Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 538 Breakthrough

Chapter 538 Breakthrough
There are many disciples in Beisong Palace who major in alchemy, and there have also been alchemists with outstanding talents, but there has never been a single one who, like Xu Miao, was able to successfully make the elixir when refining Tianyuan Dan for the first time. Refined, and obtained such a good-looking elixir.

Dong Mu looked at the two elixirs in his hand and asked, "What is the highest order rate of the elixirs you have refined?"

"Twelve percent." Xu Miao said calmly, but this answer did not make her calm at all.All monks in the cultivation world know that one alchemy material can normally only refine ten pills.Therefore, alchemists will also use the number of alchemy to describe the level of alchemy.

For an ordinary alchemist, it is very difficult to achieve [-]% of the success rate of a certain kind of elixir, and it needs thousands or even tens of thousands of refinements.Even if there is an [-]% alchemy rate, it is impossible to achieve an [-]% alchemy rate every time after that.

Alchemists who can achieve a [-]% alchemy rate are almost rare, and a [-]% alchemy rate is even rarer in ten thousand years.Dong Mu looked at Xu Miao and felt as if he had picked up a treasure.

Then, Dong Mu examined Xu Miao's formation and talisman.When all the assessments were completed, not only Tang Du, Jiang Xieyue, but even Dong Mu fell silent.

A monk from the lower plane is able to understand so many aspects.You must know that even Dong Mu himself could not achieve such profound attainments in these four aspects.

For Xu Miao's practice, he decided to major in Kendo and minor in the remaining three.Dongmu handed Xu Miao a bunch of jade slips, which contained the exercises that Xu Miao needed to practice in the future, as well as some situations in the upper plane, as well as the rules of Beisong Palace.

Dong Mu waved his hand and told Jiang Xieyue to take Xu Miao to his residence.Dong Mu once did a fortune-telling for himself and knew that he needed to accept nine disciples. Now that he accepted Xu Miao, Xu Miao naturally became his closed disciple.

As the youngest disciple with the lowest cultivation level, his treatment is no different from that of his senior brothers and sisters.Jiang Xieyue led Xu Miao and introduced him to the disciples of Dongmu's sect.

There are nine disciples under Dongmu's sect including Xu Miao, they are usually called brothers and sisters, and the relationship is the most harmonious.Now in Dongshan Peak, apart from Tang Du and Jiang Xieyue, only senior brother Qi Ziheng is retreating and advancing in the cave mansion.Once successfully advanced, Qi Ziheng will become a Mahayana monk.

"The rest of the senior brothers and sisters have been traveling for the time being and are not in Dongshan Peak. I will introduce you when I get back." Jiang Xieyue brought Xu Miao to a courtyard and handed Xu Miao a A storage ring.

"Here is your one-year quota of inner disciples, 1 yuan of low-grade spar. After you advance to the refining stage, you will be able to become a core disciple, and your quota will increase accordingly."

"There are other things that are not very important. You can just read the jade slips yourself. Next, I will take you to the Jingling Pool. There are impurities in your body that you can't detect. They must be removed as soon as possible to avoid Affect your future advancement."

Xu Miao obediently followed Jiang Xieyue to a pool where mist was rising.There is a stone tablet next to the pool, and the three characters "Jinglingchi" are written on the stone tablet.

"Take off all your clothes and enter the Jingling Pool. You need to soak for 81 days to remove all impurities. The water in the pool will slowly enter your body. You can't use your spiritual power to resist, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted!" Xu Miao sincerely thanked you Finally, Jiang Xieyue was sent away.

Xu Miao felt a slight chill just by approaching the Tan Jing Lingchi.He stripped off his clothes three times and five times, and jumped into the water.As soon as he entered the water, Xu Miao couldn't help shivering.

Chi Shui sensed someone entering, and rushed towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao remembered Jiang Xieyue's exhortation, spread out her spiritual power, opened the pores all over her body, and let the pool water enter her body.

Xu Miao leaned on the stone by the pool, except for being a little cold, it was still very comfortable.Xu Miao could see with her own eyes that traces of black impurities were discharged from his body and washed away by the pool water.

Although his flesh and blood were re-growth with the help of spiritual power, since the aura of heaven and earth in the lower plane itself contains impurities, there are still many impurities in his body now.

Leaning in the pool, Xu Miao felt like she was going to float. After 81 days, Xu Miao felt refreshed like never before.He condensed spiritual power in his hands, and found that the purity of spiritual power had gone up to a higher level than before.

Xu Miao was overjoyed, and walked briskly back to the courtyard where she lived.The formation outside the courtyard was arranged by Zhenjun Dongmu.Unless there is a monk whose strength is stronger than Zhenjun Dongmu's attack, otherwise this formation will never be broken.

On the basis of the original formation, Xu Miao added a reminder formation.With Xu Miao's current strength, it is completely impossible to arrange a formation that can resist the monks of the fusion stage and the Mahayana stage.

Therefore, Xu Miao's formation did not focus on defense, but on reminders.As long as someone approaches, the formation will remind him.

