Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 355 Cultivating the Rotation Art

Chapter 355 Cultivating the Rotation Art
Dantian is the most vulnerable part of a monk's body.Whether in battle or in normal practice, monks will try to ensure that the dantian is not damaged.

This time, Xu Miao took the initiative to attack her dantian, which was an extremely dangerous move.But if this is not the case, Xu Miao will not be able to reverse the rotation of the golden core.

Although the laws of heaven and earth still have the laws of heaven and earth, these fifteen and a half laws have been refined by Xu Miao after all.In Xu Miao's body, any will of the laws of heaven and earth will no longer exist.

In Xu Miao's body, there is only Xu Miao's will, and Xu Miao is the king of the body and the rule of the body.Even the laws of heaven and earth, which are separated from the way of heaven, cannot change Xu Miao's iron will.

The golden dragon formed by the laws of heaven and earth was forcibly broken up by Xu Miao and split into scattered laws, which could no longer have an effect on the golden elixir.Xu Miao seized this opportunity, suppressed the instinctive discomfort of the body, and forcibly operated the golden elixir.

The chest was constantly heaving, the blue veins were bulging, and all parts of the body were clamoring and resisting.Xu Miao snorted coldly, his body would never allow anything against his will.

He kept chanting the formulas of the "Reincarnation Nirvana Jue" to fight against the way of heaven and earth.Qingjiao and Xiaotian looked at Xu Miao's face, but they knew very well what kind of pain Xu Miao was going through now.

The reversal of spiritual power and golden core made Xu Miao's aura begin to weaken and wither.Xu Miao felt the change without any panic.

His wind-attribute cultivation method "Western Wind Withers the Green Tree" and "Reincarnation Nirvana Jue" have the same effect.It is to let the body first enter the state of decay and apoptosis, and then recover again, and improve the cultivation level through the circulation of life and death.

At this moment, Xu Miao admired the senior monk who created "The West Wind Withers the Green Tree". He had a guess that this senior monk probably got inspiration to create the exercises based on the Nirvana formula of reincarnation.

His body has long been used to life and death, and his spiritual power and golden core are functioning step by step.His skin and muscles were all aging and atrophied, and his black hair turned white.

All the objects in the dantian lost their vitality and exuded the breath of death.Reincarnation, nirvana, without reincarnation, how can there be nirvana.

Xu Miao's breathing became weaker and weaker, even Qing Jiao and Xiaotian couldn't feel Xu Miao's breath.Even the Mist Condensing Sword placed beside him let out bursts of mournful mourning, mourning the imminent death of its master.

"It's too dangerous for him to do this. If he is not careful, he will turn his body around and go straight to death!" Xiaotian just wanted to step forward and interrupt Xu Miao's cultivation.

Qing Jiao frowned, and reached out to stop Xiaotian: "If you go over now, it won't bring any benefits to Xu Miao, but it will speed up his death!"

"All we can do is trust him. He has encountered too many crises, but every time, he has survived safely, and this time is no exception." Qing Jiao's voice was heavy, but there was a hint of it in his tone. disturbed.

Xu Miao's five senses declined along with the breath, and she didn't hear the conversation between Qingjiao and Xiaotian.Many scenes in his life flashed through his mind, each scene turned into a picture, repeated back and forth.

His state of mind has never been so calm, calmly looking at the scene of his life.At this moment, Xu Miao completely became a bystander, silently watching everything he had experienced.

No sorrow, no joy, no pain, no joy, everything is just a fleeting moment.The picture gradually disappeared, and the spiritual power, golden core, and spiritual consciousness in the body stopped functioning at the same time.

Xu Miao's aura completely disappeared, and Xiaotian's eyes widened suddenly. She stared at Xu Miao firmly, without breathing, without fluctuations in spiritual power, without scatter of consciousness, and she looked completely dead.

At the moment before falling into the darkness, Xu Miao still recited the exercise formula of the Nirvana Jue of Wheel Turning.He seemed to see the future, and not far away, he saw himself in loose clothes.

Xu Miao has remained dead for a year.Xiaotian and Qingjiao went from full of expectations at the beginning to despair later.They were unwilling to admit that Xu Miao was dead, but they had to admit it.

The magic weapon has a special contract relationship with its master, Xiaotian can't perceive this life-and-death relationship, and Qing Jiao can't feel the contract relationship.

The fog-condensing sword changed from the initial mournful cry to silence.The faint blue light that had been on the sword dissipated, and the whole sword was like a dead sword, unable to feel any power or sword energy.

Only a thin layer of dragon power protected Xu Miao's body inside, and it didn't change whether Xu Miao was alive or dead.The monster egg, which relied on the dragon's power to survive, did not leave Xu Miao, and quietly absorbed the dragon's power.

Xu Miao seemed to have stayed in a dark place for a long time, he couldn't find the direction to go, and he didn't know where it was.The Sanskrit singing in my ears has changed from barely audible at the beginning to the current Sanskrit sound that is deafening.

"Reincarnation of life and death, meaningless flowers bloom and fall."

"One thought is persistent, and one thought is eternal."


The sound of Sanskrit singing guided Xu Miao to move forward.The surroundings are all in darkness, only the front is a piece of light.The Sanskrit singing did not stop, and the footsteps did not stop.

