Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 611 Thorough Fusion

Chapter 611 Thorough Fusion
The woman in red squinted at the treasure hunting mouse, her meaning was obvious - you get out.The treasure hunting mouse moved its ears, and rushed out in a hurry, looking for Wenxiang nephrite.

Xu Miao was left alone, guessing that it must involve some content that is not suitable for treasure hunting mice.The woman in red straightened her words: "I have some exercises here. If you can learn them successfully, you can completely fuse the blood of Soaring Snake and Qinglong into your blood."

"Once they are all fused, the aura of the beast will naturally disappear, and your aura will also change. Even if that 梼杌 has a dog's nose, there is no way to find you."

The woman in red waved her hand and brought Xu Miao to the room where she stayed before.She took out a book from the bookcase next to her and handed it to Xu Miao: "This book records how to fuse the blood of living beings."

"The biggest question now is whether you can understand the content recorded in the book, and master it, and completely integrate the two drops of blood in your heart."

Xu Miao looked at the book in her hand, and suddenly thought of a question: "Will this exercise allow me to fuse all the blood in my body that does not belong to me?"

The woman in red didn't know why Xu Miao asked this question, so she nodded and said, "That's natural."

"In this case, I give up practicing this technique. It's just a scorpion, and I always have a way to escape. The upper plane of the sky cannot escape, so I will find a way to return to the lower plane of the earth."

The woman in red obviously didn't expect Xu Miao to refuse the only solution: "What's the reason?"

"In my heart, in addition to the blood of Soaring Snake and Qinglong, there is also the blood essence of my Taoist partner. According to the demon king, if they are all fused, then her blood essence will also be fused, and I will never have a chance to be resurrected." she."

When the woman in red heard Xu Miao's explanation, her complexion turned pale instantly, her body shook unconsciously, and it took a while to find her own voice: "Is your Taoist soul still alive?"

"Of course." Xu Miao briefly narrated what happened at that time. At the moment when Shui Mei's blood was about to be drained, Xu Miao stopped Fang Yu, and at the same time used the means told by Xiaotian to drain Shui Mei's soul. imprisoned in the body.

Xu Miao firmly believes that as long as one day, he can send the blood essence back to Shuimei's body, and fuse the soul, blood essence, and body together, he will definitely revive Shuimei.

According to Xu Miao's description, the woman in red even recalled the appearance of her master's former Taoist companion, which was almost exactly the same as what Xu Miao said.She smiled wryly, no matter what time it was, she was always one step behind.

"I'll help you extract the blood essence of your Taoist companion from the heart, and temporarily store it in a magic weapon for preservation. How about returning it to you after your fusion is completed?"

Xu Miao pursed her lips: "Can you make sure everything is safe?"

"I swear on my life, even if there is a problem with me, it will not cause problems with your Taoist partner's blood." Xu Miao touched her nose uncomfortably when she heard the assurance from the woman in red.

As the demon king in the tribulation period, but he did his best to himself, Xu Miao couldn't think of a reason, so he could only speak boldly: "I want to know, why is Your Excellency the demon king willing to treat me like this?"

The woman in red just took a deep look at Xu Miao, then looked away, and said calmly: "A person who has been in a high position for a long time, just wants to find something to do, that's all."

"If you're ready, come to me." After speaking, the woman in red disappeared into the room, leaving behind a teleportation array.This teleportation array should be the passage for Xu Miao to find her.

Xu Miao immersed her consciousness into the Hunting Stone, looked at the sleeping Shui Mei, and walked into the teleportation array.The teleportation array sent Xu Miao to another room, which looked like a man's room.

However, the room was filled with the aura of the woman in red, as if it was the boudoir of the demon king.Xu Miao raised her eyebrows in surprise, and when she saw the Demon King appearing, she immediately remained expressionless.

"Sit on the bed, my demon power will enter your body in a while, don't reject me. When I take out the blood, you may feel uncomfortable and need to be patient." The woman in red calmly explained the specifics , Xu Miao nodded to express her understanding.

The woman in red sat across from Xu Miao, and gently placed her hands on Xu Miao's chest, slowly injecting demon power.Xu Miao felt that the demon power entered her body along the meridians, and the feeling of being controlled by others was not good at all.

Xu Miao suppressed the consciousness of resistance and let the demon power go up and down her body.Without hesitation, the demon power quickly entered Xu Miao's heart.Xu Miao felt severe pain in an instant, and even trembled uncontrollably.

His heart seemed to be pinched by someone, and it could burst his heart at any time.Xu Miao wanted to slap her hand away from her heart countless times, but she gritted her teeth and held back.

The woman in red increased her demonic power and began to guide the essence and blood of Shui Mei in her heart.This feeling is really bad, as if the heart is going to leave the body.If it wasn't for sure that the woman in red wouldn't have any killing intent towards her, Xu Miao would have shot even if she risked being discovered by Wu Wu.

