Chapter 562
"Follow me, you can see a world you have never seen before, and meet opponents you have never met. As a python, have you never thought about becoming a flood dragon and finally turning into a blue dragon?"

What Xu Miao said was something that the leader of the green python spirit had never thought about.As a python, of course he would be envious of those dragons that could roam the nine heavens, but this scene was too far away from reality, and he didn't even have the courage to think about it.

However, the cultivator in the middle stage of transformation in front of him put this picture in front of him.The green python spirit looked at Xu Miao hesitantly: "Can you really help me transform into a dragon?"

Xu Miao didn't directly answer the question of Qing Mang Jing: "The one who really makes you transform into a dragon is yourself. What I can do is to help you as much as possible."

As she said that, Xu Miao raised her hand and let out a hint of the aura of a blue dragon.This trace of aura is the blood of the Canglong that Xu Miao obtained when he was still in the Nascent Soul stage, and it can still exude a strong vitality.

Qing Mangjing looked at the cultivator in front of him, he was just a seemingly ordinary mid-stage cultivator, but he was able to exert strength beyond his own strength.If he can become this person's spirit beast, maybe there will be a day when he can transform into a dragon.

Even if you can't really transform into a dragon, you can at least take a look at the outside world.The green python spirit didn't hesitate anymore, he moved his body and came to Xu Miao's side.

When going down the mountain, the scene of Xu Miao in front and the leader of the green python spirit behind fell into the eyes of ordinary green python spirits, and they were all shocked.When did the leader become so docile? Why didn't the leader kill this arrogant human being and send him away personally?

When Xu Miao arrived at the foot of the mountain, the leader of the green python spirit sent a voice transmission to inform the tribe that he would leave this place forever, so that the tribe could re-elect a suitable leader to lead the tribe.

The ordinary green python spirit hadn't recovered from the leader's action just now, but was knocked unconscious again by the words of the leader of the green python spirit.When the leader of the black bear spirit saw the appearance of Xu Miao and the green python spirit, his first reaction was to switch to a defensive state.

Xu Miao walked between the two monsters and explained the situation, only then did the black bear restrain its hostility.Under the leadership of the two monster leaders, Xu Miao was not hindered by anything.

Even the wind and sand that would appear on the road were blocked by two monsters.When they reached the edge of the Hanxi secret realm, both the green python spirit and the black bear spirit showed a trace of fear.

They have tried many times to get out of the secret place of the dry creek, but every time they are blocked by an invisible film of light.If he wanted to forcefully leave, there would be thunders falling, and once he was almost struck by the thunder.

"I will put you in the magic weapon space, and then take you out." After speaking, Xu Miao sent the two monsters into the Hunting Stone together.As soon as the green python spirit and the black bear spirit entered the Huntian Stone, they were dizzy by the scene inside the Huntian Stone.

One of the spirit beast levels in this magic weapon space is in the early stage of fusion!What surprised them the most was that there seemed to be the breath of divine beasts inside!
Xu Miao didn't care about the excited green python spirit and black bear spirit who entered the Hunting Stone, and left the secret land of Hanxi with her body.However, as soon as Xu Miao appeared outside, she found traces of formations.

There is no concealment in this formation, it is entirely for the purpose of trapping those who leave from the secret realm of Hanxi.Only the two monks of the Yu family knew where Xu Miao entered the secret realm of Hanxi, and no one else knew.

Xu Miao's consciousness quickly dispersed, but his consciousness was imprisoned by the formation, and he could not manipulate his consciousness to break through the confinement of the formation.

"Hehe—the little monk of the seventh-level sect has such good luck. He was able to find Xiehuangyan and escape from the secret place of Hanxi smoothly." Monks dress like men.

No need to think about it, this person is also a monk of the Yu family.This person is a cultivator in the late stage of transforming gods, his cultivation base is not high, and the battle is not small, and ten servants follow behind him.The two monks from the family who acted together with Xu Miao were imprisoned by this man's servant with spiritual power and could not move.

Xu Miao knew the general truth with just one observation.After the two monks of the Yu family returned to the family, this person knew that they had obtained the Xiehuangyan, so they took measures to understand the cause and effect.

Now go outside the secret place of Hanxi, set up a formation, and wait for the rabbit.It has to be said that the method used by this late-stage cultivator was very appropriate and reasonable. If it were another person, he would definitely be able to capture him alive and get all of Xu Miao's net worth.

It's just that this person was very unlucky and met Xu Miao.When Xu Miao was away from home, he was always the one who took advantage of others, and no one had ever succeeded in taking advantage of Xu Miao.

"Boy! I don't care which sect of monk you are, once you get here, it's my Yu family's territory. After passing through my Yu family's base, you have to respect our Yu family."

"I don't want too much of the things I got from the secret place of Hanxi, just give me [-]% and you can take the remaining [-]% back by yourself. You don't have to be unconvinced, just because you are alone, I have many people There are so many people, you have to obediently call Xiehuangyan out."

