Chapter 200
With a bang, all the auras of the surrounding world gathered around Xu Miao, scrambling to rush into Xu Miao's body.The meridians are not strong enough under the washing of strong spiritual power, and the meridians are strengthened with spiritual power to widen the meridians.

The wider the meridian, the more spiritual energy it can absorb, and the more spiritual power it can mobilize when it is running, and it will provide more protection against the enemy.

When the width of the meridian is more than doubled than before, the spiritual power no longer continues to flush the meridian, but along the meridian, nourishing the flesh and bones.

The flesh and bones that have just been tortured by the soul of Taoist Li Huan can now receive the nourishment of rich spiritual power, and Xu Miao feels comfortable from the bottom of her heart.

Since Xu Miao's body was reborn with spiritual power, there will no longer be any impurities.He enjoyed the comfort brought by the spiritual power, and slowly consolidated his current cultivation base.

After all parts of the body have been nourished by spiritual power, the remaining spiritual power flows into the dantian.The images in the dantian received sufficient spiritual power and rejuvenated.

The spiritual energy from the outside world no longer poured into Xu Miao's body, and the speed of spiritual power in the meridians also began to slow down. Xu Miao's cultivation was completely stabilized, and he entered the late stage of foundation establishment.

"You kid is in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, how can it be as simple as eating?" Taoist Li Huan didn't say much, but Xu Miao could clearly hear deep envy from his tone.

"My advancement has always been easy and simple, and it's useless for you to be envious. You'd better think about it quickly, how can you escape your life under the methods of other cultivators."

Now Xu Miao is part of his body being taken over by Taoist Li Huan. Although it doesn't affect him for the time being, if he doesn't do anything about it, he doesn't know when he will be stabbed in the back by the other party.

The best way to deal with a cultivator who transforms a god is to find a cultivator who transforms a god.However, Xu Miao didn't have a good relationship with the cultivator of Huashen, so it was simply unrealistic to ask the other party to help.

Xu Miao remembered the method Qingjiao told him at the time, that Tianlei could kill souls.When he advanced to build a foundation, he attracted the mysterious thunder of heavenly tribulation.

If his expectations were correct, the day he advanced to the Golden Core, there would definitely be a catastrophe.As long as he operates properly, he may be able to get rid of Taoist Li Huan in one fell swoop.

With the soul of Taoist Li Huan, Xu Miao can also borrow his power.Xu Miao made seals with both hands, and a medium and long-distance teleportation array appeared in front of him.

The light of the teleportation array flashed past, and Xu Miao disappeared from the spot. No one would know that there was a struggle between foundation establishment and transformation of gods in this place.

When Xu Miao saw the environment around her clearly, she realized that this place was in the Qiyun Mountains, and not far away was the sphere of influence of Heqing Valley.It's all here, Xu Miao has no reason not to return to the sect.

Different from He Qinggu in the past, the monks nearby suddenly became much more abnormal, not like the number of a small sect at all.Moreover, many of the monks who came here were dressed, obviously they were monks of certain sects and families.

Generally, when this happens, it is because the sect is holding a grand ceremony.The grand ceremony is nothing more than the grand ceremony of forming alchemy, the ceremony of forming a baby, and some grand ceremonies of becoming Taoist couples.

In the current ostentation, it is not like forming a baby, and it is even more impossible for a Taoist companion. The most similar thing is that someone in the school is forming an alchemy.When Xu Miao left last time, his master Ye Qiguang was already attacking Jindan.

From this point of view, it is very likely that the master has successfully formed the alchemy.Thinking of this, Xu Miao speeded up her flight.When Xu Miao rushed to the sect, Ye Qiguang's alchemy ceremony had already begun.

"Congratulations to Ji Xingdian!"

"Congratulations to Xihuizong!"

"Congratulations to Zhuo Li Pavilion!"


A series of large and medium-sized sects came to congratulate, not only the small sects who came to He Qinggu to congratulate, but also He Qinggu's own people were frightened.

"Why do these top sects from the Western Continent come to congratulate our Old Ancestor Ye on his alchemy success?"

"Maybe it's that we, Heqinggu, have developed very well recently, so make friends with us earlier?"

"Makes sense. Makes sense."

"That makes sense." A voice scolded several people severely. If Xu Miao were here, he would definitely recognize the monk in this Qi refining period, the one who followed him to Zhuo Li Pavilion that day .

"Senior Brother Wang Kang, why do you say so?"

Wang Kang pretended to be mysterious and said, "That's because of Uncle Xu Miao."

"Uncle Xu Miao? My master said that the uncle is the person he admires the most."

"You don't know if you stay in the sect. If you go out for a while and mention that you are from Heqing Valley, all the monks will come up to chat with you and mention Uncle Xu Miao."

Wang Kang narrated Xu Miao's heroic deeds to his juniors who had just started, and they were fascinated by it. He vowed to learn from Xu Miao and become a monk like Xu Miao.

Here the young disciples are discussing Xu Miao, while Ye Qiguang and Luo Guan personally welcome the visiting monks from several sects.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I have admired your name for a long time." Bai Yan smiled when he saw Ye Qiguang.

"That day, when I persuaded Xu Miao to join Ji Xingdian, he said sternly that he had already worshiped his master and would never turn his head to others in his life. It is really enviable to have such a disciple."

