Chapter 571
Xu Miao ordered the purple-eyed winged tiger to show an opening, and at the same time let the Gale Fengling ape unleash the strongest move, and quickly ran away.At that time, he will chase after the purple-eyed tiger, and finally get out of the sight of other monks.

Liefeng Lingyuan didn't have any doubts about Xu Miao's order.It is difficult for other monks to see the way in the battle of high-level monsters, especially if it lasts for so long.

First of all, the level of cultivation is not enough, and the experience of vision is not enough, so no one can see that the Gale Fengling Ape escaped, and Xu Miao planned the purple-eyed winged tiger's pursuit.

Although the monks of the four sects fought together, they would continue to pay attention to the battle on Xu Miao's side.When they found that Gaefeng Lingyuan broke out a fierce attack and fled, they all exclaimed.

Xu Miao turned over and sat on the purple-eyed winged tiger. The purple-eyed winged tiger spread its wings and chased towards the direction where Gaefeng Lingyuan was escaping.Their speed was too fast, and the monks behind did not react at all.

The monks of the four sects all sullenly looked at each other with complaining eyes.Yao Gaoyi was even more furious. He originally thought that the purple-eyed winged tiger could easily deal with the Gale Wind Spirit Ape, but he didn't expect that the Gale Wind Spirit Ape could unleash such a powerful attack.

The Mahayana monster is indeed a Mahayana monster, even if it is seriously injured, this level gap is not so easy to bridge.Xu Miao directed and acted in this play, no one doubted Xu Miao at all.

They all took it for granted that Gaefeng Spirit Ape was forced into a desperate situation by the purple-eyed winged tiger, and when life and death were at stake, he unleashed the terrifying blow just now.The monks of the four sects temporarily put aside their previous battles and flew towards the direction where Gale Feng Lingyuan disappeared.

Xu Miao urged the two monsters to change directions constantly and speed up. After throwing the people behind for a long distance, she asked them to stop.Xu Miao beckoned to put the Purple-eyed Winged Tiger and Gale Fengling Ape into the Hunting Stone, and performed the Lunar Concealment Technique to change their appearance and aura.

In Nandai Valley, there are not only monks from the four sects, there are also some casual monks who come here to hunt monsters.It's just that they are very low-key and will not take the initiative to provoke the monks of the sect.

Xu Miao lowered her cultivation to the early stage of transformation, and walked on the road swaggeringly.From time to time, monks from the four sects flew over the sky, but none of the monks would have thought that this ordinary casual cultivator would be Xu Miao from Beisong Palace.

Following the guidance of Gaefeng Lingyuan, Xu Miao walked to the burial place of the monster at the beginning of the tribulation.The fate of the monster in the early stage of crossing the tribulation was similar to that of Gale Fengling ape. They were all attacked after successfully advancing.

It's just that Lie Feng Ling Ape was besieged by human monks, and the demon beast at the beginning of the tribulation was attacked by more than a dozen peak monsters at the later stage of fusion.Although the monsters tried their best in the early stage of crossing the tribulation, he escaped from the encirclement of more than a dozen monsters, but it also exhausted all his strength and vitality.

At that time, the Liefeng Spiritual Ape was lucky enough to come across this matter, and he helped the monster beast in the early stage of the tribulation. In the end, it was the Liefeng Spiritual Ape who buried the other party's bones, and thus got a little chance to be able to go smoothly. Advanced to the early stage of Mahayana.

Xu Miao walked to the place indicated by Liefeng Lingyuan, and sure enough, he saw a uniquely shaped stone that he said.For the sake of safety, Xu Miao did not move the stone directly, but dug down from a farther place.

It is equivalent to Xu Miao digging a passage in the ground, extending to the burial place of monsters in the early days of the tribulation.Xu Miao's excavation was very secretive. She did not use any spiritual power, but relied entirely on her physical strength to start digging the tunnel.

If Xu Miao hadn't practiced the "Giankun Vajra Technique" before that, he wouldn't be able to dig so easily.Xu Miao dug for a long time and found a green skeleton.

"That's it, it was like this when I buried it!" Liefeng Lingyuan's voice was very excited.

The bones of monsters are different from the bones of human monks. Different types and different levels have different colors of monster bones.The monsters in the tribulation period are so huge that Xu Miao can't dig them out in a while.

He is not in a hurry, even if the hunting activities are over, he can finally return to the sect by himself.Xu Miao was very calm, unhurriedly digging out the bones of the monster.

Because Liefeng Lingyuan buried the bones with great care, the entire skeleton was complete.Xu Miao unceremoniously collected all the bones into the Hunting Stone.

After finishing the skeleton, Xu Miao returned the same way and erased all the traces of the excavation. No matter whether it was a monk or a monster, they would not be able to detect that there had been a skeleton of a monster here, let alone someone who came to carry out the excavation. dig.

After filling the last piece of soil, Xu Miao calculated the time and found that it took him nearly two months.The hunting activity only lasted for one month, and at this time, it was already over.

But Xu Miao did not relax his vigilance, he carefully observed the surrounding situation.After all, the fact that he was riding a purple-eyed winged tiger and chasing Gale Fengling ape was seen by many people.What they will think and what actions they will take are things that Xu Miao doesn't know.

