Chapter 552
Before the purple-eyed winged tiger finished speaking, Xiaotian slapped his head again: "Call master!"

"Yes, yes, it might be dangerous for the master to go." The purple-eyed winged tiger is good at doing good things. Anyway, the ancestors called him the master, and he didn't suffer a bit from calling him, but made a profit.If Xiaotian knew that the purple-eyed winged tiger called him an ancestor, he would probably have slapped him again.

With the purple-eyed winged tiger leading the way, Xu Miao doesn't need to worry about going the wrong way at all, just follow along.The locations shown on the map are all a short distance away. If they walk there, the distance will be even further.

I encountered many monsters along the way, but when these monsters saw the purple-eyed winged tiger, they all chose to avoid it actively.The purple-eyed winged tigers are not only powerful, but also very united.There is no big difference between messing with one and messing with a group.

When he was approaching the place where the burning grass grew, Xu Miao heard the voice of a human monk.Xu Miao patted the purple-eyed winged tiger's body to make him stop.Xu Miao carefully controlled his spiritual sense to explore, and all the monks in Beisong Palace had already arrived here except him.

Only the golden robe on Li Gu's body left a few large patches of dark red. It is estimated that he met the monster in the later stage of fusion, and I don't know what method he used to avoid it.

On the other side, there are eight monks from Jingningmen, all of whom are in the late stage of transformation.Xu Miao and the others had clashed with the monks from Jingningmen on the way here, so Xu Miao naturally recognized their school's attire.

Beside the Jingningmen monks, there are four other monks, who are also in the late stage of transformation, and their clothes are very strange.According to the information displayed by the sound transmission jade pendant at that time, and with the degree of closeness between the four of them and the monks of Jingningmen, they should be the monks of the second-level sect Yuanling School mentioned in the news.

"People from Beisong Palace, get out of here quickly and make way for us, otherwise you will die without a place to die!" A monk from Jingningmen threatened.

Shi Feng stood beside Li Gu, raised his chin: "It's up to you, don't make us give way, it's better to go back where you came from!"

... The two sides have not yet made a move, and are still arguing with words.The purple-eyed winged tiger was ordered by Xu Miao to hide its aura. None of the twenty or so people over there knew that Xu Miao had come here.

A late-stage cultivator of the Yuanling Sect frowned, and said impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense with them, do it directly!"

The two sides quickly fought together, and the Yuanling Sect deserved to be a second-level sect. The strength of the four late-stage monks of Huashen was not weaker than Wang Duan, and one of them was even comparable to Chen Zhong.

Li Gu paid a huge price for escaping from the monsters in the later stage of fusion, and even Feng Yi lost contact with him.Therefore, when he was provoked by Jingningmen, he was not in a hurry to act.

However, Li Gu is not in a hurry, the people from Yuan Ling faction will be.A monk in the later stage unceremoniously attacked Li Gu's wounded place. Li Gu was furious, but unable to fight back, he could only retreat again and again.

The strength of the monks at Jingning Gate was originally comparable to that of the monks at Beisong Palace, but now they joined forces with the more powerful Yuanling faction to beat the monks at Beisong Palace back again and again.

Xu Miao told the purple-eyed winged tiger to stay where it is and not to move. He went to help his fellow disciples first.Hearing the words, the purple-eyed winged tiger obediently restrained its breath, and lay down on the spot.There are only a group of cultivators who transform themselves into spirits. As long as the purple-eyed winged tiger is unwilling, it is impossible for them to discover the existence of the purple-eyed winged winged tiger.

The Ningwu sword was broken, so Xu Miao could only use another spiritual sword, which was in the top grade Houtian Lingbao—Xiaoyun Sword.This is a water-attribute spirit sword, and it is the most suitable substitute that Xu Miao can find for the time being.

The blue sword light of Xiaoyun Sword swiped from a distance, repelling a monk from the Yuanling Sect.The man quickly looked towards the place where the sword light was flying, and Xu Miao appeared in front of the man with a dodge, and once again raised the Xiaoyun sword to attack the opponent.

When the Yuanling faction saw clearly that it was a monk from Beisong Palace, and it was still in the mid-stage of transformation, they laughed wildly: "I thought it was someone, but it turned out to be a monk in the mid-stage of transformation. Your Beisong Palace is really in decline. Even The twelve monks in the late stage of transformation can't get together!"

"Really? Then I'll let you taste what it's like to be defeated by a mid-stage cultivator." Xu Miao's tone was very flat, but her attack was the strongest star-breaking swordsmanship.

The broken star swordsmanship opened and closed, as if the earth was splitting and a mountain avalanche, and it was like a sea wave rising into the sky. It beat this cultivator in the late stage of transforming gods back again and again, and he was completely helpless to fight back.

"Aren't you very arrogant?" With a sword cut, Xu Miao left a sword wound on the man's chest.

"Aren't you very arrogant?" With a sword cut, Xu Miao left a sword wound on the man's back.

"Aren't you awesome! Why don't you continue to be awesome!" The sword intent of Xiaoyun Sword in Xu Miao's hand instantly surged, and he chopped off the man's right hand and his magic weapon.

