Big Islander 2

Chapter 476

Chapter 476
Today's Sting Island is becoming more and more prosperous. Thousands of tourists from all over the world linger here every day to enjoy the unique scenery and cultural landscape of Peach Blossom Island.Especially the feeling of incomparable closeness between man and nature, and the warmth of intimate communication between man and animals, is even more delightful.This is the unique charm of Peach Blossom Island.

When Tang Jide and his party showed their special abilities and appeared mightily at the seaside of Sting Island, it naturally caused a commotion. Looking at the back of the old shark like a small island, and the figure of the old thief like a submarine, one can't help but feel aroused. Few tourists thought that a sea monster was coming, and swam towards the shore in a panic.

On the contrary, the orangutans and baboons who were playing on the shore screamed strangely. They had already spotted Xiao Xiami and Tang Jide.Several tour guides also quickly appeased the tourists. When they heard that these big guys were all members of the navy of Taohua Island, the tourists suddenly became interested again.Some of the more courageous ones have already started to jump over there.

Neither the old shark nor the old thief dared to approach the shore too much because of their huge size. On the contrary, the sea turtles and dolphins didn't have to worry too much about this, and rushed into the sea area where tourists were active.

The one who had the most fun was of course Tang Xiaoxiao. It was the first time for the little girl to travel far, riding on the body of the dolphin Xiaobai, her two little feet kept slapping the sea water, and she swam past the stunned tourists. , is simply a little girl like the wind.

Among the tourists, there were also some little dolls wearing swimming rings. They looked at Tang Xiaoxiao with envy in their eyes, wishing that the person riding on the dolphin could be replaced by themselves.

Seeing this, Tang Jide waved his arms imposingly: "I'm happy today, everyone is open to play. Call the three hundred turtles, and let everyone play with the old shark!" Like the old shark and the sperm whale and so on. Level ones are usually active in the deep sea, so they rarely come into contact with tourists.

After hearing the translation from the tour guide, the tourists immediately started cheering, and many of them were eager to try and ride on the back of the shark to take pictures.If such photos are taken back, they can definitely show off to relatives and friends.

Of course, some people also asked the tour guide about Tang Jide's identity, especially Tang Xiaoxiao, who was the focus of people's attention.

"This one, it should be the little princess of Peach Blossom Island—" Although the tour guide is not sure, but such a big doll must be the daughter of the island owner in the legend, that is, it is behind the little Xiami long princess little princess.

A seven or eight-year-old boy next to him suddenly exclaimed: "It's a princess after all, she's so powerful at such a young age, if only I were a prince—"

The tour guide couldn't help laughing a few times, and then patted the little guy on the shoulder: "Don't worry, you are a prince here, you can also ride a dolphin or a big shark!"

So, on the face of the little Zhengtai who was dotted with small freckles, there was an extremely happy smile.

Tang Jide and the others went ashore quickly, and after a huff, they were surrounded by a large group of orangutans and baboons.Tang Xiaoxiao was not afraid of strangers, giggling and went up to shake hands with them.Except for Captain Orangutan and Qingtouleng who have been on the main island and met Tang Xiaoxiao, this is the first time they have met each other.

However, Tang Xiaoxiao's little friend's aura, which was very similar to that of Xiao Xiami, quickly won the welcome of these guys. They were all like old friends, so affectionate.The monkey has many claws, and when Tang Xiaoxiao didn't pay attention, the candy in front of Tang Xiaoxiao's clothes disappeared.

"Lengtouqing, you have some promise, okay, tell brother if you have no money." Ye Ji had sharp eyes, seeing Qingtouleng and Lengtouqing peeling off sugar wrappers, so he yelled loudly.

"Excellence——" Tang Jide couldn't help laughing when he saw this, he left the group of monkeys, and greeted Hai Bobo and the others.

"Master, you are finally willing to leave Ruanrouxiang." Hai Bobo joked with Tang Datou in a casual manner. Although it is a master-student relationship in name, it is more like a friend getting along with each other in reality.

Tang Jide scratched the back of his head: "Of course I can rest assured that you will share Master's worries."

Everyone chatted for a while, but Tang Jide didn't find Zhu Guang in the crowd, so he asked, "Where's our prime minister?"

"I went to the United Nations to participate in some kind of environment and development conference. I heard that I have to give a typical speech." The tomboy took over the conversation, hugged Tang Xiaoxiao after speaking, and walked away surrounded by a large group of monkey soldiers and monkey generals.

After hearing this, Tang Jide nodded his head: "We do have the right to speak in this regard, but I'm afraid that the second senior brother's bragging will be too loud, so it's better not to blow up the United Nations building."

Everyone couldn't help laughing out loud when they thought about the pissing behavior of the second senior brother.Tang Jide went back to the island owner's mansion and wandered around. After Hai Bobo and Li Dashao came in to report to him, he immediately patted his buttocks and strolled to the beach to watch Xiao Xing and the others play football with tourists. The next group of subordinates looked at each other there, smiling wryly.

In the end, it was Xiao Xiami who notified Mr. Captain and Dr. Downey respectively. Because this incident was rather weird, Xiao Xiami planned to ask Dr. Downey and his team to participate, anyway, Treasure Island is not far from here.

