Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 271 Tickets

Chapter 271 Tickets

Taoist Huojian swung his sickle vigorously, trying to kill Xu Miao in the shortest possible time.However, at the very beginning, Taoist Huojian couldn't do it, let alone now.

"You want to finish killing me, and then deal with my alchemy cauldron? Dreaming!" Xu Miao finally used the chaotic gas, and the momentum of the Mist Condensing Sword changed immediately.

Originally, it was just the aura of killing, but with the addition of chaotic gas, the vast and ancient aura suddenly appeared on the Mist Condensing Sword.It's just that this breath is different from pure chaotic gas, Xu Miao has no extra energy to think about this problem.

This aura seemed to be able to correct Xu Miao's swordplay by itself, and to correct the already perfect swordplay again, allowing him to completely integrate with the surrounding environment and separate it clearly.

It is both fused and split, but it directly raises the power of Xu Miao's sword moves to a higher level.

Taoist Huojian found that Xu Miao's strength could improve so quickly in a short period of time, and he was surprised.What a monster this is, if he continues to fight like this, who knows how powerful he will be.

When monks fight each other, they compete for mana, magic weapons, and the fighting spirit of the monks.If one party wants to retreat, the impact on the monks will be huge.

The moment Xu Miao swung the sickle, she saw the Liantian Cauldron shake violently, and a blue flame rose slowly from the Liantian Cauldron.Taoist Huo Lian faced Xu Miao face to face, any expression on Xu Miao's face would be noticed by Taoist Huo Lian.

His expression remained unchanged, and he calmly looked at the few remaining golden restraints around the blue flame.As the cyan flame absorbed more and more flames from the Huosi Taoist, the power of the restriction became weaker and weaker.

Daoist Huosiam noticed something was wrong, turned his head suddenly, and saw that there were only a few pitiful small flames scattered on the island from the flames that were originally monstrous.

Taoist Huosiam's eyes were about to burst, he jumped back and swung his sickle, trying to disperse the blue flames.However, when the blade of the sickle touched the blue flame, the indestructible blade was actually melted, and the shape of the blade changed immediately.

"Yu Shan! You actually manipulated the flames and destroyed my sickle and fire needle! I am at odds with you!" Taoist Huo Sickle said in a stern voice.

Xu Miao replied casually: "Don't make it sound like we were at odds just now, since you led people to chase me, we have already been at odds."

"Since you are fighting with life and death, you must be prepared to destroy treasures and destroy people. It is difficult for a monk in the late stage of Jindan to look stingy and can't afford to lose."

Taoist Huosiam was already furious, but when he heard Xu Miao's words, he became even more angry.He clenched the sickle with both hands, quickly pulled it away from the blue flame, and slashed towards Xu Miao.

Since Xu Miao already knew that the cyan flame could perfectly restrain Taoist Huosickle, how could he use the fog-condensing sword to fight him.With a twist of his finger, the blue flame disappeared from the spot and appeared under the sickle again.

Taoist Huosiam was very afraid of the blue flame, so he quickly withdrew his momentum and interrupted the attack.Taoist Huosiam interrupted his attack, but Xu Miao would not.

He controlled the cyan flame to chase the sickle, and he himself raised the sword to attack the fire sickle Taoist.Taoist Huojian couldn't concentrate on two things. Under the attack of the blue flame and chaotic gas, Xu Miao finally caught the opportunity and pierced the back of Taoist Huojian with a sword.

Xu Miao turned the fog-condensing sword and directly smashed the opponent's heart to pieces, making it impossible for him to survive.Losing the control of Taoist Huosiam, the sporadic flames on the island were finally extinguished.

The two middle-stage Golden Core monks on the side watched Xu Miao deal with Taoist Huosiam tremblingly, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.Xu Miao squinted at the two of them, and one of the short monks knelt down and kowtowed continuously.

He was still muttering: "Fellow Daoist Yu Shan, you promised not to kill us. We are very grateful that you spared our lives." Under the extreme tension, the short monk's words were incoherent.

Xu Miao looked at the two of them coldly and said, "Of course, I mean what I say, and I will never kill you." Xu Miao emphasized the word "I".

Before the joyful expressions of the two appeared on their faces, Shui San had already killed each other with one sword strike.Xu Miao had indeed promised not to kill them, but now it was Shui San who did it, and it had nothing to do with him.

It's just a small word trick, and the two middle-stage Jindan monks will believe it, and they are also frightened, so they want to grab this life-saving straw.However, Xu Miao will not show mercy to those who once tried to kill him.

Kong Rui'er saw Xu Miao cleanly and neatly dealt with all those who pursued them, the admiration in her eyes was almost overflowing, and she wished she could kowtow to her master the next moment.

As soon as Xu Miao glanced at Shui San, she fell dizzy.He was too tired, running for his life for a long time, protecting Kong Rui'er, and fighting with high-ranking monks continuously, killing each other, consumed too much energy, it was normal that he couldn't hold on.

Shui San placed Xu Miao well and sent him spiritual power.Xu Miao's spiritual power was completely exhausted during the life-and-death fight with Taoist Huo Lian, and he didn't even have the strength to drink the spiritual source water.