Xu Miao conceived the idea of ​​returning to the sect in her heart, and needed to make up a convincing reason, otherwise it would be difficult to be deceived and pass the test.However, to Xu Miao's surprise, when he walked to the middle of Nandai Valley, Xu Miao saw the figure of a monk from Beisong Palace.

Not only that, but the monks of the other three sects did not leave either.Xu Miao found a hidden corner, restored her original appearance, walked out openly, and was soon discovered by monks from Beisong Palace.

This person was curious about what happened to Xu Miao later, and wanted to ask, but was frightened away by Xu Miao's eyes.Immediately afterwards, I was a little annoyed, Xu Miao was only at the stage of transformation, and he was at the stage of refining, but he didn't dare to look directly into Xu Miao's eyes.

Soon all the monks in Beisong Palace knew about Xu Miao's return.When Yao Gaoyi saw Xu Miao, he had a questioning expression: "Did you catch the Liefeng Lingyuan?"

"Of course, I was tricked into a strange place by him, and it took me a long time to get out." Xu Miao's tone was calm, and there was no ups and downs in his facial expression, making it impossible to see whether Xu Miao was lying.

Yao Gaoyi's temples bulged, he jumped, and he wanted to tear Xu Miao apart with his hands: "If I know you lied to me, you should know the consequences." Yao Gaoyi's tone was cold, unabashedly releasing killing intent.

Faced with such a threat, Xu Miao didn't even wrinkle her eyebrows, but just nodded, indicating that she understood, and stood aside.Xu Miao is still a member of the Moonscar Alliance and cannot leave for the time being.

According to his description, Gaefeng Lingyuan escaped, and he still lacks the main materials for refining the Frost Shine Sword.Yao Gaoyi is not so easy to deceive, in order to win Yao Gaoyi's trust, Xu Miao must stay and continue to help the Moonscar Alliance hunt and kill monsters.

Knowing this, Xu Miao simply stayed underground for a longer period of time, saving her having to help Yao Gaoyi as a thug.Although Xu Miao was impatient in her heart, she didn't show the slightest expression on her face.

From the conversation with the monks next to him, Xu Miao knew that this time the beast hunting was not smooth. Except for the Gale Wind Spirit Ape in the early stage of Mahayana, he didn't encounter any other high-level monsters.

The monks of the four sects were unwilling to leave, so they decided to stay and look for high-level monsters.Meng Lindu, who was standing next to Yao Gaoyi, received the voice transmission and immediately told Yao Gaoyi in a low voice that he found traces of monsters in the late fusion stage at a certain location.

Yao Gaoyi quickly ordered everyone to go hunting, and at the same time took a deep look at Xu Miao: "This time, the combined monster should not be allowed to escape."

"Of course." Staring at Yao Gaoyi's eyes, Xu Miao replied calmly.When everyone arrived, many monks were already fighting with the combined monsters.Yao Gaoyi glanced at Xu Miao, but Xu Miao ignored Yao Gaoyi at all and summoned the purple-eyed winged tiger.

Seeing Xu Miao's expression of not paying attention to him, Yao Gaoyi gritted his teeth again.After Xu Miao patted the huge head of the purple-eyed winged tiger, the purple-eyed winged tiger rushed towards the late-stage fusion monster like an arrow from the string.

The monster power erupted by the purple-eyed winged tiger was terrifying, and the monks at the side retreated one after another, but they also gave the purple-eyed winged tiger a chance.The purple-eyed winged tiger slapped several times, causing the monster to vomit blood again and again.

Standing beside Yao Gaoyi, Xu Miao watched as the purple-eyed winged tiger easily killed the late-stage monster and brought it in front of her.

"I want three ribs." Xu Miao made a timely request.

Yao Gaoyi did not agree, and was only willing to give Xu Miao a rib. At the same time, he said that he would give Xu Miao two ribs if he killed two more late-stage monsters.When Xu Miao heard Yao Gaoyi's conditions, a sarcasm curled up at the corner of her mouth.

"Yao Gaoyi, do you think I'm stupid? I can handle things by myself, why do I need you? Three ribs, not one less! If you want me to help you kill monsters again, you have to use higher-level monsters Bones to exchange."

Xu Miao made no secret of his need for monster bones. Xu Miao's current appearance is very in line with the appearance he made with Meng Lindu before.Yao Gaoyi pondered for a long time, and finally nodded.

Yao Gaoyi's thinking was of course not aimed at Xu Miao's request, but to confirm whether Xu Miao really did not kill Gaefeng Lingyuan.Xu Miao's expressions, movements, and demands were flawless, even Yao Gaoyi had to believe it.

"Don't worry, I was just joking with you, you killed this monster, as long as three ribs are definitely not too much." Yao Gaoyi changed from his previous coldness and was very kind.

After Xu Miao took the ribs, she killed many monsters in succession.It's just that the level of these monsters is not high, and there is no need for the purple-eyed winged tiger to be killed by ordinary monks.

Yao Gaoyi was always observing Xu Miao's expression, and Xu Miao also showed a trace of anxiety in his eyes.This seemingly inadvertent anxiety is also Xu Miao's behavior to confuse Yao Gaoyi.

(End of this chapter)

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