Big Islander 2

Chapter 52 The Infantry of Peach Blossom Island

Chapter 52 The Infantry of Peach Blossom Island
"Where are the ground troops on Peach Blossom Island? Why can't they see anything?" The white-haired old man searched with a telescope for a long time, no matter whether it was the sea, the pier, or even the entire base, but he didn't see a single person.

Tang Jide looked at the direction of the warships with a smile: "Our army has already started to attack, and the enemy will surrender immediately."

The white-haired old man readjusted the angle of the telescope, and finally saw some clues. The silver-white warship seemed to have turned black.

Is it too long?The old man put down his binoculars, took out his handkerchief and wiped his eyes, then raised the binoculars to look again.Sure enough, the warship turned silvery white again, looking extraordinarily bright in the sunlight.

Old man, eyes are useless—the old man sighed inwardly.Then I saw the soldiers on the warship in a mess, running around like ants on a hot pot, and some simply jumped into the sea directly.

"Launch, launch missiles, destroy the Tingdao base!" Xuchuan Jiren also went crazy, shouting at the top of his mouth, and then ran all the way on the deck, preparing to jump into the sea.

It’s impossible not to jump, there are big ants all around, their mouthparts are clicking and clicking, this is to eat people!
After all, Jito Ogawa was a ninjutsu master, so escaping was his forte, and he quickly overtook a group of panicked soldiers and ran ahead.There is only one thought in his mind now: as long as he jumps into the sea, he can get rid of these terrifying man-eating ants.

The soldiers behind were also cursing in their hearts, they had never seen such a commander who took the lead in everything, and even rushed to the forefront in escaping.

But in the next moment, they all stared wide-eyed in shock, then subconsciously stopped, trembling on the spot.All the clothes on the running Xuchuan Jiren evaporated in an instant, and then, there was no flesh and blood on the feet, only the white bones remained.

The Ogawa Jiren who were on the move seemed to have not felt the change in the soles of their feet, and they were still running forward.Although he lost the support of his skin and muscles, the ligaments on his bones could still function temporarily, so he ran forward a dozen more steps with a pair of bony soles.

Then, under the extremely terrified eyes of the soldiers, Ogawa Jiren's calves also turned into several bone sticks, and then his thighs—seeing the flesh and blood of the upper body running wildly on the bones of the lower body, the soldiers felt that A chill rose from the soles of the feet, and everyone looked down at the soles of their feet: Fortunately, they did not turn into bones.

But around everyone, there were black ants, and they were the ones that devoured the flesh and blood of Jiren Xuchuan in an instant.Thinking about these terrifying big ants, the soldiers are all fighting with each other, how dare they have other thoughts.

With a crash, the bones of Ogawa Jiren's lower body finally fell apart, and fell to the ground heavily.He lowered his head and took a look, only to discover the abnormality in his body, so a miserable howl sounded on the deck.

When the ant colony attacks, it will secrete some acidic substances to anesthetize the nerves, and the injured will not even feel pain.

The white-haired old man also had a creepy feeling when he saw the half of the meat rolling on the deck, and he slowly lowered his binoculars: "Is this our ground force? It's really scary——"

Tang Jide also looked away, and tapped his lips a few times: "Treat the enemy like the autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves—"

The old man shook his head: "I'm mainly worried. Once I was walking outside and caught up with the urgency to urinate, but the urine flooded an ant nest. Is this going to be okay?"

"If you don't defecate anywhere in the future, you should be fine." Tang Jide scratched the back of his head, and finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

However, after this incident, it is said that there has been no incident of defecation in public in Peach Blossom Island, and even the tourists strictly abide by the rules and regulations.Who wouldn't be afraid, think about peeing with all your heart, and find that the tools for peeing have been confiscated after finishing the work, would you like it?

The army of ants quickly occupied these warships, and several soldiers faithfully carried out the order of Ogawa Shuren and wanted to launch missiles, but they unfortunately lost their arms.But after being bitten by ants, the secretion left in the wound can prevent bleeding, so there will be no death, but when the anesthesia effect fails, isn't this going to hurt people to death?

Anyway, Mr. Ogawa Jiren is now passed out from the pain.I believe this encounter will be engraved in his heart forever.Including all the soldiers present, this scene will become their eternal nightmare.

The accident on the warship also attracted the attention of the residents of Sting Island, but they didn't have binoculars and the distance was a bit far away, so they didn't know what happened.