Being a monk in the Mahayana period, Xu Miao did not dare to make trouble under the eyes of the other party. Shui San, Shui Qi, and Shui Jiu could only stay in the Hunting Stone.

After Xu Miao arranged everything, she began to read the jade slips that Dong Mu gave him.The first is to introduce the jade slips from the upper plane of the sky. The details of the news from Beisong Palace are naturally much better than the news Xu Miao got in a small market.

After reading all of them, Xu Miao had a general understanding of the upper plane of the sky.Xu Miao put the jade slip aside and picked up the jade slip of the exercises.

There are three kinds of exercises in total, one is the exercise that records body skills - Yiwei Crossing the River, a low-grade heavenly grade; The camouflage technique-the lunar concealment technique, is a heavenly low-grade.

As expected of a third-level sect, all the exercises they used were heaven-level exercises.This is almost impossible to imagine in the lower plane.Xu Miao began to practice while lamenting the wealth of Beisong Palace.

Xu Miao didn't know that this was his special treatment as a closed disciple of a late Mahayana monk.Only Dongmu's disciples can enjoy the treatment of three heavenly exercises as soon as they get started.

Even that guy Li Gu, until now, he has only obtained one top-grade earth-level kung fu.Xu Miao first started to practice the formula of crossing the river with a reed. The light body skills he practiced before are no longer suitable for him to use now.

Now, having just reached the upper plane, there is no way to refine the laws of heaven and earth.Without comprehending the spatial laws of a plane, one cannot perform teleportation.Therefore, in order to speed up the flexibility in the battle, Xu Miao can only focus on light-weight exercises.

The spiritual power circulated quickly according to the instructions of the formula, and Xu Miao felt that her whole body became lighter, and she could reach the place she wanted to go with just one movement.

Heaven-level low-rank kung fu is really unusual, and the effect it produces is good.Xu Miao couldn't wait to start practicing the next method of concealing her breath - Taiyin Concealing Spirit Art.

This technique has extremely high requirements on the spiritual consciousness of the monks.When Dong Mu gave it to him, he also thought about it.Later, I still thought that when Xu Miao went out in the future, there would be a kung fu technique to help Xu Miao to hide his true identity, and Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was indeed excellent, so he passed this kung fu technique to Xu Miao.

Hiding the aura and changing the state, with Xu Miao's current strength, there is no problem in deceiving the late Huashen.However, it is impossible to deceive the cultivators in the emptiness stage, or even a higher level of fusion.

This can only be achieved with this lunar concealment technique.After Xu Miao practiced, she couldn't recognize herself.It seems that even the soul has changed, it is like a different person from the inside to the outside.

Xu Miao also deliberately changed her breath and walked outside for a while, successfully making Jiang Xieyue think that the disciples outside had entered the Dongshan Peak in disorder, and when she was about to take a lesson, Xu Miao recovered her true face in time, which made Jiang Xieyue Jiang Xieyue stopped her hand.

The disguise was very successful, but it also made the Sixth Senior Sister so angry that Jiang Xieyue held her ears and gave Xu Miao a lesson before letting Xu Miao go back.Xu Miao felt sorry for her, so she didn't dare to make trouble in front of Jiang Xieyue.

After successfully practicing the two exercises, Xu Miao set her sights on the sword technique Changhong Guanri.The key to this sword technique is to turn the sword into a rainbow to penetrate the red sun.

After Xu Miao had mastered the sword moves and formulas of the jade slips, she came to the back mountain of Dongshan Peak alone, and began to practice sword day after day.Xu Miao has been doing things like sword training since the Qi refining period.

Now it's just a different environment, and Xu Miao's state of mind remains the same.All his attention is on the sword technique, neither fast nor slow, neither arrogant nor impetuous, he keeps repeating and practicing.

In addition to the chirping of birds, beasts and insects in the back mountain, there is only the sound of Xu Miao practicing his sword.The sword light continued to shine in the back mountain bamboo forest, bringing out a sword intent.The spirit beasts here, apart from the initial panic, have become very calm until now.

Xu Miao seems to have taken root in the back mountain. Apart from practicing swords, she rests.Even if it was a rest, Xu Miao would not return to her residence, but would just find a bamboo to lean against to restore her spiritual power and consciousness.

To practice a brand new sword technique requires a monk to devote himself wholeheartedly, and the requirements for a monk are also extremely high.Xu Miao didn't have time to think about other things. She only had the fog-condensing sword in her hand and Changhong Guanri's swordsmanship in her mind.

There is no time to cultivate in the mountains. It has been 50 years since Xu Miao came to Beisong Palace and became Dongmu's disciple. Xu Miao's cultivation has also advanced from the early stage of transformation to the middle stage of transformation.

This advancement speed is not fast for Xu Miao, but for other monks, this speed is already too fast.This breakthrough was purely accidental. Xu Miao was still practicing Changhong Guanri at that time, and suddenly felt a surge of spiritual power in her body.

He has long been aware of the various signs of a breakthrough in cultivation, and when he saw this situation, he knew that a breakthrough was imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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