Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 620 Want to find fault?

Chapter 620 Want to find fault?
Kou Ju cleaned up Li Gang's body, and at the same time issued a sealing order, strictly instructing the monks who came with him not to spread the matter to the outside world.These monks originally followed Kou Ju, and usually looked up to Kou Ju, so when Kou Ju said this, of course he agreed in a hurry.

Now that Kou Ju was taken in as servants by Xu Miao, while they were panicking, they were also trembling, fearing that Xu Miao would also take them as servants.Xu Miao scanned the group of monks, and said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, I accept servants, it depends on the person."

"You guys are so weak, I'm not interested in taking you as servants and wasting my consciousness." After finishing speaking, Xu Miao turned around and said without looking back, "But, Kou Ju, you take all of them together. Take it, set a restriction."

"I don't want to spread the word about today's incident." Xu Miao would not accept a particularly useless servant, but Xu Miao would not be at ease if he did not control the life of the other party in his own hands.

If he doesn't accept it, it doesn't mean that Kou Ju won't accept it. This method is more effective than Kou Ju's gag order.Xu Miao didn't need to worry about the next thing, he believed that Kou Ju would do well.

Accept the servants, cover up Li Gang's death, and take Xu Miao out of the whole thing.Xu Miao observed what Kou Ju did through the master-servant contract, and nodded with satisfaction.

Kou Ju has this kind of scheming, so it doesn't make sense to act so bluffing and ignorant just now.Xu Miao keenly sensed that this servant he accepted on a whim may also hide a certain secret, and this secret made him have to live as a playboy.

But Xu Miao quickly put these things behind her. No matter how many secrets Kou Ju has, it has nothing to do with him.Xu Miao is not the kind of person who extracts benefits from his servants.

When he returned to the room, he once again received the adoring eyes of Zhang Jinduan's nine people.In the face of the clamoring monks of the first-level sect, Xu Miao was able to accept the other party as his servant without bloodshed, and made the other party dare not raise the slightest intention of resistance.

This method, this courage, is really admirable!

Every day, all monks need to go to relevant places to practice.The first practice is the tacit understanding practice of each monk in the team.Because of Xu Miao's existence in the team, they skipped the initial practice.

Later, each team was regarded as a small unit, and tacit cooperation between teams was required.Even with Xu Miao present, they still need to go to practice.

The person in charge of the unified practice of the Huashen cultivator team was replaced by another late stage cultivator, Jing Cang, from Lin Luo.Jing Cang was different from Lin Luo, he was very narrow-minded and could not tolerate the existence of monks stronger than him.

Therefore, Lin Luo specially sent a message to ask Xu Miao to keep a low profile.Xu Miao has been in the limelight recently, and he knows it without being reminded.When it comes to the safety of all the cultivators and even the gathering place, Xu Miao will not insist on winning.

Due to the lack of sufficient communication between the teams, Jing Cang's initial scheduling was very difficult.Team cooperation is even worse to a certain extent.Either the spiritual power collided, or the spiritual power was insufficient.After a whole day, Jing Cang's face was so gloomy that water could almost drip.

Compared to other monks who were nervous about being scolded, Xu Miao was very relaxed.The performance of his team can be called flawless.Every injection of spiritual power came according to Jing Cang's request, without the slightest mistake.

Even if Jing Cang wanted to find fault with them, he couldn't find a direction.However, it was useless for Xu Miao's team to perform well alone. The other four teams that cooperated with their team were so poor that they couldn't bear to look directly at them.

Don't be afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.No matter how good Xu Miao's team performed, they couldn't show their strength when they met four pig teammates.As a result, Jing Cang also found a way to get angry later, and even led five teams to scold them together.

Zhong Dan, who was in the team, looked unconvinced, and muttered in a low voice: "It's not our problem, but he still scolds us. It's really that his command ability is not good, and he only swears all day long. Who can practice well!"

"If Xu Miao goes up to direct, we can all go back to sleep now!" Although Zhong Dan's voice was very low, it was not difficult for Jing Cang to hear his words clearly in the silent venue.

Jing Cang was originally annoyed because his practice progress could not be improved, but now Zhong Dan dared to criticize him.Jing Cang made a quick move, condensed a wave of spiritual power, and quickly fell towards Zhong Dan.

Zhong Dan is just an ordinary late-stage cultivator, even if he faces off against the early stage of Xuxu, there is no life but death, not to mention that Jing Cang is still a monk at the late stage of Xuxu.Even if Jing Cang is not good at fighting, but better at formations and level crushing, he can kill Zhong Dan in one move.

Xu Miao quickly raised her head and saw the spiritual attack coming at a gallop.Zhong Dan also sensed Jing Cang's murderous blow, but he had no way to dodge it.When high-level monks suppress low-level monks, they will also emit the coercion of high-level monks at the same time, making it impossible for low-level monks to run their spiritual power smoothly, and naturally they cannot launch defenses.

