Chapter 464

Due to her injury, Shui Mei's cultivation has never returned to the original level. Now after using the elixir, her cultivation has directly increased to the late Nascent Soul stage, and has faintly reached the peak state of the late stage.

Seeing Xu Miao come in, Shui Mei also ended her practice.The two have just formed a Taoist couple, so they have to spend some time together.A few days later, He Qinggu's disciples came to inform Xu Miao that He Qinggu's various items had been packed and he was ready to leave.

When Xu Miao came to the square, he saw that all the disciples had assembled.When the disciples saw Xu Miao and Shui Mei appear together, they all bent down and saluted respectfully.

The person in charge of guiding the migration of He Qinggu sect was a Nascent Soul cultivator from Xihui Sect. When he saw Xu Miao, he exchanged pleasantries and told Xu Miao the steps of He Qinggu's migration.

The teleportation channel between the secluded earth plane and the earth-space plane is not in the west land, but in the middle land.Since building a transmission channel between planes requires a lot of manpower and material resources, the remote plane has no plan to build another transmission channel.

All families, sects, and monks who are not in the middle land need to go to the middle land by themselves.The cultivator of Huashen has expanded the teleportation array between continents, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people for teleportation at a time.

Xu Miao nodded to show that she understood that He Qinggu already had quite a few monks, and with the merger of the Huyu Sect, the number of monks increased even more.At this time, choosing to use the teleportation array to go to the intercontinental teleportation array is a huge expense for the sect.

After discussing with the high-level sect, Xu Miao decided to use the flying magic weapon to go there.Countless flying treasure ships were summoned, and monks entered in order according to their cultivation level.

The monks who boarded the flying treasure ship were a little excited, full of curiosity about the remote plane, and some had a nostalgic look on their faces, reluctant to leave their homeland.

Regardless of the mood of the monks, they all need to go to that strange plane.When the flying treasure ship was flying in the air, Xu Miao could clearly see countless flying magic weapons taking off and flying towards the location of the teleportation array between continents.

According to the size of the sect and family, large sects and large families pass through the teleportation array first.Due to the existence of Xu Miao and Shui Mei, He Qinggu can already be regarded as a large sect in the West Land.

Therefore, after a group of veteran monks from large sects passed through the teleportation formation, He Qinggu's monks were also preparing to enter the teleportation formation.At this time, some medium-sized sects have not received the news that Xu Miao has returned to Heqing Valley, and Shui Mei has advanced to the late Nascent Soul.

When they saw that He Qinggu passed them and was about to teleport, they were very surprised and expressed their dissatisfaction with actions.Xu Miao and Shui Mei stayed in the crowd, and the Nascent Soul cultivators of these medium-sized sects did not see them.

A middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator walked up to the teleportation formation and blocked the way of He Qinggu's disciples: "Those who have been promoted from small sects are just petty. Your strength is not qualified to use the teleportation formation before us!"

"That's right, you, He Qinggu, only have one True Lord Shuimei in the early Yuanying stage, don't be too presumptuous and arrogant, let alone pass us by whimsical ideas!"

Responsible for guiding He Qinggu's disciples into the teleportation formation is He Qinggu's current head, Lu Zhou, and several Jindan stage monks.They were unable to resist the Nascent Soul cultivator, and were directly beaten back by a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The quarrel between monks in the Nascent Soul Stage will naturally be resolved by the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage.Xu Miao noticed that someone blocked He Qinggu's disciple from teleporting, frowned, and walked to the side of the injured Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou briefly informed Xu Miao of the situation, and Xu Miao looked at the Nascent Soul cultivator in front of him with a serious face.Several people were also monks in the mid-stage Nascent Soul, but under Xu Miao's eyes, they felt that they had nothing to hide, felt an unprecedented terror, and wished they could turn around and leave immediately.

However, they provoked this matter first, and they need to resolve it no matter what.Add up the Nascent Soul cultivators of several of their sects, are they afraid that they won't be able to win a mid Nascent Soul cultivator!
The monk who attacked Lu Zhou took a step forward: "I know that you, He Qinggu, are eager to enter the middle land, so that you can reach the remote plane first and obtain a superior area. We can all understand this." Xu Miao half-closed her eyes, and I said Quietly watch you pretend.

Feeling Xu Miao's eyes, the monk felt a chill behind his back. When he couldn't get off the tiger, he cleared his throat and continued: "However, teleportation also needs to be reasonable. He Qinggu has just been promoted to a medium-sized sect. How can you get past me? Sect, send it first?"

This person wasted a long time talking, and finally got to the point.Xu Miao squinted at the other party, and when she was about to say something, Shui Mei came from behind and said coldly, "Can He Qinggu be the one to teleport first because of my master's late-stage cultivator level?"

