tou secretly mines on other people's territory. After all, he is not aboveboard, and he will give him some face.

With the current economic strength of Peach Blossom Island, he does not want to profit from the jadeite mine. In Tang Jide's plan, as long as the investment can be recovered, he is satisfied, so he doesn't mind handing over the jadeite mine to others at an opportune time.Of course, the premise is to collect enough money first.

Traveling all the way in a hurry, Tang Jide and his party returned to the valley station in less than half an hour.In order not to be too ostentatious, both he and Xiao Xiami also slightly changed their appearance to look more like Lao Mian.

At Taniguchi, a group of 50 soldiers was found, all wearing grass-green military uniforms, wearing helmets and holding steel guns, looking like a regular army.As for the gate of the valley, it was tightly closed, and no action was taken until Tang Jide came back.

"Naukan, if you don't welcome old friends, we will have to force our way in!" In the middle of the line, a middle-aged officer began to issue an ultimatum.Judging from his tone, it seems that he was very familiar with Naukan before.

Soon, Naukan leaned out from above the gate. In the past two days, he had just settled the compensation money in Myanmar, so he went back to the valley to rest for two days, and took some funds by the way.These days, spending money is like flowing water, hundreds of millions have already disappeared.

"Commander Yaku, now I don't have any interest in Poppy, so we are no longer friends. But after all, we have known each other for many years, it is better not to meet each other with swords." Although Naukan has recently experienced the biggest crisis in his life Change, but the prestige is still there, so the momentum is not weak at all.

In any case, the other party cannot be allowed to enter the valley. There are a lot of raw jadeite and processed jadeite piled up in the valley, so the jadeite mine will be exposed to broad daylight.And jadeite is a hard currency in Myanmar, and it will definitely attract the pursuit of various forces, and he is absolutely irresistible.

"Naukan, you should call me Battalion Commander Yaku now. A month ago, we accepted the government's reorganization and set up a border defense battalion. Today we are here to arrest you, a big drug lord." The officer named Yaku was very high-spirited , but he is dark-skinned, short in stature, and the features on his face don't seem to have grown, exuding a gangster air, far from being upright as he speaks.

In Myanmar, because of the chaotic situation, many local armed forces defected to the east today, and may defect to the west tomorrow. It is perfectly normal, and Naukan certainly knows this very well.Especially this Yaku, like him, made his fortune by planting and selling drugs.Even if they were affiliated with some frontier defense camp, they probably followed the old path, and then they were cut off by the Datou island owner of Peach Blossom Island, so they ran to him to fight the autumn wind.

Just as he was about to delay for a while, he saw a few figures running towards him in the distance.Although the appearances of Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami changed a little, Nao Kan was asked to confirm their identities with the pheasant and big star who were following them.

Naukan is also a little contradictory now. He hates and loves the owner of Datou Island, which is very complicated.But there is one thing he always admits: the owner of the big head island and the little princess are both capable.

With a firm mind, Naukan spoke confidently: "Yaku, don't think that you can come to my side with the banner of the frontier defense battalion to do your best. We have found a big backer now!"

Yaku's complexion became even more gloomy. After thinking for a while, he roared viciously: "Who is your master? Do you still dare to fight against the government army?"

"Of course his backer is me, don't you agree?" A broken voice suddenly exploded above Yaku's head, causing him to look up quickly, but there was no one in the sky except for a gaudy parrot .

(End of this chapter)

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