Chapter 618
On the contrary, it is unimaginable that this ten-person team, which is a mix of mid-stage and late-stage Divine Transformation, can achieve this level.

Lin Luo knew very well that every time he gave an order to change his form, a late-stage cultivator would promptly transmit sound transmissions to his teammates next to him.This team's ability to operate the formation perfectly has an inseparable relationship with this monk.

Lin Luo walked up to Xu Miao: "I want to know, which sect are you from, or which family is good at formation?"

"I was born in Beisong Palace." Xu Miao told the other party about her sect. His name and appearance had not been changed to hide it. Now that he asked about his background neatly, naturally there was no need to hide it.

"Bei Song Palace." Lin Luo frowned and recalled, "As far as I know, although Bei Song Palace is a third-level sect, there are no high-level monks who are very good at formations. Who is your master?"

When Xu Miao heard this, she smiled softly: "Senior Lin, cultivation depends entirely on oneself, and it has nothing to do with whether the master is good at a certain field. As for my master, the senior must have heard that it is Zhenjun Dongmu."

Lin Luo's eyes widened suddenly, he had naturally heard of Zhenjun Dongmu's name.Although Zhenjun Dongmu is not in the place where the monks gather, his strength should not be underestimated.

Below the cultivator of Dujie, he can almost be regarded as No. 1 in the Mahayana stage. Even the late Mahayana monks in the first and second sects may not be able to defeat Zhenjun Dongmu.

"It turns out that you are Xu Miao, who has been famous recently." Lin Luo looked Xu Miao up and down, "I didn't expect you to have such a high level of attainment in matchmaking. As far as I know, you can display your strength no less than the late stage of fusion?"

What Lin Luo said was exactly the spiritual power displayed by Xu Miao with the help of Gale Feng Lingyuan.Because it was borrowed temporarily, and because he was only dealing with late-stage cultivators, Xu Miao also limited the power of his spiritual power.

"It's just using some heretic methods, and it can't be used for a long time. It's not my own real strength." Xu Miao said modestly.

Lin Luo showed disapproval on his face: "No matter what the method is, if you show strength beyond yourself, it is enough to reflect your extraordinary strength."

After the two sides exchanged a few casual greetings, Lin Luo left first.Only then did the onlookers realize that this person was Xu Miao, whom they had admired for a long time!As expected of Xu Miao, she can still talk and laugh happily in front of high-ranking monks.

Because of the presence of Xu Miao in the team, everyone didn't worry about the actual use of the formation at all, and they left the practice field first with great peace of mind.Xu Miao was retained by Lin Luo's people, hoping that Xu Miao could guide the monks of other teams.

Here, where the monks gather, the highest-born monks of course have a first-class sect. The monks of the family have long been secretly unhappy when they learned that Xu Miao's reputation is so prominent.Now seeing Xu Miao walking on the high platform and telling them how to use the formation, the dissatisfaction with Xu Miao in his heart became more and more serious.

"This Xu Miao, what are you crazy about! It's just from the third-level sect of Beisong Palace. What's so special about it!" said the monks of the first-level sect. , other monks can't get into their eyes.

The monks next to him also echoed: "That's right! Defeating an ordinary late-stage monk, what is there to brag about! Big brother has also defeated a late-stage monk!"

The discussion of these monks did not lower their voices, but deliberately increased their voices, so that the surrounding monks, especially Xu Miao himself, could hear their discussions.

Xu Miao also heard the content of the discussion as they wished.But to Xu Miao, these people are like clowns, and they are not worth his attention.When these people give them faces, they often push their noses on their faces.

Lin Luo discovered Xu Miao's attainment and talent in formations, and he never let go of the opportunity to "squeeze" Xu Miao.It is more suitable for Xu Miao, a cultivator of Huashen, to explain the use of formations to monks of Huashen.

Just like explaining to his teammates before, Xu Miao did not intend to let them understand the profound meaning and deep meaning of the formation.Xu Miao only told all the monks how to output their spiritual power when they heard what kind of instructions.

This kind of rigid regulation can achieve the best effect through the monk's photographic memory.Xu Miao's explanation is no nonsense, concise and to the point, it can be clearly explained in a few words, even the most stupid people can understand.

What's more, how many monks who can cultivate to the stage of transforming gods are idiots?After Xu Miao finished speaking, she planned to leave directly.Suddenly someone stopped in front of Xu Miao and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu, don't rush away, you haven't explained this formation clearly."

Lin Luo had other things to do, so he couldn't stare here all the time, and told Xu Miao to leave after explaining.Even Lin Luo didn't expect that there would be monks who would find fault with Xu Miao.

