Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 536 Dongmu's Test

Chapter 536 Dongmu's Test
The cultivator who gave birth to the red fruit last time was also accepted as a direct disciple by Zhenjun Dongmu.True Monarch Dongmu has considerable attainments in various avenues, and the knowledge he has learned is so extensive that it is difficult for ordinary people to hold a candle to him.

Taoist Lingshu also mentioned that Zhenjun Dongmu already has eight direct disciples. If Xu Miao can really become Dongmu's direct disciple, his seniority in Beisong Palace will be the same as Taoist Lingshu. Taoists and brothers are commensurate.

Xu Miao nodded from time to time while listening to Taoist Lingshu's introduction.Suddenly, a monk in the mid-stage of fusion flew in front of him. When he saw Taoist Lingshu, he was surprised and said, "Junior brother actually succeeded in accepting Xu Miao as a disciple?"

Taoist Lingshu smiled wryly and shook his head in denial: "How is it possible, I want to take Xu Miao to Master Dongmu's cave." The other party was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly cast an envious look at Xu Miao.

"This little guy is really lucky. He got the favor of Senior Uncle Dongmu as soon as he came." After finishing speaking, he left immediately.Judging from the monks he met along the way, they all treated Xu Miao with envy.

It seems that this Dongmu monk enjoys a very high status in Beisong Palace, otherwise how could he show envious expressions when he learned that he can become Dongmu's disciple.

When Taoist Lingshu stopped flying, what Xu Miao saw was a towering mountain.

"The name of this mountain is Dongshan, and it is also the residence of Master Dongmu. All his disciples live here. Without the order from Master Dongmu, the rest of the monks are not allowed to enter the mountain." Taoist Ling Shu put Xu Miao at the foot of the mountain, and then It turned into a ray of light and left.

Xu Miao raised her head, looked at the mountain, and noticed that various complicated magic circles were arranged around the mountain.A beautiful female cultivator walked out of the formation, smiled at Yan Yan and said, "Is Xu Miao right? Master is already waiting for you, come with me."

Xu Miao was a little shocked that this beautiful female cultivator turned out to be the strength in the early stage of fusion.He imagined that if he really became the disciple of True Monarch Dongmu in the future, he would call the monks in the body-fit stage senior sisters. This world is really changing fast.

The female cultivator didn't speak all the way, so Xu Miao naturally wouldn't take the initiative to speak, and quietly followed the female cultivator to the top of the mountain.The female cultivator walked to the only courtyard on the top of the mountain and said loudly: "Master, the disciple has brought Xu Miao here."

A Zhonghou voice came from the courtyard: "Let him wait, you step back." After a salute, the female cultivator retreated respectfully.Xu Miao thought for a while, but still stood obediently in the courtyard, waiting for the closed door in front of her to open.

As time passed, Xu Miao suddenly found that his cultivation base was slowly decreasing.It's just that the downward trend is very weak. If it wasn't for Xu Miao's keen sense of consciousness, she wouldn't be able to notice it at all.

Xu Miao's pupils shrank, and her complexion instantly became solemn.He quickly thought about his situation, and there would definitely be no problem if he came here led by Taoist Ling Shu.

Then the most likely thing is to test him.Xu Miao has also heard that some powerful monks will reassess the qualifications of monks when they accept apprentices.If you fail the assessment, you will be returned.

It is estimated that the entire Beisong Palace knows about Xu Miao being favored by Master Dongmu.If he failed the assessment and was returned, he would definitely become the laughing stock of the entire Beisong Palace.No matter what the test is, Xu Miao will not back down easily.

The surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower, and the snowflakes are falling one after another. At this time, the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body has disappeared. In this cold environment, it is impossible to resist.It is even more difficult than the mental assessment of the second level of entry.

Xu Miao couldn't help but slander in her heart—there's something wrong with the monks in Beisong Palace. They like to seal the spiritual power of the test subjects and prevent them from resisting with their spiritual power.But no matter how much she slandered, Xu Miao didn't dare to speak out, so she could only resist.

The body was almost frozen, Xu Miao looked around and simply started running in circles.Through exercise, to provide heat to the body, to prevent him from freezing and fainting in this low temperature environment.

Xu Miao ran and jumped almost non-stop, but could only dispel the slight chill.Xu Miao has been moving in the yard for ten days, and the real master Dongmu in the room still hasn't said a word.

Outside the courtyard stood a white-clothed swordsman and the beautiful woman who had guided Xu Miao up the mountain.

"Master's assessment this time is really strict. When Xiao Ba started, Master only passed the assessment for seven days. Could it be that Xu Miao is not qualified enough, so he needs to be tested for a few more days?"

Jianxiu shook his head: "I'm afraid it's not that simple." After Jianxiu finished speaking, a mysterious thunder suddenly fell from the sky and hit Xu Miao.Xu Miao didn't even have time to scream, so she just rolled aside to avoid Xuan Lei.

These mysterious thunders were also more powerful, and Xu Miao found that half of her body was frozen after being hit a little.Xu Miao looked at it without any response, the door was tightly closed, but a fighting spirit arose in her heart.

