Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 282 1 Months

Chapter 282 One Month
Du Yingyu also mentioned that he can still get [-] elixirs now, and when the beast tide progresses to the middle and late stages, I am afraid that these [-] elixirs will not be available.

After explaining everything, Du Yingyu took the four of them to the place where their team was in charge.The location they are in charge of is the junction of the offshore sea and the central sea. Usually, most of this place is a fourth-level sea beast, and there are only a very small number of fifth-level sea beasts.

Since the beast tide started, this place has become a paradise for level five and level six sea beasts, and the number of level five sea beasts is still decreasing, while the number of level six sea beasts is still increasing.

Du Yingyu instructed the three Jindan early-stage monks to only deal with the fifth-level sea beasts, and he and Zhuang Ming would be responsible for the sixth-level sea beasts.The three of Xu Miao were ordered to kill the fifth-level sea beast.

There are many kinds of fifth-level sea beasts, sometimes in the shape of fish, and sometimes in the shape of turtles. They are all kinds of strange things.These sea beasts seemed to have gone mad, and they were desperately attacking the monk.

Not far from Xu Miao, there were monks from other teams who quickly joined the battle.The light of the magic weapon and the shock wave from the collision of spiritual power resounded through the clouds.

Xu Miao flipped the fog condensing sword and killed the nearby sea beast.His combat power is much higher than that of the fifth-level sea beasts. Killing [-] fifth-level sea beasts is like playing a game. Once he sweeps the world, even the sixth-level sea beasts mixed with the fifth-level sea beasts will be affected.

At this time, Xu Miao would jump in front of the injured sixth-level sea beast, make up a sword, and completely kill the sixth-level sea beast.

Xu Miao was obsessed with killing sea beasts, and the aura left by the 梼杌 in his body was playing tricks, making him feel that killing sea beasts was a very enjoyable thing, and he didn't feel tired at all.

After one area of ​​sea beasts was emptied, Xu Miao cast Fenghuiyunduan, flew to another sea area, and continued to kill sea beasts.He only has sea beasts in his eyes, and only killing in his heart!kill!kill!

The monk next to Xu Miao looked at Xu Miao dumbfounded, and killed more than 100 sea beasts in a very short period of time by himself.

"That monk is too powerful, killing these sea beasts is just like playing!" A monk exclaimed, Xu Miao killed all his targets, and there was no need for him to do anything in the surrounding area.

Another monk said: "The most powerful thing is that he not only kills the fifth-level sea beasts, but also kills the sixth-level sea beasts. You noticed that his first sword did not. With that sword, almost no fifth-level sea beasts can block it." live, all must die."

"That is to say, he gave another sword to the sixth-level sea beast, and even snatched the job of a late-stage Golden Core monk. This person is too powerful, and he is only at the early stage of Golden Core. Which sect is he here to support?"

"As far as I know, the monks who came to support the sect from the Donglu Center only arrived in Haibin City as the second batch to meet the sea beasts. Our unified group is all the original monks in Haibin City."

The monks began to talk about Xu Miao's strength in various ways, and some even guessed Xu Miao's score on the beast killing list.No one doubted that Xu Miao would be the number one, they were just guessing the exact score.

With the last swing of the sword, a level six sea beast died under the sword, and Xu Miao's spiritual power was almost consumed.Xu Miao didn't wait until all her spiritual power was exhausted before stopping the kill.

The situation in the East China Sea is unpredictable, and he must always ensure that he has sufficient spiritual power, enough for him to escape, or enough for him to fight back.Xu Miao casually picked a nearby reef to restore her spiritual power.

"Is he starting to rest?"

"What do you mean by rest? They have spent too much spiritual power, and they are recovering their spiritual power!"

When Xu Miao opened his eyes again, he found that the monks next to him looked at him like a monster, including Du Yingyu, and he even saw a trace of grievance in it.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, your strength is so powerful! It's just a few hours ago that the number of sea beasts you killed has reached the minimum standard."

"It's only the beginning of the beast tide, and low-level sea beasts are relatively easy to find. After a while, when we come out next time, it may be difficult to find sea beasts of the same level. We can only look for high-level sea beasts."

Tang Rui quickly understood Xu Miao's meaning: "You want to accumulate enough points in this time, so you don't plan to come out next time?"

"It's impossible not to come out. Only if you show yourself strong enough, can you attract the attention of those above, and you won't be used as cannon fodder in the end."

What Xu Miao was even more worried about was that when the seaside city couldn't withstand the beast tide and the monks began to retreat in large numbers, some monks would definitely be left behind as the aftermath.

In case of being thrown into the seaside city and dying with those sea beasts, this kind of death is not what Xu Miao wants to see.Xu Miao's voice was not low, and the monks nearby could hear him clearly.

