Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 542 Victory over Li Gu

Chapter 542 Victory over Li Gu

Li Gu's mentality became unstable, and a flaw appeared immediately.This flaw is fleeting, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary monks to catch it.But Xu Miao is not an ordinary monk, his spiritual consciousness is stronger than Li Gu.

In Xu Miao's eyes, that fleeting flaw was long enough.Xu Miao exerted force with her arm, and all the spiritual power in her body was concentrated in the Ningwu Sword. She swung the sword out like the rising sun, and the sword was shining brightly.

Li Gu couldn't look directly at the sword light emitted by the Wuwu Sword, so he couldn't help but close his eyes.There was a loophole in the first place, but now he closed his eyes on his own initiative, almost sending the opportunity to Xu Miao's men.

The tip of the Wu Ningjian stabbed directly at Li Gu's flaw. Although the Wu Ning Sword hadn't arrived, the sword intent had already fallen on Li Gu.If Li Gu was not wearing the vestment of the best Houtian Lingbao, but just the sword just now, Xu Miao could defeat Li Gu.

Li Gu's face was gloomy, his eyes were dark, and there was a faint burning anger in his eyes.The golden cassock on Li Gu's chest, because of Xu Miao's sword just now, exposed the muscles inside, and there were traces of the sword's raging intent on it, and a little blood seeped out.

"Unexpectedly - pierced through Li Gu's defense!"

"Li Gu's defense, I heard that even the monks in the early stage of Lianxu couldn't break through it, but Xu Miao was able to break through the defense with only one sword!"

"I can be sure that if the sword in Xu Miao's hand is not a top-grade innate spiritual weapon, but an acquired spiritual treasure, the blow just now will definitely cause Li Gu to be seriously injured!"

The monks who watched the battle made comments one by one, and the two people on the stage could clearly hear the content of the comments.The content of the comments completely regarded Xu Miao as the stronger side, while Li Gu became the less powerful side.

Li Gu raised his hand to wipe his chest, and the cassock quickly returned to its original state, and it was impossible to tell that he had been hit by Xu Miao's full strength.He raised the golden long sword in his hand, and several streaks of spiritual power quickly appeared on the blade of the long sword.

These spiritual powers completely surrounded the long sword, further deepening the power of the long sword.Xu Miao's face remained unchanged, Li Gu raised his head slowly, and glanced at Xu Miao: "Xu Miao, you are fine, you are the first person who can push me to such a degree."

"You can force out my golden lightsaber, even if you die by my sword, you are proud enough!" Before he finished speaking, Li Gu swung down the golden long sword he held high.

Xu Miao seemed to be suppressed by several mountains weighing ten thousand catties, and it was extremely difficult to even lift a finger, let alone escape from Li Gu's sword.Jiang Xieyue's complexion changed, Li Gu's move surpassed his own level.

He even reached the peak strength in the early stage of Lianxu, this Li Gu really lived up to his reputation.Jiang Xieyue looked at Tang Du who was still very calm beside her: "Second senior brother, can Lao Jiu escape this trick?"

Tang Du just looked at Xu Miao: "I can't hide." Jiang Xieyue frowned suddenly when she heard this.Li Gu's sword moves were full of absolute murderous intent, obviously aimed at killing Xu Miao.

If Xu Miao can't hide, I'm afraid it's hard to survive.Jiang Xieyue quickly circulated the spiritual power in her body, preparing to save Xu Miao at a critical moment.When the time comes, just let Xu Miao admit defeat.

After all, Xu Miao is only a monk in the mid-stage of Transformation God, and there is nothing shameful about losing to Li Gu, who is the most powerful in the late stage of Transformation God.If Xu Miao can reach the late stage of transformation, she can definitely kill Li Gu.

Jiang Xieyue comforted herself so much that her subordinates were ready to move.Tang Du gave her a cold look: "I said he couldn't hide, but I didn't say he would lose. Why are you so excited?"

Hearing Tang Du's extremely calm words, Jiang Xieyue felt like she was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood. She wished she could grab Tang Du's collar and shake it desperately, telling him not to pant!
On the other hand, Xu Miao on the competition stage was completely immersed in this sword.His body was affected by Li Gu's move and he couldn't move, but it didn't affect his spiritual power.

At the same time as the sword fell, the blue sea immediately appeared, and high water curtains stood in front of Xu Miao.When all the water curtains were pierced by the golden lightsaber, a luxuriant tree suddenly appeared and blocked Xu Miao.

The branches of Cangmu made a rustling sound. When attacked by the golden light sword, countless branches fell to the ground and returned to Xu Miao's body as spiritual power.

As long as Xu Miao has enough spiritual power, the Cangmu can continue to re-grow.Now it's just a few branches missing, Xu Miao won't even frown.Li Gu didn't expect that Xu Miao could think of using objects to resist his attack.

The materialization of objects can be used by every monk, but in this era, the symbolic meaning of objects is obviously greater than the actual meaning of objects.The vast majority of monks simply cannot use objects in battle.

They prefer magic weapons, talisman seals and the like, rather than using tasteless objects.Xu Miao's physical image is also not suitable for attack, but it can play a defensive role in a crisis.