Xu Miao watched talking to herself, with an excited look on her face, and kept silent all the time.This person is so weak that Xu Miao doesn't need to deal with it at all.

What he has to do now is to crack this formation.I don't know where the monks of the Yu family got this formation, and it is still a bit tricky. It will take Xu Miao a while to completely crack it.

The cultivator at the late stage of Jiahuashen babbled for a long time, but Xu Miao didn't reply him a word, she was furious, and immediately ordered her servants to teach Xu Miao a lesson.

Similar to a small family like a family, although the rank is low, it is still a family.Therefore, there will be many low-level monks who cannot enter the sect, so they will choose to join the family, serve the family, and enjoy the family's offerings in the same way.

A cultivator in the late stage of transformation heard the order from the Yu family monk, and then turned his hand to take out a formation disk, and moved his right hand quickly on the formation disk.Originally, Xu Miao cracked part of the formation, but it changed immediately.

Seeing this, Xu Miao frowned. It seemed that this powerful formation did not belong to the Yu family, but belonged to the servants of the monks of the Yu family.The opponent is changing the formation, and Xu Miao is also taking advantage of the opportunity of the opponent's change to break the formation.

The two sides seem to have no actual confrontation, but in fact, both sides are competing with each other with the help of formations.The late cultivator's hand speed was getting faster and faster, and he fiddled with a formation, and the light of the formation was also rising and falling.

Xu Miao just stood where she was, using her spiritual consciousness to continuously research and crack the formation.In the game of formation masters, their battlefield is the formation.Whoever can decipher whose formation is the winner.

Xu Miao, who also has profound attainments in formations, has already comprehended most of the content in the face of such formations.As long as Xu Miao is given a period of time, it can be completely cracked.

The more monks fiddled with the array in the later stage, the more nervous they became.He knows his formation best.This formation is also the guarantee for him to join the Yu family.He does not have a strong combat power, but he has a good talent in formation.

Since he used this formation, he has never encountered such a difficult opponent.Even if the opponent is in the formation, it can make him feel the huge pressure, only to feel that the formation will be destroyed in the next moment.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness has reached its limit, and he has found all the nodes of the formation.All nodes turned at the same time, and the entire formation was completely broken in an instant, leaving only a few formation flags swaying in the wind.

The monk of the Yu family saw that the formation, which had never had any problems, was broken by a monk in the mid-stage of transformation, and he was also stunned on the spot.However, he quickly reacted and slapped the late-stage formation mage on the head.

"Trash! Even if you set up a formation, you can't even set it up!" After speaking, he kicked the opponent again.Xu Miao looked at the Yu family monk with disgust. She was not very capable, but her temper was not small.

Xu Miao reached out and took the cultivator out of thin air, and spiritual power rushed into the opponent's body, impacting and destroying the opponent's meridians.The Nascent Soul of this person reacted quickly, and when he was about to escape from the dantian, he was pierced by Xu Miao's sword.

It took only a moment for Xu Miao to control the monk and finally harvest his life, and all the other monks present did not react.This person's servants saw Xu Miao's destructive and tough methods, and none of them dared to stand out without authorization.

All the monks scattered like birds and beasts, for fear of being killed by Xu Miao if they fled too late.The two monks from the previous family got their freedom and came to Xu Miao immediately, thank you very much.

Xu Miao waved his hand, he didn't mind these things.Xu Miao's eyes fell on the dead monk of the Yu family, and he searched the opponent very skillfully, but all the magic weapons of space were thrown into the Hunting Stone.

After finishing everything, Xu Miao wanted to leave regardless of the two monks who were still grateful.

"Fellow daoist, please wait a moment! Knowing the supernatural powers of fellow daoist, can you help us again!" Yu Han took a few steps and knelt down in front of Xu Miao.As a high-ranking monk, kneeling down to a low-ranking monk is tantamount to humiliation for a high-ranking monk.

Now, Yu Han, who was in the late stage of Transformation God, took the initiative to kneel down for Xu Miao.Another monk, Yu Yun, came to his senses and quickly knelt down: "Fellow Daoist Xu, the monks of our lineage have been persecuted by another lineage, and are in critical condition. Please help us!"

Xu Miao's heart is indifferent, and he will not take the initiative to cause trouble for himself. He always hides as far away as possible for matters within the family.What's more, Xu Miao has to rush back to the sect, exchange the Xiehuangyan for the contribution points of the sect, and buy the refining materials for the Shuangyao Sword.

"I don't like to meddle in other people's business." Xu Miao's voice was indifferent, with a tone of staying out of it and unwilling to participate.

Yu Han gritted his teeth: "If fellow daoist is willing to help, I am willing to give the most valuable thing in my family as a reward to fellow daoist!"

Xu Miao raised her eyebrows: "The most valuable thing in the Yu family?"

(End of this chapter)

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