In front of outsiders, Shui Mei has always been cold-hearted and cold-hearted, with a frosty expression, which made the early monks completely shut their mouths in the middle of the work.They can work together to stop a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but they can't work together to stop a big monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

These monks were ashamed of themselves, and stepped aside with embarrassment on their faces.Seeing this situation, the remaining few large families and sects were very upset.

Even though He Qinggu now has a late-stage great monk, he is just a newcomer, so why is the transmission order ahead of them.Their background is not only a late stage monk, but also many mid-stage and early-stage monks.

No matter from which aspect, they should be the first to transmit.From the corner of Xu Miao's eyes, he noticed the large sect. The members of the family could not sit still and walked in front of him.

"Shuimei Zhenjun is right. You, He Qinggu, have become a large sect, but what qualifications do you have to pass us and enter the teleportation formation?" The order of entering the teleportation formation is likely to be related to the subsequent selection of land boundaries. No one wants to lag behind .

Xu Miao glanced at the person who spoke, "Just because I, Xu Miao, is standing here, am I qualified enough?" Xu Miao asked back, but it changed the color of these late master monks.

In Xilu, everyone knows Xu Miao's reputation.Fighting higher and higher, overwhelming the monks of the famous sect, and helping the Xilu cultivation world to resist the beast tide, every pile, every piece, is telling of Xu Miao's powerful combat power.

Xu Miao's name has long been the target of all the monks in the West.They all hope that they can become the second Xu Miao, but until now, Xu Miao is still Xu Miao, and no one can stand by him.

Hesitation flashed across the face of the monks in the later period. This matter involves the future magic circle of the sect. No matter how famous Xu Miao is, they have to give it a try. If they can defeat Xu Miao, they will not only get the priority transmission order, but also Gaining fame, no matter how you think about it, is a matter of making money without losing money.

"Qualification is not judged by name, but by strength." A late-stage monk looked at Xu Miao and said slowly.All the late monks are like human spirits, if one says this, the others will naturally reconsider.

Xu Miao's sharp eyes swept across the four late-stage great monks in front of him. In the cultivation world where the transformation god monks do not appear, the late-stage great monks are definitely the pinnacle of the cultivation world.If the four of them besiege Xu Miao alone, they have absolute confidence and certainty that they can defeat Xu Miao.

"Hehe——" Xu Miao smiled suddenly, "If you want to fight with me, of course you can. But you should know my rules when you compete with me. I won't consider competitions without stakes."

At this time, it happened to be the best opportunity to strengthen He Qinggu, and Xu Miao would never miss it.In Xilu, Xu Miao didn't think that any late monk could beat him.

"What do you want to bet on?"

Xu Miao glanced at the sect behind them: "It's very simple, use your sect as a bet. Because the Huyu faction is not strong enough, it provoked me, He Qinggu, and was finally sent by me, He Qinggu."

"It's the same with you. If you lose the battle, the sect will be merged into He Qinggu. If you win, He Qinggu will be merged into your sect. I, Xu Miao, and my Taoist companion Shui Mei will also transfer to your sect. How about this bet? Good deal?"

In this bet, the biggest temptation is not He Qinggu's sect, but Xu Miao himself.With Xu Miao's joining, their sect can be directly upgraded to a higher level, greatly increasing the strength of the sect.

It's hard for a monk not to be tempted by Xu Miao's bet.In order to make them fully agree, Xu Miao didn't mind adding another fire: "The four of you can cooperate and join forces to deal with me alone. I don't think you have ever seen such a cost-effective competition."

The four late stage monks were completely moved when they heard Xu Miao's proposal.Four against one, there's no reason why you can't win.No matter how powerful Xu Miao is, he is only one person.Even in a war of attrition, Xu Miao could be exhausted to death.

The four of them looked at each other, and after a simple sound transmission, they agreed to Xu Miao's condition: "Let's make the oath of heaven." This condition was too generous, and they were even more worried that Xu Miao would not fulfill it after the defeat.

The corner of Xu Miao's mouth curled up into an obvious arc: "Of course." The five of them made an oath of heaven. Although some of He Qinggu's disciples had seen Xu Miao's strength, they were still a little worried.

After all, what Xu Miao was facing at the time was the mid-stage Nascent Soul monks of the same level, but now he had to face four late-stage monks.As for He Qinggu, the disciples who merged from the Huyu Sect all looked at this battle with gloating expressions.

Anyway, their sect is gone, it is better to follow the old big sect than follow He Qinggu.As the head of the sect, although Lu Zhou didn't know Xu Miao well, he also knew that Xu Miao would not give up his sect at will.

Shui Mei understood Xu Miao's strength, and also knew that the four people in front of her would not be Xu Miao's opponents at all, so she stepped aside with confidence.In order not to affect other monks, the battlefield between Xu Miao and the four late-stage monks was placed high in the sky, and a barrier was set up.

"Xu Miao, if you are considering surrendering now, we can stop now. After all, they are all monks from the Western Continent. If they fight too much, they will also make jokes for monks from other continents." A monk said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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