Xu Miao looked at the friar with a ruffian face: "I've made it very clear. If you can't understand it because of your IQ problem, I also express my regret. After all, you can't poop, so you can't blame the people on the ground. Not attractive, would you say?"


"Xu Miao's words are absolutely perfect!"

The monk next to him couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard Xu Miao's words, which made the monks very embarrassed.The man immediately lowered his face: "Xu Miao, what do you mean?"

This kind of monk who came here to find fault really didn't give him a beating, they didn't even know their surname!The corner of Xu Miao's mouth twitched into a sneer: "You came here to find me, and you still come to ask me what I mean. Now I want to ask you more, where is your face?"

Xu Miao's tone was not polite at all. Xu Miao had never lost to anyone in the verbal dispute!It's not who Xu Miao is targeting, he refers to everyone present, none of whom are his opponents.

"A monk of a third-level sect, what are you crazy about!" The leading monk shot directly at Xu Miao, pouring out violent spiritual power.Xu Miao squinted her eyes and looked at the mentally ill monk in front of her. Facts have proved that no matter how good the school is, it will accept some mentally retarded and brain-dead.

Xu Miao doesn't like to make the first move, but he won't give the other party a second chance.At the same time as the opponent's spiritual power fell, Xu Miao condensed the black bear spirit's spiritual power in the palm of his right hand, teleported to avoid the opponent's attack, and hit the opponent's body with the spiritual power in his hand.

A burst of spiritual power in the late stage of refining emptiness, even if it is not done with all its strength, is enough for the opponent to drink a pot.The man was immediately thrown backward by Xu Miao, and he flew a full distance of ten feet before landing heavily on the ground.

This is the result of Xu Miao's mercy. If Xu Miao is willing, he can even blow up the opponent's Nascent Soul in an instant with the hit just now, and completely become a mortal.

In today's world of self-cultivation where 梼杌 is raging, a monk who has lost his spiritual power is no different from a dead person.To be precise, it is more painful than a dead person, after all, their life is worse than death.

Xu Miao's lightning method made all the monks next to that person dumbfounded, and looked at Xu Miao tremblingly, for fear that Xu Miao would anger them and attack them in real time.

The monk who was hit by Xu Miao was lying on the ground, moaning and struggling, expressing his physical and psychological pain.Xu Miao walked over slowly, and the crowd unconsciously made way for Xu Miao to reach this person's side smoothly.

Xu Miao squatted down and looked at this person: "Do you understand what I taught you just now? Do you need me to teach you again?" Xu Miao's tone sounded very gentle, but the monks next to him felt it all. There was a chill.

"Listen, understand, got it!" The man bared his teeth and spit out three words one by one.Xu Miao smiled and patted his face lightly: "Just understand, and if there are still people in your place who don't understand and want to ask me for advice, I don't mind giving them a few more small talks."

The deep meaning in Xu Miao's words is obvious. If this person wants to gather other monks to come to him for revenge, Xu Miao will never be soft-hearted. Come and fight one, come two to fight one pair, it's so simple and neat!

Xu Miao wanted to leave, but no one stopped him, so he could only watch Xu Miao disappear from their sight.

The person lying on the ground hammered the ground angrily: "Xu Miao! I remember you! Just wait for me, and I won't call you Li Gang until I beat you to the ground!"

It's a pity that it was too late for Li Gang to speak. Xu Miao had already walked away, so he didn't hear Li Gang's harsh words.If Xu Miao heard it, she would definitely go back without hesitation and beat Li Gang again, so that he didn't even have the strength to speak.

When Lin Luo learned about this, he hurriedly came to Xu Miao anxiously, reminding him to pay attention to the revenge of the first-level sect.Although the catastrophe is coming now, the gathering places don't care about the origin of the monks, but the monks of the original sect family still care.

Not only that, they are very united, and they often form groups to target other low-level sects and family monks.If you mess with them, it's not easy for others to stop them at will.

Seeing Lin Luo's worried face, Xu Miao didn't care: "Don't worry, people who can help Li Gang vent their anger are not good guys. As for the truly powerful monks in the first-level sect, they will not be with people like Li Gang." together."

Xu Miao's expression was too relaxed and indifferent, which made Lin Luo feel relieved.Not long after Lin Luo left, a monk knocked on the door of the temporary residence.All ten people in the room were there, and upon hearing this movement, they immediately felt a strong murderous aura.

Zhang Jinduan looked at Xu Miao worriedly: "Do you need to call the law enforcement team? They came so prepared, I'm afraid it will be bad for you."

The law enforcement team is a department specially established in the gathering place to be responsible for the normal operation of the gathering place.Solve all kinds of monk disputes, as well as provoking troubles and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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