Not only this time, Xu Miao's object has saved him several times in the same way.Li Gu looked at Cang Mu in front of Xu Miao, and snorted coldly: "The light of rice grains dares to compete with the sun and the moon!"

In Li Gu's hands, the golden light sword once again radiated unprecedented light.There was even a golden phantom behind Li Gu, like an emperor descending into the world.Seeing this scene, some unsteady monks onlookers wanted to kneel down as soon as their knees softened.

Xu Miao half-closed her eyes, looking at Li Gu in front of her.No wonder others would call Li Gu Emperor Li. It turns out that when his kung fu is used to the limit, the appearance of the emperor will appear.

"Emperor?" Xu Miao suddenly laughed, "In front of me, there is no emperor! Even if I coil up a dragon, I lie on my stomach with a tiger! What's more, you don't even have a dragon or a tiger. no!"

The coercion that had been covering Xu Miao's body, the coercion that was so suppressed that Xu Miao could not move, disappeared without a trace after Xu Miao mobilized the dragon's blood and the soaring snake's blood.

Corresponding to Li Gu, Canglong and Soaring Snake appeared behind Xu Miao.The Canglong is not the real Azure Dragon, but the Soaring Snake is the real sub-divine beast.The breath of divine beasts poured out, even the emperor had to avoid it.

Xu Miao just stood there like that, but it gave everyone a feeling of looking down on all sentient beings, as if Xu Miao was the real emperor, dominating a part of the sky, and could destroy everything with just raising his hand.

"How can you have the phantom of the dragon and the soaring snake? You have been recognized by them?" For the first time, a flustered look appeared on Li Gu's face. Through Li Gu's expression, Xu Miao could see what was going on in his heart. flustered.

Xu Miao stretched out her finger and shook it: "You are not qualified to know!" Xu Miao combined the power of dragon blood and Teng Snake blood, showing the full strength of both for the first time.

Li Gu's so-called emperor is just like a clown in front of Canglong and Tengshe, which is both ridiculous and pathetic.The fog condensing sword was held by Xu Miao with both hands, and the fog condensing sword blessed with the blood of the beast showed a red aura with a "buzz".

This kind of breath is not bloody at all, but full of holiness.A sword fell, and Li Gu was sent out of the competition stage by this sword force.The rules of the competition - as long as you leave the scope of the competition platform, you will be considered a failure.

Although Li Gu was not knocked down by Xu Miao, he had already left the scope of the competition stage.The Void Refining Stage cultivator who was in charge of the judgment was still immersed in the battle just now, and hadn't recovered from his senses for a long time.

It was Jiang Xieyue who reminded the other party aloud, and that person officially announced: "In this battle, Xu Miao wins, Li Gu loses, and Xu Miao advances to the next round!"

Following the announcement of the news, the monks onlookers howled.Before Xu Miao and Li Gu's competition, most of them bought Li Gu's victory, and some even bet all their belongings on Li Gu.

But now Li Gu was defeated, clearly in front of everyone, in the hands of Xu Miao.All the crystal stones they bet on were wiped out and turned into nothing, how heartbroken it is.

Of course, amidst the wailing, some monks cheered happily. This is the one who bet on the right treasure.With odds of [-] to [-], you can definitely make a lot of money.Some people are still regretting why they didn't bet more at the time.

Li Gu stood outside the competition stage, staring at Xu Miao fiercely, wishing that Xu Miao would be skinned, boned, and cramped, so as to relieve his hatred.Since the golden core stage, he has never lost a single defeat, but today he was defeated by a level that was not as good as him.

For Li Gu, it was a great shame.Li Gu's heart and eyes were all about Xu Miao's victory posture.He secretly swore that one day, he would completely trample Xu Miao under his feet!

Xu Miao ignored Li Gu, who was raging with murderous intent, stepped off the competition stage, and saw Jiang Xieyue with a faint smile. Although Tang Du's expression was not obvious, the smile in his eyes still couldn't deceive anyone.

He knew very well that the joy of the Second Senior Brother and Sixth Senior Sister at this time was definitely not because they didn't have to lose money.The two patted Xu Miao on the shoulder encouragingly, and left.Xu Miao also found a hidden corner, restored the previous appearance, and took the jade slip to find the handicap.

Xu Miao bet 500 million high-grade crystals and 500 million low-grade crystals, and now they have all increased by five times.Looking at the entire Beisong Palace, those whose net worth surpassed Xu Miao's probably would not hide.

The monk in charge of registration watched Xu Miao hand over the jade slip with a dull expression, and handed over the prepared storage ring to Xu Miao.After Xu Miao confirmed it was correct with her spiritual sense, she put the storage ring into the Hunting Stone.

Xu Miao's expression was very calm when he took the storage ring, and the monk in charge of registration couldn't see Xu Miao's joy at all.Only Xu Miao couldn't stop carnival in her heart, shouting that she made money and made money!

In order to facilitate the payment of the bet, Xu Miao's high-grade crystals were all replaced with top-grade crystals, a total of 30 top-grade crystals, and 30 middle-grade crystals!As a cultivator in the middle stage of transforming gods, he has such a wealthy net worth, and if he speaks out, it will definitely cause the entire sky plane to boil.

(End of this chapter)

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