After being in a coma for seven days and seven nights, Xu Miao finally woke up.Seeing Shui San and Kong Ruier safe and sound, Xu Miao was completely at ease.Instead of staying here, Xu Miao took the two of them back directly to Seaside City.

On this return trip, there was no unexpected situation, and no one who chased and killed Kong Ruier appeared. The three of them arrived at Kong Ruier's home smoothly.

Kong Ruier took out a piece of paper from a drawer on an old dressing table, and explained: "Before going to sea this time, my grandfather hid the box in a pawn shop of ordinary people in order not to let other monks know. "

"This piece of paper is the proof of the pawn. With this piece of paper, the box can be retrieved."

Xu Miao raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, surprised at Kong Gengze's fantastic ideas.Kong Gengze, who did not take the usual path, actually thought of putting monks' things in the hands of mortals, or in pawnshops, and really hid a group of monks, very witty.

Kong Ruier took the box from the clerk of the pawn shop, checked that there was no trace of opening on the box, and handed the box to Xu Miao.

After Xu Miao completed an order, she turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Kong Ruier.

"This junior knows that his talent is mediocre and his strength is low, but he still dares to ask senior if he can take this junior under his family and learn from his superb mana." Kong Rui'er's face was full of perseverance and tenacity.

Xu Miao has never taken on an apprentice, nor has she ever thought about taking on an apprentice. She has always been a loner.Accepting apprentices means a responsibility, and there are many things to consider.

He and Kong Rui'er just met by chance, and the intersection is because of the box that Kong Gengze promised him.Moreover, his current situation is more responsible, and he has a deeper communication with Kong Ruier, which is not good for Kong Ruier.

Xu Miao shook her head: "I have no intention of accepting apprentices, so get up. According to the exercises left by your grandfather, as long as you are tough enough, you can also become strong."

After pondering for a moment, Xu Miao handed out a storage bracelet, which contained some spirit stones and magic weapons that he used to use during the foundation building period, but now he can't use them.Kong Rui'er took the storage bracelet in a daze, and seeing Xu Miao's leaving figure, finally couldn't help but burst into tears.

After Xu Miao settled Kong Rui'er's matter, she decided to complete the matter Xie Ling'an entrusted to him, and went to the Ning'er Mountains to pay homage to a certain monk.

Xu Miao didn't know the exact location of the Ning'er Mountains. He needed to buy a map of Donglu.When buying the map, Xu Miao heard the discussion of the monks next to him.

"I heard that tonight's auction is the grandest and the most valuable auction item in this period of time."

"That is, in order to ensure that irrelevant people get mixed in, you need to pay 100 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones just to enter the venue."

"If I had the money, I would definitely go in." A monk suddenly lowered his voice, "It is rumored that there is a dragon tendon auction!"


Xu Miao didn't pay attention to what else the monks said. The dragon tendons alone aroused Xu Miao's interest.Dragons have long since disappeared from the world of self-cultivation, and the species of dragons only exists in jade slips.

And if Jiao goes up another level, it is a dragon.Because of this, Jiao tendons are also called dragon tendons.

Qing Jiao's injury has been bad all the time, because the Qing Jiao's tendons were taken away by the cultivator of Huashen ten thousand years ago.Now that there is a dragon tendon in the world, Xu Miao must get this dragon tendon for Qingjiao.

After Xu Miao took the Donglu map, she went directly to Duobao Pavilion.Duobao Pavilion is very powerful, no matter whether this auction is organized by Duobao Pavilion or not, they must have a way to enter.

When the maid of Duobao Pavilion saw the Duobao card handed out by Xu Miao, she knew that the monk was a distinguished customer and took the initiative to introduce him into the inner room.Xu Miao is at the Golden Core stage, so naturally he needs to be received by the Golden Core stage monks.

A monk at the early stage of Jindan appeared in the inner room, and Xu Miao explained to him the purpose of coming.

"To tell you the truth, this auction is jointly organized by several major families in this place, and Duobao Pavilion is not in charge. Duobao Pavilion only got [-] tickets, and all of them were taken away by the Loose Cultivation Alliance. Now there is not a single extra ticket."

"Didn't you say that you can buy a ticket for only 100 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones?" Xu Miao told the other party what he heard from the monks outside.

The initial cultivator did not hide anything, and said bluntly: "The number of admission tickets is limited. Only those who are eligible to obtain the admission tickets can spend 100 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones. Otherwise, there is nowhere to spend them even if there are spirit stones. "

Xu Miao frowned. According to what the other party said, he couldn't even enter the venue, so how could he buy dragon tendons for Qingjiao.It's not that Xu Miao is arrogant, but that he has long regarded dragon tendons as something in his pocket.

He has top-grade spirit stones on his body, and there are enough top-grade spirit stones, even if he smashes them with spirit stones, he can still hit the dragon's tendons.Since the auction will put so much emphasis on admission tickets, it also means that the protection will be very strict, and it is impossible to sneak in.

"Who has gotten the ticket?" Xu Miao's words sounded like they were just asking who would enter the auction, but they actually had a deeper meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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