Still holding the magic weapon in his right hand, he fell to the ground.Xu Miao raised her left hand and shot out a burst of spiritual power, which directly smashed the opponent's right hand into powder, leaving only a magic weapon that lost its luster.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh————" Yuanling Sect uttered a cry of pain, looking at Xu Miao with red eyes, but didn't dare to take a step forward.

Xu Miao raised the corners of her lips slightly, and looked at the other party indifferently: "Yuanling sect? But that's it, even a mid-stage Huashen from Beisong Palace can't beat it, and I don't think there is much future. Why don't you replace your sect now , Suicide on the spot, but also leave some good reputation for your sect."

The man's chest heaved violently, and there was a vague fear in the scattered murderous aura.Xu Miao looked down on this kind of person the most. He shook his head pretending to be sorry, and slowly approached him: "It's so terrifying with such a strong murderous intent."

"In order to make me no longer feel terrible, how about—" Xu Miao grabbed the Xiaoyun sword violently, "Just die by my sword." The sword intent of Xiaoyun sword was mixed with strong murderous aura, and swept away the opponent.

At this time, this late-stage cultivator was also shocked by Xu Miao's outburst of evil spirit.This is how many people have to be killed to form such a terrible evil spirit on the body.The support from other monks sent by Yuanling finally arrived at the critical moment.

A monk unleashed a burst of spiritual power to counteract Xu Miao's moves.Xu Miao turned her head and glanced at the other party. This person should be the strongest among the monks of Yuanling Sect.

The man didn't pause, and quickly launched an attack after a successful blow.Red lightsabers were condensed from both hands, and they slashed towards Xu Miao.With this person's control, the lightsaber constantly changed its shape, being long and short, wide and narrow.

Xu Miao wielded the Xiaoyun sword deftly to fight against the opponent's lightsaber.The figures of both sides turned into afterimages, and others could not see their true positions clearly, only the blue light from Xiaoyun Sword and the red light from the lightsaber remained.

The colors of the sword lights of the two are constantly confronting each other, and for a while the blue light has the upper hand, and for a while the red light has the upper hand.Suddenly, a strong gray-white gas emitted from the ground, falling on the monk, and he immediately felt a biting chill.

Xu Miao decisively raised her sword and retreated, and the opponent didn't bother, so she retreated.The two sides returned to their respective camps and observed the surrounding situation.The vibration of the ground became more and more violent, and more and more gray-white gas was released.

Even Fu Yu's helmet couldn't resist this gray-white gas, and could only let the gas enter the body, gradually cooling the body's temperature.

"If the record is correct, this grayish-white gas is the gas of the underworld." Hell's burning grass grows in the "hell", and of course this "hell" is not the real hell.

Deep in the ground here, there is a yellow underground river.The river water looks the same, if you accidentally touch the river water, the flesh and blood on your body will be corroded immediately, leaving only bones.

Therefore, this river is also called Huangquan by monks.When the burning grass of Hell is mature, it will cause Huangquan to emit this gray-white gas.As long as you see gray-white gas appearing, it means that the burning grass of Hell is mature.

The vibration on the ground became stronger and stronger, "Ka Ka Ka -", starting from under a tree not far away, the flat land quickly split in half, and a bottomless crack appeared.

Once the crack opened, the gray-white gas gushed out faster.They need to enter the ground as soon as possible. When the gray gas no longer appears, the burning grass of hell will start to die.Even if it is collected at that time, the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced.

Everyone didn't care about continuing to fight, and jumped into the depths of the ground one after another.Xu Miao told Xiaobai who was outside, and jumped in with everyone.The gray-white gas around was so thick that Xu Miao's body was almost frozen.

No matter how the spiritual power flows, it cannot alleviate this situation.Xu Miao shook her teeth, trying to keep her balance, so as not to lose control of her body and fall.

From time to time, there will be bursts of biting cold wind around, and these cold winds can even affect Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness.Being blown by these cold winds, Xu Miao's head felt unbearable pain.

It took some time before Xu Miao's feet landed on the flat ground.As soon as she stepped on it, Xu Miao found that her body was sinking rapidly.This is a swamp, Xu Miao quickly realized.

In the swamp, the more you struggle, the faster you sink.Xu Miao kept her hands raised flat, kept her body still, and turned her head to see the surrounding environment.It was dark all around, Xu Miao took out a luminous pearl with her spiritual sense.

However, as soon as the Ye Mingzhu appeared in the sky, Xu Miao was snatched away by the vines protruding from the swamp before Xu Miao could see the surrounding situation clearly, and darkness fell again.

Anyway, the speed of Xu Miao's sinking has eased, so she is not in a hurry to observe the surrounding situation, but pricks up her ears to listen carefully to the sound.

"What the hell is this place, why is there still a swamp?"

"I don't know, we are here for the first time, so ask a monk from Beisong Palace." Xu Miao laughed at herself when she heard this.In the jade slips provided to them by Beisong Palace, there was no mention of the swamp at all.

(End of this chapter)

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