Big Islander 2

Chapter 499 Bean Curd Residue Project

Chapter 499 Bean Curd Residue Project

Starting early in the morning, they ran until after three o'clock in the afternoon. After the sun went down, the migrating team stopped and set up camp.The sled dogs were also exhausted, the white ones couldn't be seen, and the sled dogs with black heads were covered with a layer of hoarfrost.After stopping, I started to eat snow with big mouthfuls.

For these animal companions, the Inupiat people know how to cherish them. Before people eat them, they throw a lot of fish meat for the sled dogs to loot.

Because the location is still on land, they cannot hunt and can only eat reserve food.In previous years, they would basically eat smoked cold meat, but this year, with Tang Jide's participation, he lit a few piles of flammable ice and grilled meat directly on it, and finally he could eat something warm.

On the vast snowfield, a fragrance began to emit, and it spread quickly, so that the polar bears kept twitching their big noses and humming in their mouths—they were also hungry after running for a long time.

In view of the good performance of these big stupid bears, Daxing gave them fish one by one, a typical stick and carrot tactic.But those big bears treated it well, and they all nodded to big star.

The migration journey was the hardest, so the Inupiat dug temporary snow nests on the ground, covered them with animal skins, and then got into them to sleep.The snow here is already one or two meters deep, and digging out the snow hole is no problem at all.And because of the strong wind, the snow has been pumped very hard. Except for the new floating snow on the surface, people walking on it will not sink into it.

Tang Jide and the others had never lived in Xuewo before, so they also dug holes with great interest.Shi Dan'er came over to take a look, and completely wiped out Brother Big Tou's achievements. The reason is that the entrance of the snow nest is facing south, but Brother Big Tou dug it upside down. If you live in it, just wait for the northwest wind.

Speaking of which, big brother is good at this point, and corrects mistakes in time. After he finally dug a snow nest and got in, he found that the temperature inside was not as cold as he imagined, and the temperature was relatively constant. into the world.After a tiring day, Brother Big Tou soon fell into a deep sleep, and slept soundly until the next morning.

When I opened my eyes, it was still dark outside.To his surprise, the temperature inside the snow nest was actually higher than last night, which seemed to be caused by the accumulated heat from the human body.Open the "door curtain" and see that it is just light outside, but the Inuit people are already up and busy: cooking, feeding the dogs, packing their bags, everyone has their own job.In such a harsh environment, we must rely on collective strength to survive better.

And the polar bears on the other side have already started howling, and it seems that they are also hungry.It's hard for these guys. They haven't eaten a full meal during this time. First, there is limited food. Second, they are also intentionally starving them. Hunger is the best motivation for survival.

Tang Jide strolled over and gave them some frozen fish to eat, while Xiao Xiami checked the condition of the polar bears one by one, only to find that a female bear and several bear cubs started to wilt, which must have been frozen last night.After all, these great pyrenes lie down and sleep directly in the snow, and for them who have lived in a tropical area like Peach Blossom Island for a long time, they still need a process of adaptation.

After the little shrimp delivered some life essence to them, these wilting white bears quickly returned to life, those who should grab fish should grab fish, and those who should eat milk should eat milk.Seeing them eating happily one by one, Brother Big Tou couldn't help but sigh: If there is no little shrimp to take care of them all the way, it is no wonder that you can live so easily and comfortably!

After breakfast, continue on the road. The migrating team has trekked on the vast snowfield for five days.The further north we went, the colder the weather became. According to Tang Jide's estimation, it was almost twenty degrees below zero.And the current season, that is, winter has just started, and the cold days are still to come.

"Iceberg, iceberg——" The pheasant just discovered the new continent as soon as it emerged for fresh air.That's right, this is indeed a new continent. Seeing icebergs proves that the front is no longer land, but a frozen ocean.It also means that the migration journey is officially over and the Inupiat have reached their destination.

Soon, people selected a sunny south slope and began to build their homes.In Tang Jide's view, they are similar to nomads, except that they live after water and grass, while the Inuit complete their migration in the process of constantly chasing prey.During spring and summer they migrate with migrating caribou, and in winter they target seals again.

This time, we can’t sleep in that kind of simple snow nest, but to build the traditional igloo of the Inuit people. For thousands of years, it is this kind of igloo that has allowed them to thrive in the ice and snow of the Arctic. .

The building materials are of course locally sourced. You can choose to build an "igloo" with ice blocks or a "snow house" with snow blocks.The former is more time-consuming and labor-intensive because it is inconvenient to obtain materials, but it is stronger.But more people choose snow houses. In fact, the snow here is very solid and hard, which can be used as building materials.

Building an igloo is a big event, men and women, old and young, all have to work together. Those responsible for building the igloo are all experienced Zhang Zhang, and the young ones are responsible for cutting the snow into long strips, which are equivalent to the bricks for building a house.Women and children are not idle, transporting bricks made of snow.In short, building a house is a big deal wherever it is.

