Big Islander 2

Chapter 613 More Precious Than Diamonds

Chapter 613 More Precious Than Diamonds

Brother Big Head and Sam are carrying shovels and walking in the front with arrogance; the six little dolls behind are all holding small shovels in their hands excitedly; behind them are Sai Lion and Xiao Xiami leading the two generals, and Mr. Pheasant used his claws from time to time Throw a few times in the yellow-brown soil.But if diamonds can be dug out in this way, it would be a miracle.

Wherever they went, their distinctive team attracted many eyeballs: If such a motley crew can dig out diamonds, I will swallow them!
"Don, have you chosen a good place? I'm almost out of strength to walk—" Sam complained, he didn't know Tang Jide's intentions, and he had been walking for almost an hour. Tired of digging.

After walking for a long time, Brother Big Tou didn't feel the fluctuation of the magnetite, so he pointed at it casually: "We're digging here, let's start!"

Following this order, the shovels and shovels came down, and everyone worked enthusiastically.The location where they are located is already an area close to the edge of the forest, and there are basically no people digging here.

"Take it easy, don't dig too hard at the beginning, and be careful of getting tired." The big-headed brother yelled twice, but seeing that no one listened to him, he simply ignored him, picked up the shovel, and started digging.

"Sam, look at me, I've thrown dirt all over me!" The pheasant protested loudly, causing Sam to turn around and give it a smirk, and then continued to throw dirt.

There are also two strong men digging diamonds more than ten meters away. They have a clear division of labor, one is responsible for digging the soil, and the other is responsible for sifting the soil with a sieve.The diamond particles are even smaller than the cap of a finger, and they are stained with dirt. If you want to find them directly, what kind of eyes do you have to look at?So most people just dig and sieve, and finally go to the specially set up elutriation pool to elutriate the small particles that are sifted out. If there are diamonds, they will be found.

Seeing that Brother Big Head and his group almost lifted the soil to the sky, the two couldn't help curling their lips, murmured a few times about being stupid, and then walked away far away, lest they also suffer from bad luck.

The soil on the ground is still relatively soft. In fact, almost every inch of the land here has been dug three feet.Moreover, every month, the management personnel of the park have to use machines to re-level the ground where the large pits are surrounded by small pits.

In the first ten minutes or so, everyone was full of energy.Brother Big Head and Sam are digging the soil without thinking. In fact, Sam is digging randomly, while Brother Big Head is always searching with his mind. No matter how small a diamond particle is, it will never be missed.

On the contrary, under Ruth's command, the little dolls did well.There are three of them in a group, one person is responsible for throwing soil into the sieve, loading a shovel of soil, while the other two shake the sieve vigorously, and the fine soil falls to the ground with a splash.

If there are some grainy things left at the bottom of the sieve, Tang Huall will go up to take a look, but they are all stones, and diamonds are not so easy to dig.

Not long after, the children started sweating on their faces, and when they mixed some soil, they all turned into little faces; it was the big star who knew the pain and the heat, so he bought some ice water and distributed it to them one by one.

On the other side, Brother Sam was already sitting on the edge of the excavated pit, breathing hard. He was relatively poor in terms of stamina and physical strength.

Big Brother was actually just showing off just now. Just now, his thoughts have penetrated four or five meters underground. There are no diamonds at all in this area, so he stopped wasting his efforts and sat side by side with Sam. Li was also wheezing.The two brothers looked at each other, and in the end they both giggled silly.

The pheasant came back after flying around, checked their results, and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, the hole is dug deep enough, and it's just right for the two of you to lie in it. This is called digging your own grave - don't be lazy, get up and do it!" Don't waste $6 tickets!"

As soon as he heard the ticket, Sam immediately picked up the shovel again, but after shaking it a few times, his body began to shake, obviously it was the end of his strength.

On the contrary, under the leadership of Ruth, the little baby group has been working in a leisurely manner.Suddenly, Ruth caught sight of a gleam of color at the bottom of the sieve, and screamed, "Got it!"

The twin sisters who were in charge of sifting the soil were so frightened that their little arms trembled and the sieve fell directly to the ground.Ruth, on the other hand, knelt directly on the ground, grabbed a fingernail-sized stone from the sieve, and lifted it up excitedly: "Diamond, diamond!"

Sam also scrambled forward, kissed his daughter's sweaty and muddy little face several times, and then grinned stupidly: "Diamond, diamond, we have found a diamond!"

Soon, several people were attracted by the yelling of the father and daughter, and the two strong men just now also came over to watch the excitement, muttering "****luck" in their mouths.

But after glancing at the diamond in Ruth's hand, the two guys immediately gloated and laughed strangely: "Take agate stones as diamonds, you are so poor and crazy—"

Among the associated mines of diamonds, there are also agate, crystal stone, peridot, etc., but these are basically of little value.The piece in Ruth's hand is translucent and earthy yellow in color. It is the most common agate, no different from a stone.