If you want to use these things to test him, okay, then try to see if you can really knock him down.Another mysterious thunder fell, and Xu Miao could only roll to the side in embarrassment, her body covered with snowflakes.

The chill, as well as the pain from Xuan Lei falling on his body, are stimulating Xu Miao's nerves.Xu Miao is really cold, hungry and aching now. Because her body is affected by the mysterious thunder, she can't dodge as flexibly as before, and is constantly hit by the mysterious thunder.

Xu Miao could even clearly smell the burning smell on his body. He glanced at the horrific arm, the flesh on the hand was opened by Xuan Lei, exposing the bones.Because of the high temperature brought by Xuan Lei, the bones and muscles turned brown-black.

The Xuan Lei was still falling, and Xu Miao's figure was getting slower and slower. In the end, she couldn't dodge the Xuan Lei's attack at all, and could only let the Xuan Lei fall on her body.

"Leave now, you don't have to suffer these pains, and you are still a cultivator who can summon wind and rain." Zhenjun Dongmu's voice suddenly came from the room.

Xu Miao's face was scorched black by Xuan Lei's beating. He grinned and showed his white teeth: "Since I'm here, I won't leave easily. Unless I die here, I will never leave this courtyard gate! "

The room became quiet again, and more and more profound thunders continued to fall, and together with the profound thunders, there were blazing flames.The snow in the courtyard was still falling, and three different pains, flame, thunder, ice and snow, tormented Xu Miao for a long time.

Xu Miao is a person who refuses to admit defeat in his bones.The more you make him give up, the more he will not give up.Xu Miao closed her eyes tightly and endured this test.

It's just pain, he Xu Miao has experienced too much, even without spiritual protection this time, he Xu Miao is still the Xu Miao who will not give up lightly!
When everything was calm, Xu Miao slowly opened her eyes.He felt his body, but there was still no sign of spiritual recovery.The voice in the room came again: "There are too many fallen leaves on the mountain road, go and clean the mountain road."

"At noon every day, I don't want to see any fallen leaves appear on the mountain path." A broom suddenly appeared in front of Xu Miao.Xu Miao laughed at herself, picked up the broom without any hesitation, and began to clean the mountain road.

Without spiritual power, it would take Xu Miao just one day to walk the mountain road with his feet, not to mention that he had to clean up the fallen leaves on the mountain road, and he had to make sure that there were no fallen leaves at noon.

In other words, Xu Miao has to shuttle between the mountain roads non-stop to check whether there are fallen leaves on the mountain road.Prior to this, Xu Miao experienced seven to seven days of flames, mysterious thunder, and ice and snow tests.

Already so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back, he was holding a broom at this moment, his eyes were all black.But Xu Miao didn't stop, but quickly ran to the mountain road and began to clean the mountain road.

Xu Miao never treats himself badly. While cleaning the fallen leaves, he observes the spiritual trees on the side of the mountain road, looking for the spiritual trees with spiritual fruits.Xu Miao was busy day after day, and only after noon, after Zhenjun Dongmu checked the situation of the mountain road, did he have a short rest.

When the wind is felt, Xu Miao will start cleaning again.This cleaning took Xu Miao a whole year.For a year, Xu Miao didn't even do other things, just went back and forth, cleaning up and down the fallen leaves.

A year is nothing to a long-lived cultivator who transforms himself into a god.And Xu Miao's body became stronger because of cleaning the mountain road this year.

At the very beginning, Xu Miao was panting heavily as soon as he came down, and was so tired that he couldn't even move a finger.Up to now, Xu Miao can easily go back and forth a few times without changing expression or heartbeat.

On this day, that beautiful female cultivator appeared in front of Xu Miao again: "No need to sweep, Master is looking for you."

When Xu Miao heard this, she blinked, took a broom and followed Nurse Qingli back to the courtyard on the top of the mountain. The nun pushed open the door and retreated voluntarily.Xu Miao glanced at Zhenjun Dongmu who was sitting cross-legged on the futon with his back turned to him, walked in and saluted respectfully.

"After cleaning the mountain road for a year, how do you think you are doing?"

Xu Miao scratched her head: "It's good, I learned about the situation in Dongshan, and I know that the leaves of each spiritual tree are time, and I have strengthened my body."

True Lord Dongmu did not affirm Xu Miao's answer, nor did he deny it, but turned around and looked at Xu Miao.It was the first time Xu Miao saw the strongest man in Beisong Palace. His face was very young and handsome.

It's just that on the face, there is a long scar that extends from the forehead to the chin, ruining the entire face.True Lord Dongmu took a careful look at Xu Miao, but Xu Miao had the illusion that he could see through her whole body.

"You can produce red fruit, which proves that you are destined to me. Today, you will enter my Dongmu sect and become my ninth closed disciple. Your body contains too many impurities from the lower plane, which need to be eliminated as soon as possible."

"The forging of snow, thunder, and fire in the previous 49 days, and the cleanup in a year's time, have only been partially completed, and not all have been cleaned up."

(End of this chapter)

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