"Let's build one too!" Brother Big Tou also felt his hands itch. After observing for a while, he felt that the trick was successful, so he began to direct Daxing and Black and White Shuangsha to build his own home.

The pheasant couldn't help, so he supervised the worker next to him: "Big head, it looks easy but it's hard to do, you, you always don't eat old salty salt, you belong to the group of high-minded people-"

"You won't be allowed to live in the house until the house is built!" Tang Jide stood in the inner circle, threatening fiercely while stacking snow.He understood just now that the snow should be piled up layer by layer in a spiral shape, rubbing the snow blocks at the same time, so that there will be no gaps at the junction, and there is no difficulty.But what the big head brother doesn't know is that even the Inuit can't build a qualified igloo without ten or eight years of practice.

As the igloo was built up layer by layer, Tang Jide quickly discovered the problem: if it was built like this, it would only be a cylindrical one in the end, not that kind of igloo with a dome at all.

The pheasant also saw some signs: "Quack quack, big head, you are going to build a big chimney-be careful, don't build it too high, and you will poke a big hole in the sky."

Having no other choice, Tang Jide had no choice but to go to learn the art again. It turned out that after building three or four layers of snow blocks, he began to fold upwards to seal the top.So come back to catch up.This time, the requirements for the snow blocks are higher. The big brother is busy working in the house with his buttocks up. One piece is put on, another piece falls off, and finally with a crash, the whole snow house collapses, burying his whole body in the snow. in.

Tang Jide came out covered in snow, and his lofty ambitions were shattered by the ice and snow, so he could only help Shi Dan'er, who is the real expert.

Tang Jide could only envy Shi Dan'er when he saw Shi Dan'er build a snow house with ease and ease.However, Mr. Pheasant, the supervisor, still found the problem: "Quack quack, I'm dying of laughter, Shidaner, you don't even leave a door, how come you come out, it's just an igloo or a grave, it's the first time I saw someone digging his own grave -"

Just gloating, I saw the snow under the igloo turned over, revealing a big hole. After Shi Daner quickly cleaned it, a small door appeared soon. It turned out that the exit was under the igloo. A door curtain completely cuts off the cold outside.

With a squeak, the big star got into the house first, followed by the pheasant. Not to mention, the space inside feels very spacious, but there is one thing that the supervisor is not satisfied with: there is still a small hole on the top, which is ready to be watched at night. Stars!
After Shidan'er's explanation, I realized that the air hole was purposely reserved for ventilation, otherwise, if the room is completely closed, the people in the room will be deprived of oxygen.

"I have a mother at the age of 70, and a home at the age of 80. It feels good to have a home." The pheasant stopped complaining now, and the temperature inside the igloo can be kept at minus one or two degrees. Although it is still relatively cold, but Compared with the outside, it is even warmer.

Just when it was beautiful, I felt the igloo start to vibrate, and the pheasant was startled: "Shidaner, what you did was also a tofu project—"

When it ran out in a panic, Tang Jide was training black and white Shuangsha: "The two of you have a big grid, so don't go in there!"

Black and white Shuangsha was very dissatisfied, saying that they had been busy for a long time just now, and they had to work hard without credit, and they should also have the right to use the igloo.Seeing the pheasant, Xiaobai kept pointing his middle finger at it: this one didn't even stretch out a finger.

I had no choice but to build another large igloo for the two brothers, it was too small to accommodate them.The bigger the igloo is, the bigger the snow block it needs, otherwise it won't be able to seal the roof after reaching the top.Fortunately, both black and white have the strength to help two architects, Shi Dan'er and Tang Jide, build an oversized snow house, which looks like a fortress from a distance.

The pheasant reminded them: "Don't straighten your back after entering, or your head will leak out—"

After a busy half a day, igloos bloomed on the hillside, and some igloos were covered with animal skins.As for the inside, there is a big leather box made of animal skins. When sleeping, the whole family slips naked into it, just like a sleeping bag.It can be said that outside the house is cold and windy, and the sky is freezing, but inside the house is warm as spring, it is completely two worlds.

The igloo is the greatest innovation of the Inuit people—Big Brother also has to sigh that the wisdom of the indigenous people is infinite, and they can always adapt to local conditions and create their own culture.

However, according to Shidaner, with the development of the times, not all Inuit live in igloos. In fact, only about [-]% of them still adhere to this tradition.Even Shidan'er worries that in a few decades the Inuit igloos will disappear.

Brother Datou is also very concerned about the protection of traditional indigenous culture. The next Aboriginal Conference will focus on this issue. As for now, let's take a look at those big stupid bears. They are led by Xiao Xiami Going down for the first real hunting, I don't know what the result will be.

(End of this chapter)

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