The time became extremely long, and a little bit of sweat oozed from the forehead of the woman in red.Drawing out the blood essence in the heart is also a test for the demon king in the tribulation period.

If you use too much force, it will damage Xu Miao's heart, but if you use too little force, you won't be able to draw blood.Both parties are suffering, and Xu Miao deeply feels what it means to be like a year in seconds.

Suddenly, Xu Miao noticed that the expression of the woman in red became a little strange, as if she was talking to someone.In fact, without Xu Miao's knowledge, a conversation was taking place.

"Who are you? A high-level monster?" Shui Mei's blood essence has the consciousness of this water charm, so it can remind Xu Miao at the critical moment.

The demon king heard the voice from Shui Mei's consciousness: "I am the demon king in the period of crossing the catastrophe..." The demon king told Shui Mei in detail about Xu Miao's current situation and what she was doing.

After Shui Mei heard this, she was silent for a moment. It turned out that Xu Miao had experienced so many things before she knew it: "Although I don't know why you like Xu Miao, but seeing that such an outstanding demon king likes my husband, Care for him for me, take care of him, I am very happy."

"I know he has been trying to revive me, but I know very well that this is impossible. Please, take good care of him instead of me, thank you—" Shui Mei's voice gradually became weaker, and finally it was almost inaudible.


The woman in red closed her eyes, but she could clearly feel Shui Mei's helplessness, reluctance and nostalgia.With a sudden force, she drew out the blood.When Shui Mei's blood essence was successfully drawn out from the body, Xu Miao's heart instantly felt empty.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a jade bottle in the hand of the woman in red.

"This jade bottle contains the blood essence of your Taoist companion. As long as you don't take the initiative to open this jade bottle, her blood essence will never have any problems." Saying that, the woman in red put the jade bottle in Xu Miao's hand superior.

"When you calm down, you can practice that exercise. If you can repair it successfully, you don't need to worry about being discovered by Wuwu anymore." As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the woman in red disappeared completely.

Xu Miao looked at the book at hand, and first placed the jade bottle next to Shui Mei's body.

"You just gave him back what he gave you?" Treasure Hunter's voice suddenly appeared behind the woman in red.

The voice of the woman in red was faintly visible: "Heh - it should be returned to its original owner, as it should be."

Xu Miao in the room couldn't hear the conversation between the two demons, and his consciousness was completely immersed in this exercise.The exercises describe in detail how to completely integrate the blood of other living beings into one's own blood.

Through blood circulation, absorb the blood power of creatures to the greatest extent, and finally improve their own strength.After Xu Miao memorized the formula, she removed the seal of Treasure Hunting Mouse.

The woman in red only gave Xu Miao one month, in other words, within one month, Wu Wu would not find any trace of him.If a month later, he still can't completely fuse the blood of Soaring Snake and Canglong, then he must be sealed by the Treasure Hunting Mouse again, and lose his spiritual power again.

When Xu Miao was practicing this exercise, he unexpectedly discovered that he had a strange sense of familiarity with this exercise.He seems to have practiced this exercise before, and now he does not even need his own guidance, the spiritual power and blood in his body can almost operate independently.

It didn't take much effort for him to see that the Canglong's blood in the heart was first dispersed, merged into the blood, and entered the meridians, and flowed and circulated with the blood bit by bit. In the end, Xu Miao couldn't even find the Canglong. the presence of blood.

There is blue dragon blood everywhere, but there is no blue dragon blood everywhere.Xu Miao drew a gourd in the same way, and then dispersed the blood of Teng Snake and poured it into the blood.Xu Miao's expected difficulties and obstacles did not appear, and the two drops of blood were completely fused into the blood very smoothly.

Xu Miao took out the bell that Ji Feng gave him, no matter how he used his spiritual power and released his breath, the bell did not make a sound.Now his aura has changed, whether it is the aura of the divine beast or himself, there have been earth-shaking changes.Xu Miao was [-]% sure that Zhuo Wu would not find him.

When he opened the door, he saw the woman in red and the treasure hunter who had been guarding the door.Treasure Hunting Mouse looked Xu Miao up and down: "That's amazing, my brother. In just ten days, you have already fused the two bloods together."

"The effect is very good, Wuwu won't find you." The woman in red nodded and said.Even the Demon King said so, Xu Miao felt more at ease.

"Since your purpose of coming here has been achieved, you can leave now." The red-clothed woman mercilessly chased away the guests. The treasure hunting mouse was very surprised, looked at the red-clothed woman puzzled, and asked through voice transmission.

"What's your situation? After waiting for so many years to see him, why do you want him to leave now?"

The woman in red ignored the treasure hunting mouse's question and turned to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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