They all came here in the realm of comprehension, and they could also understand what Xu Miao meant.Some of them planned to return to the city after finishing this mission with the idea of ​​killing only [-], but they ignored the possibility that they would be abandoned if they were too weak.

All the monks cheered up and went all out to fight with the sea beast.After only fifteen days, the fifth-level sea beasts were almost gone, except for those killed by them, and those who entered the offshore waters.

The sea area they are in charge of is at this location, no matter what, they cannot leave this sea area.Therefore, they can only join forces to kill the sixth-level sea beasts, or even the seventh-level sea beasts.

Fortunately, there were very few level seven sea beasts, and with the cooperation of many monks, they were barely killed.The seventh-level sea beast has crossed a large realm, and even Xu Miao couldn't kill it.

The last time he and Tang Rui encountered a level [-] albacore, it was because the albacore was seriously injured that he was able to kill him.

But the seventh-level sea beasts encountered in the beast tide are all sea beasts with full combat power, no injuries, and no mess.No one here can kill each other alone.

In the struggle between life and death, Xu Miao, Du Yingyu, Zhuang Ming, and Tang Rui formed a profound friendship.Although Tang Rui is the young patriarch of the Tang family, Xu Miao never pays attention to the background of the other person when making friends, but only looks at the person's character.

"When I return to the seaside city this time, I must go to the Haiwu Building and order a large table of sea beast banquet, so that I can kill so many sea beasts in vain!" Zhuang Ming teased while knocking out the beads in his hand.

Tang Rui also said: "Be sure to add that damn stinky fish to the sea beast feast, if it wasn't for that fish, I wouldn't have such a long wound!"

Xu Miao and others laughed loudly, and the laughter echoed in this sea area.At this moment, everyone had bright smiles on their faces, forgetting about the beast tide.

No matter what happens in the future, whether the five of them can still get together and eat a feast of sea beasts alive, their experience of fighting side by side will be forever engraved in their memories and will never be forgotten.

One month away, there are still three days to go, and they need to support for another three days.It was at this time that the number of seventh-level sea beasts began to increase, no longer a few sporadic ones, but more than a dozen of them appeared together in front of everyone.

Up to now, each team of 50 people has been unable to make up, and the monks of several teams have been wiped out.The remaining monks rearranged and combined to make up 50 people.

The strength Xu Miao demonstrated within a month won the admiration and respect of these monks. They all set their sights on Xu Miao and were willing to follow his instructions.

Xu Miao did not refuse, walked among the crowd, and said, "The number of seventh-level sea beasts has begun to increase, but the number of sixth-level sea beasts has not decreased. This is very unfavorable to our current situation."

"The elixir is almost exhausted. Everyone is more or less wounded. Forced resistance will only cause greater damage." Xu Miao swept across all the monks in front of him.

"The minimum requirement of 30 points has been met by everyone. Therefore, I suggest that we give up active attacks and enter a defensive state with [-] people as a unit, only defending and not attacking."

"Persist for three days, and we can return to Seaside City, and have a month's rest." Xu Miao's suggestion was approved by all the monks. They worked hard here for almost a month, and they couldn't even get a good night's sleep. exhausted.

Now it's finally time to complete the one-month time limit, and none of them want to continue fighting.According to Xu Miao's instructions, all the monks formed a group of 30 people and a group of ten people, and each group was responsible for three hours of security guards.

This method of shift system allows the monks to obtain maximum rest time.Everyone retreated to the nearby larger reef and guarded in batches.

"Everyone only needs to support for one more day, everyone must persevere." Xu Miao loudly encouraged everyone, and every monk's face showed endless fatigue.

With Xu Miao's method, the monk did get a lot of rest time.Two days passed safely, leaving only the last day.At this time, even those monks who should rest opened their eyes wide.

The red sun has gradually set in the west, as long as this round of red sun rises again, they can return to Seaside City.Many monks were very excited and talked about their plans after returning to the city.

Xu Miao kept frowning, he always had an ominous premonition, but he couldn't tell what it was.All his spiritual consciousness spread out, spreading his spiritual consciousness to the extreme.

His current sea of ​​consciousness has not fully recovered, he dare not use the consciousness of Taoist Li Huan anymore, he can only rely on his own consciousness to observe the surrounding situation.Some sea beasts like to march in the dark, this is the last day, and he can't take it lightly.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of the waves suddenly getting bigger.Xu Miao's heart trembled, the secret channel was not good, and her spiritual sense immediately searched in the direction of the sound.

He soon understood the reason for the faint uneasiness in his heart. The beast tide intensified, and a large number of seventh-level sea beasts swam towards this sea area quickly.

"The seventh-level sea beast is here, everyone pay attention to vigilance!" Xu Miao's voice was stern.

(End of this chapter)

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