One step at a time, one step at a time, the dazzling but hopeful light shone on Xu Miao, leading him out of the darkness.Xu Miao's body still has her eyes closed, but her breath is changing.

Aged skin, atrophied muscles, and gray hair are all transforming into vitality.Xu Miao's breath gradually strengthened, so strong that Xiaotian and Qingjiao couldn't ignore it.

"He's not dead! I knew it, he'll be fine!" Xiaotian suddenly saw Xu Miao's "resurrection", and was incoherent for a while.

With the return of vitality to the body, the five senses are gradually recovering.Xu Miao heard Xiaotian's excited voice, and there was an obvious smile on the corner of her mouth.

The Sanskrit singing continued, and Xu Miao seemed to be in a Buddhist hall.However, there is not a single Buddha in the Buddhist hall, only the word wheel.Put it to death before you can get a new life.

The spiritual power resumed its rotation, the golden core bloomed with shining luster again, and every object burst out with strong vitality.Xu Miao's aura was stronger than before, and he could clearly feel that his cultivation was impacting towards the Nascent Soul Stage.

It's just that Xu Miao's soul is not stable now, so she is not suitable for advanced Nascent Soul.Xu Miao poured spiritual power into the golden elixir, suppressing the urge to advance.

The circulation of spiritual power did not slow down because of Xu Miao's suppression, but became faster and faster, and Jinda's rotation was also constantly accelerating.Xu Miao pinched the Dharma seal with both hands according to the instructions in the Nirvana formula.

These Dharma seals are the monks who created the "Reincarnation Nirvana Jue". According to the Dharma seals practiced by the Buddha, they have been transformed into Taoist thought.With the clarity and emptiness of the Buddha, it drives the power of Taoism.

Xu Miao pinched the seal, from being obscure and unfamiliar at first, to proficient and fast later, her hands on her chest completely became afterimages.His spiritual power is also constantly improving. When the spiritual power has gathered to a certain level, Xu Miao knows that he has reached the peak.

It was time to start the second rotation, and Xu Miao immediately turned her spiritual power in reverse, more than doubling the difficulty of the previous one.However, Xu Miao already knew the law of reverse operation. For him, it was just repeating the previous action.

After Xu Miao's aura reached its peak, it went into decline again.This time, although Xiaotian and Qingjiao were still worried, they calmed down a lot.

After all, Xu Miao survived such a dangerous situation for the first time, and this time, there will definitely be no problem.Xu Miao got used to the disappearance of her five senses, and her eyes turned into darkness again.

In the dark, Xu Miao quietly recited the formula of Nirvana.Sanskrit sounds from itself, triggering changes in the outside world, greatly shortening the time of "death".

Buddhists firmly believe in the word "nine" and believe that all laws cannot escape nine.This reincarnation Nirvana Jue also requires nine times of reincarnation to truly Nirvana.

The speed of Xu Miao's rotation became faster and faster, and the breath in her whole body became stronger and stronger.When the ninth round ended, a phantom of a Buddha appeared behind Xu Miao.

It's just that this phantom has a strict appearance, but it looks exactly the same as Xu Miao's, holding the fog-condensing sword in his hand, ready to fight at any time.Xu Miao's body was covered with a layer of golden light, which indicated that the reincarnation Nirvana Jue had been practiced successfully.

The image of the Buddha behind him gradually dissipated, and Xu Miao suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes filled with indifference and compassion, just like the real Buddha who came to the world.Xu Miao closed her eyes, concealed the residual power of the reincarnation Nirvana formula, and restored her former expression.

It took Xu Miao nine years just to practice the reincarnation Nirvana Jue.If it weren't for the power of the dragon, and Xu Miao's own talent, he would never be able to successfully cultivate the most difficult technique of the Tiandingmen within nine years.

With 41 years left, Zhonglu's monk ranking competition is about to begin.In other words, he must obtain the soul stabilizing method of the Soul Wumen in the next time, and advance to the Nascent Soul stage.

After a little calculation, Xu Miao determined that the matter was extremely difficult.For ordinary monks to attack the Nascent Soul, it will take decades just to retreat.

And he needs to leave this place in a short period of 41 years, enter the Soul Martial Gate, obtain the stable soul technique, and retreat and advance.Add it all up, without a big one for decades, it is impossible to complete it.

Since he couldn't catch up with time, he didn't force it.Since Xu Miao practiced the wheel-turning Nirvana Jue, the temperature of his blood can be adjusted according to his will.It can be freezing cold, or it can be unbearably hot.

He used his spiritual power to raise the temperature of the blood, then cut his finger, and dripped the blood on the monster egg next to him.The most important thing now is to let the monster inside the egg break out as soon as possible.

Zhonglu's monk ranking competition is held once every 100 years. At worst, it will not be too late to participate in the next time.As for the one who promised Ye Chen, if we have a chance to meet in the future, then I just apologize.

The breath of the monster egg is getting stronger day by day, and the dependence on Xu Miao is getting stronger day by day.Xu Miao, who has practiced the Nirvana Jue of Reincarnation, is no longer afraid of the high temperature here.

Therefore, Xu Miao did not need to release the dragon power to protect her body from high temperature damage.Even without the dragon force, the monster egg still clings to Xu Miao, completely treating Xu Miao as its relative.

(End of this chapter)

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