When Ita Hirobumi and Mitchell hurriedly took the small boat to check the situation on the warship, they were also shocked when they saw the big ants on the deck, and they dared not approach.It's a good thing they didn't see the scene of Ogawa Jiren running, otherwise, they might have psychological barriers when they walk in the future.

"Modern weapons are sometimes not as powerful as imagined." Tang Jide hecked twice, and then several warships appeared on the sea, without any flags, only a few teams were fully armed, even their heads were covered by helmets The tightly packed team boarded the warships and began to receive them.

Under the deterrence of the big ants, the soldiers of the Maritime Self-Defense Force of the island country did not dare to make any resistance, and they occupied all these warships without firing a single shot, and then sailed away from the port with a long siren and disappeared. In the vast sea.

As for those ants, they all returned to Sting Island along the avenues paved with seaweed on the sea surface, and they passed under the noses of everyone in groups and rows, and then disappeared.

"Is this a sting island or an ant island?" After the ant army disappeared, someone sighed, followed by a long voice.Just now, no one dared to move, no one even dared to vent their anger loudly, for fear of attracting the attention of those ants.

"I don't dare to live here in the future!" Another person muttered with lingering fear, and this sentence quickly resonated with the residents.On the side of the couch, there is a group of deadly ants sleeping soundly, who can bear it.

At this time, Xiao Xiami needs to stand up and give psychological counseling to everyone: "As long as there is no hostility, these ants will live in peace with us. Haven't everyone lived here for more than half a year, and they are all safe!"

Although this is the reason, the psychological hurdle is not easy to overcome.At this moment, I saw Xiaoxing put the rice bowl in front of Tang Jide, chewing something with his lips moving.

There are milky white balls in the bowl, about the size of fingernails, which look quite cute.But Tang Jide poked Xiaoxing's forehead hard: "You dare to eat ant eggs, are you tired of work?"

It turned out that when the ants were pouring out of the nest, Xiaoxing actually took advantage of the fire to loot and took out a lot of ant eggs.When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but move back, away from Xiao Xing, the little overlord, so as not to provoke ants and suffer disaster later.

"This thing tastes better when it's baked. Next time, make more." Tang Jide confiscated all Xiaoxing's ant eggs, and put on the posture of an instigator.Xiaoxing's victory was deprived, so of course he didn't dare to play on the swing with Tang Jide's neck hanging.

Their tossing like this has greatly relieved the tension and anxiety in people's hearts.They all saw that Xiaoxing passed through the ant colony just now, and the ants must be able to feel the breath of ant eggs. From this point of view, they would not attack casually.

Reminiscent of the unpredictable Master Zong on the island, people gradually had speculations: Since they can command octopuses, shouldn't they be able to command ants?

People who thought they had figured out their joints quickly returned to their old lives, doing what they should do.Only the silver-haired old man silently kept all this in his heart——

When the island country's Maritime Self-Defense Force learned from Ita Hirobumi that the warship had been hijacked by unknown forces, it was also shocked.Especially when they learned that they were hijacked by a group of big ants, they were completely speechless.

This incident later became a famous headless case, but it is said that some warships in Luzon were similar to the missing ones, but the colors and marks were different, so I dare not recognize them rashly.Because by that time, the bastard would almost be a tyrant at sea, and no one in the surrounding countries and regions would want to provoke him.

Some people also advocated protesting to Taohua Island, but the people in Taohua Island did not participate in the whole process, at least on the surface, and they did not have the obligation to help the Maritime Self-Defense Force guard the warship. It was your fleet that ran over to show off its force, so In the end, I can only knock down my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

Afterwards, many countries are still very interested in this incident, and those involved have been interviewed by many reporters.Especially Mitchell and Ita Hirobumi, after returning to their respective countries, both underwent secret investigations for a period of time.It is said that the United States attaches great importance to this matter.If everything is true, an army of ants can even take over an aircraft carrier, which is really scary.

Even this matter alarmed the Pentagon, and a plan was secretly formulated, but such a secret is not something that a small role like Mitchell can participate in.At this moment, he could only lead the investigation team and leave Peach Blossom Island sadly.For him and Ita Hirobumi, the expedition was a complete failure.

But for several other members, this trip to Peach Blossom Island undoubtedly has a huge harvest.If it wasn't for submitting the inspection report to the secretariat, Ms. Seya and Kevin wouldn't even be planning to leave.Even that Michael had a plan in mind: he would resign after returning home and work in the United Nations. How could he compare to having a future in Peach Blossom Island——

(End of this chapter)

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