Ye Qiguang smiled calmly, and invited Bai Yan and the others to sit down.He frowned slightly, Luo Tingyou had returned to the sect, but the news he brought was not good.Xu Miao faced the cultivator of Huashen alone.

The flame of Xu Miao's natal magic lamp in Qingyan Pavilion became extremely weak, and it didn't return to normal until a few days ago. This is where Ye Qiguang can feel a little relieved.

The alchemy ceremony proceeded normally until one person broke the harmony of the ceremony.

"Senior Ye, my junior, Zhuo Li Pavilion Liang Feng, came here specially to ask your disciples for advice." Liang Feng is Liang Kuan's elder brother. When Lin Zhijian held the baby-birth ceremony before, he did not show up in the retreat.

Later, when he knew what Xu Miao had done in the ceremony, he was furious and said that he would teach Xu Miao a lesson.However, Xu Miao's whereabouts are elusive, and he couldn't find it with the help of Duobao Pavilion.

Today happened to be the alchemy ceremony of Xu Miao's master Ye Qiguang, and it was also a celebration ceremony, Liang Feng was going to slap Xu Miao loudly in front of his teacher and fellow disciple here at He Qinggu.

"Liang Xiaoyou, my apprentice Xu Miao is not in the sect recently." Ye Qiguang looked at the person in front of him. Although he didn't know why this person specified that he wanted to compete with Xu Miao, it was very likely that he had a problem with Xu Miao.

"Senior Ye, who doesn't know that Xu Miao respects his master the most. Whether it's Zhidan or Bai Yan, he didn't change his mind. How could he not attend your alchemy ceremony when he voted for another master?"

Liang Feng called Ye Qiguang a senior, but there was no respect for the senior in his tone, but full of disdain and ridicule.

Even though he, Liang Feng, was not the strongest among the disciples of Zhuo Li Pavilion's generation, he could at least be ranked in the upper ranks. A monk from a small sect who had just formed an alchemy really didn't look down on him.

"Still, he is afraid of me, Liang Feng, and dare not show up at all!" Liang Feng stood beside Ye Qiguang, looking around at the monks, he was sure that Xu Miao was among the group of people.

"Liang Feng, I have already said that my apprentice Xu Miao is not in the sect recently, why are you so persistent in pestering me?" Ye Qiguang's complexion also darkened, and his tone became impatient.

Liang Feng rolled his eyes: "In that case, then I will ask the other disciples of the senior. Xu Miao performed very well in the baby-making ceremony of the elders of my school that day. I am also very interested in his senior brothers."

After Ye Qiguang communicated with Zhou Ruxiang, because Liang Feng was a disciple of Zhuo Li Pavilion, it was not easy to directly refuse his request, so Fang Qingyun was asked to come forward.

Fang Qingyun's cultivation base was already at the late stage of foundation establishment, comparable to Liang Feng's cultivation base.It's just that Liang Feng is the core disciple of Zhuo Li Pavilion, Fang Qingyun would be too reluctant to fight with him.

Now that he decided to compete, Liang Feng even proposed to set up a bet, imitating all of Xu Miao's actions in Zhuo Li Pavilion.

"Fang Daoyou's junior brother is rich and powerful, thousands of middle-grade spirit stones are nothing to worry about, you are his senior brother, I think you will definitely be richer than him, and I am not too difficult, let's just bet 5000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones ?”

Seeing this situation, other monks who came to participate in the ceremony had different expressions, some were gloating and some were sympathetic to He Qinggu.

Bai Yan looked at Liang Feng expressionlessly, but felt extremely disdainful in his heart.Zhuo Li Pavilion's level of teaching disciples has been declining recently, and such monks are brought out to embarrass themselves.

Every time Xu Miao made a move, she never took the initiative to provoke her. If she hadn't been forced to face her, Xu Miao would never have bothered to make a move.Compared with Xu Miao, Liang Feng and Xu Miao are really on top of each other, but this Liang Feng is still secretly proud of himself.

In Heqing Valley, even Luo Guan couldn't afford 5000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones for a while.They knew that Fang Qingyun would not be the opponent of the aggressive Liang Feng in front of him, and if they took out the 5000 yuan mid-grade spirit stone, they would be gone immediately.

The atmosphere of the alchemy ceremony, which was supposed to be joyous, suddenly became quiet and unbearable.Everyone looked at He Qinggu's monks, wanting to see how they would solve this matter.

"Could it be that you can't even take out 5000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones? Hahaha, the small sect is like this, poor and useless! Hahahaha——" All the disciples brought by Liang Feng laughed wildly Voice.

At this time, Xu Miao still didn't know what happened in the alchemy ceremony, and he was handing the disciple's token to the gatekeeper disciple to prove his identity.

"Uncle Xu Miao?" The gatekeeper almost looked at Xu Miao with the expression of looking at a savior.

Xu Miao was looked at inexplicably: "It's me."

"Uncle Xu Miao, the monks from the Zhuoli Pavilion came here to find fault, and now it is Uncle Fang who is competing with him." The gatekeeper disciple clattered the matter.

big brother?Zhuo Li Pavilion monk?find fault?Xu Miao frowned tightly, feeling angry from her heart.He happened to have no place to post his recent fire, so he met one who delivered it to his door.

Xu Miao turned into a light again and flew to the square where the alchemy ceremony was held.Although the distance was not close, Xu Miao flew very fast, and arrived at the square in just a few breaths.

At this time, Fang Qingyun had already fought Liang Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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