After seeing Tang Jide also nodding, Sam's mood immediately fell into a trough, and he sat down on the ground, crying like a child; on the contrary, his daughter, Little Rose, kept comforting him this father.

The spectators soon dispersed, but Xiao Xiami and Sai Shishi came back from a stroll. Seeing Sam's bear appearance, Sai Lion went up and grabbed him by the collar, and lifted him up directly: "Go and dig if you can." A big diamond, do you expect your tears to turn into diamonds!"

Sam He had seen such a female man before, and he was trembling with fear; fortunately, Xiao Xiami rescued him, saying that she and Sai Shizi had just found a place, which seemed to have not been excavated much before, so he led everyone to change positions.

No one else has any opinions, since they are digging everywhere anyway, but the supervisor, Pheasant, is nagging: "This is not a child shitting, what kind of nest do you want to move?"

"If you don't want to go, I'll just bury you in the hole we dug just now." Big Brother kicked the pheasant lightly into the hole, he knew that Little Xiami would not ask them to change places for no reason.

Under the leadership of Xiao Xiami, everyone came to a place not far from the river and started working again.Xiao Xiami and Sai Shishi also joined the doll group, which greatly improved their efficiency.Sam is still with Tang Jide, but this guy is a little distracted now, and his eyes are always wandering towards the river, where a family is fishing.

"Ruth, dig down from here." Little Xiami gave guidance to Little Rose from time to time. The first time he saw Ruth, Little Xiami fell in love with this little guy deeply, because from her body, Little Xiami seems to have seen her own shadow, so she will spare no effort to help this poor and respectable father and daughter change their fate.

Although the two little arms were sore and sore, Ruth still gritted her teeth and persisted, because she knew that she and her father had saved enough tickets for a long time, and no waste was allowed.

Now Xiao Xiami is in charge of sifting the soil for her. The crushed rocks that are sifted out are poured into a small basket, and wait for a while to wash and sieve.The reason why they didn't ask Tang Huawa for identification was mainly because Xiao Xiami asked Da Xing to take her away, so they walked around here more. After all, diamonds were not the main purpose of their trip, and searching for magnetite was the real goal. .

After working for more than an hour, Xiao Xiami proposed to take a break, and went to the washing pool of the pergola to wash the selected stones and check the fruits of labor.

When the lion race pulled the little rose out of the pit deeper than her head, the little girl lay directly on the dug out soil, not even wanting to move her fingers.

Therefore, Sai Lion directly held her on his shoulders, and then a group of people rushed to the side of the arbor.There are more than a dozen people washing stones in the shed. The sound of rushing water and crashing stones are intertwined, weaving people's diamond dreams.

After finding an unoccupied pool, Ruth was put directly on the stage by the lion race—because the little girl was too short to reach it standing on the ground.

Full of hope, the little girl's whole body was full of energy again, and the two of them grabbed the sieve tightly, shaking back and forth in the pool with difficulty.The pool water gradually melted away the soil on the surface of the stones, revealing their true colors.

Among the dozen or so ordinary stones, there appeared another khaki translucent stone, which was probably a little smaller than a quail egg.Seeing this, Brother Sam clicked his lips a few times, then looked disappointed. "Another onyx stone—onyx, I hate onyx—"

Of course, Ruth didn't know how to identify diamonds, so when she heard what Dad said, she felt weak all over, and almost fell into the pool directly.But soon she heard Xiao Xiami's sister cheering: "Diamond, diamond, we found a diamond, Ruth, you are awesome, it's all thanks to you!"

Is it really a diamond? Little Rose is like petrified, standing there blankly, falling into a trance.

Hearing the yelling from here, the people in the arbor couldn't help coming over.However, there were also those who dismissed it. The two strong men were also cleaning here, and when they saw this group of people again, they laughed a few times eccentrically: "It's still playing this trick, I believe you will be blamed!"

"It seems to be a real diamond, and it looks of good quality!" There is still someone who knows the product. Seeing the yellow stone, it is basically confirmed that it is a gem-quality diamond, but it is a little big, so I can't be sure. .

The clamor quickly brought in professional appraisers from the park, and they were responsible for appraising the diamonds unearthed by tourists for free.

The appraisal results came out soon, and when the appraiser announced with a smile that it was a high-quality yellow diamond, the onlookers couldn't help applauding.Especially when the appraiser gave an estimate of 30 US dollars, the applause became even more enthusiastic.

Seeing that Sam was only grinning and giggling, Brother Big Head patted him on the shoulder vigorously: "Congratulations, congratulations, Ruth got the first diamond in her life."

Sam winked for a while, then stammered, "Don, we dug this together, so each of us has half, but how do we cut a diamond in half?"

Looking at Brother Sam who was scratching his head, Big Head seemed to see something more precious than diamonds in the father and daughter——

(End of this chapter)

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