Zhong Tan's face immediately turned pale. The other monks beside Zhong Tan were either gloating or worried, but none of them offered to help.It's not that Zhang Jinduan and the others are unwilling, but they can't do it.

Although their strength is higher than that of Zhong Dan, they are far inferior to Jing Cang in the late stage of refining Xu.Jing Cang's spiritual power was close at hand, Zhong Dan closed his eyes in despair.At the critical moment, Xu Miao appeared in front of Zhong Dan, propped up the helmet of Fu Yu, and blocked Jing Cang's attack.

Zhong Dan waited for a long time, but did not wait for the pain of death. He opened his eyes in surprise and saw Xu Miao's back.It turned out that it was Xu Miao who helped him block Jing Cang's attack. Xu Miao could even take the monks in the late stage of refining Xu as servants, so it was no problem to block Jing Cang's attack.

Jing Cang looked at Xu Miao sullenly, "Xu Miao, what do you mean?" Xu Miao was well-known among the cultivators who transformed the spirit and even the cultivators who refined the void.Before Jing Cang came here, he also heard about Xu Miao's name.

Strong combat power, capable of defeating late-stage cultivators, with high talent in formations, able to comprehend the true meaning of formations in a very short period of time, and put them into practice.It is impossible for such a monk to say that Jing Cang is not jealous.

Seeing Xu Miao stand up for the monk next to him now, he became more and more angry.Xu Miao shrugged nonchalantly: "It's nothing interesting, I'm just worried that if one person is missing, the formation will not work, which will affect Senior Jing Cang's combined attack."

The number of formations has already been stipulated. For example, after Li Gang was killed by Kou Ju, he worked secretly to fill the gap.If Jing Cang kills a monk in public, affecting the final power of the formation, Jing Cang will also be in big trouble.

Xu Miao's threat was palpable, and the blue veins on Jing Cang's forehead twitched unconsciously, and suddenly showed a ferocious smile: "You are right, I am the one who is in a hurry. You five teams can't practice well, so come to me. Specially teach you!"

The teams that didn't train well were not limited to the five teams on Xu Miao's side, all the teams couldn't train well.But Jing Cang was specifically looking for faults with him, obviously making use of the problem.

Xu Miao didn't care either, she nodded and walked towards Jing Cang first.The remaining monks all looked at Xu Miao with complicated eyes.Originally, Xu Miao didn't intend to come to command in person, but now she has to.

While walking, he directly transmitted voice to the captains of the other four teams, telling them how to inject spiritual power according to his instructions later.

"Why should I listen to you?" The captains of the three teams quickly agreed, and only the captain of one team expressed their reluctance.Xu Miao glanced at the other party: "You know my methods. If you don't obey my command, I will find a way to make you a target. Believe it or not?"

The strength Xu Miao showed before was too terrifying. After weighing it, the captain decided to listen to Xu Miao's opinion.By the time Xu Miao's five teams stood in front of Jing Cang, they had fully communicated.

Jing Cang knew that Xu Miao communicated through spiritual consciousness, but he didn't know what exactly Xu Miao communicated with several people, so he could only look at Xu Miao with a gloomy face.

"Can we start?" Xu Miao asked impatiently, not caring about Jing Cang's mood.For a person like Jing Cang, it is shameless to give face to him, so there is no need to give him face at all.

Jing Cang wanted to speak, but Xu Miao preempted him and choked: "Let me tell you, if there is a problem in the practice, I have countless ways to make your life worse than death!"

"Really? You'd better worry about your own command first. You still look like this after a day, and you're too embarrassed to criticize others." Facing Jing Cang, Xu Miao didn't want to show mercy.

Jing Cang was not Xu Miao's opponent in terms of speech, so he simply shut up and began to command the five teams.Xu Miao quickly entered the state, and according to Jing Cang's command, the voice transmission gave the order.

Different from Jing Cang's command, Xu Miao's command is simple and clear, so that the monks participating in the formation clearly know what they should do and how to do it.It was completely different from the performance below. The five teams cooperated seamlessly. Even Jing Cang couldn't find any problems.

At this time, the real monk Ye Zhou, who was in the Mahayana period, came to check the progress of the practice. He was very satisfied when he saw the performance of Xu Miao's five teams: "Jing Cang, you did a good job, you are a talented person."

Facing the Mahayana monks, Jing Cang was no longer the face with a nose that was not a nose, and eyes that were not eyes. He was extremely humble and expressed that he would continue to work hard.

Xu Miao showed an inscrutable smile, and suddenly interjected: "Master Ye Zhou, you are here, why don't you look at the results of other teams' cooperation."

Master Ye Zhou naturally nodded in agreement, and randomly ordered five teams to come forward.

(End of this chapter)

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