The next morning, Dr. Downey hurried over from Treasure Island with a few assistants. Seeing Tang Jide playing football on the beach with a group of orangutans shirtless, Dr. Downey was furious. Of course, the main reason is that the research in the past two years has not made any progress, and there is nowhere to vent the evil fire.

So he rushed to Tang Jide with vigorous steps, snatched the blue ball from his hand: "Don, don't you think this is a waste of life?" After saying that, he kicked the ball into the sea, attracting The orangutans let out a strange cry of dissatisfaction.

Tang Jide shrugged his shoulders: "Family, don't impose your own views on others, okay? Everyone has their own way of life—and, you'd better get the ball back—"

Dr. Downey looked at the orangutans approaching with all their teeth and claws, and then shrugged his shoulders: "If they are not afraid of suffering, they can come up and try."

Regarding this guy who was covered in weapons and armed to the eyeball, Tang Jide was still a little worried that the orangutans would suffer, so he said twice: "This time we found the wreckage of a flying saucer at the bottom of the main island. That's where I got the kicked blue ball." Anyway, I can't tell what's under the water now, let's fool this scientific madman first.

"Damn it!" Dr. Downey cursed, and then rushed into the sea like flying, jumped to the blue ball, and carefully carried the ball back, not caring about the wet clothes on his body.

After all, he is an expert, and he is extraordinary as soon as he makes a move. Dr. Downey took an instrument from his assistant, and after a blue light swept across the ball, his face suddenly became extremely dignified: "Sure enough, it contains several special substances, which should not belong to the earth. Known elements!"

Tang Jide couldn't help scratching the back of his head, and slapped the basketball twice: "No wonder the elasticity is so good——"

Dr. Downey roughly slapped Tang Datou's salty pig's hand away: "Such a precious item, don't touch it randomly."

"Pull it down, the orangutans almost kicked it to pieces." Tang Jide muttered, and the players around him also howled, begging for the ball from Dr. Downey.From their point of view, this ball is better than any of the previous ones, and the game balls that Tang Datou brought back from the World Cup are all weak.

Dr. Downey was also very annoyed, and he was in a hurry, so he said, "Let's go to the main island now!"

"I just came from the main island yesterday, and I plan to stay here for two more days. Besides, that thing is at the bottom of the thousand-meter-deep water, so it's not just that it can be brought up." Tang Jide, who couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry On the contrary, he was not in a hurry, and when Dr. Downey met him, it was like meeting a slow doctor in a hurry.

But Dr. Downey couldn't wait at all. Now he was eager to find a breakthrough, and suddenly found a blue ball of extraordinary value, and his mind had already flown there.Simply flicking his arms, he walked towards the beach, it seemed that even if he was swimming by himself, he would have to swim to the main island.

"The emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry—" Tang Jide muttered, and followed him, and he also ordered: "Hurry up and call Xiaoxiao, and go home." After all, the girl is still young, so she is worried about staying on Tingdao .

Soon, Tang Xiaoxiao's little friend was brought over, surrounded by a large group of Qingtouleng, who held all kinds of food in their paws, stuffing them happily into their mouths.

"Island owner, the little princess paid nearly [-] peach blossom coins on credit at the store. When do you think it will be paid?" A salesman following Tang Xiaoxiao greeted Tang Jide and began to ask for money.

Credit?Brother Datou scratched the back of his head vigorously, then looked at his daughter, and laughed loudly: "You're only a little old, you know how to pay on credit, you're really promising!"

"Master, I've never seen you spoil children so much." Hai Bobo muttered dissatisfiedly, "I owed 5 yuan in just over a day. I don't know how extravagant it will be in the future."

Tang Jide also remembered this, and reached out to touch the top of Tang Xiaoxiao's head: "What did you buy, and it actually cost 5 yuan?"

The salesperson had been prepared for a long time, and took out a long list from the bag, which was printed out from the computer in the supermarket. It seemed to be several meters long. kind.

It seems that my daughter can't eat so much——Just after this thought flashed through Tang Jide's mind, he saw the large army behind Tang Xiaoxiao, all of them kept silent, and suddenly realized: "So there are so many people who help tigers eat?" , take my daughter as a fool, don't you?"

"Dad, Dad, they are all my good partners!" Tang Xiaoxiao introduced her to her father proudly, her big bright eyes were shining with joy, and the big troops behind her followed suit Nodding, especially the two brothers Qingtouleng and Lengtouqing, who nodded the most.

Regarding this situation, what else could Tang Jide say, so he kept nodding his head, boasted a few words of "justice", and then stared at Qingtou and them a few times: "Record all the accounts to the island." Go to the main mansion and ask the big steward to pay the bill." Generally speaking, Brother Datou doesn't have money in his pocket.

In this way, the little princess of Peach Blossom Island's first stinging trip to the island ended successfully, leaving a debt of 5 yuan and a large circle of monkey soldiers' friendship.They are so blue-headed that they often set up a pergola on the beach and look towards the main island: when will the little princess come back?

(End of this chapter)

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