Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 624 Gathering Site Failed

Chapter 624 Gathering Site Failed

But after the real experience today, he felt that the battle was more cruel than the battle he had encountered before.Cultivators like them who provide backup spiritual power for the monks of the tribulation period and the monks of the Mahayana period are at the rear of the battlefield and are not easily affected.

The most terrifying thing is the one who really comes into close contact with the wuwu and directly faces the power of the wuwu.Xu Miao could clearly see that the monks of the Mahayana period and the monks of the Transcending Tribulation period, who were usually unattainable in his eyes, seemed to have no way to resist at all. Once the attack of the 梼杌 fell, they would be seriously injured.

The casualty rate was too high, and a large number of monks died under the attack of Wuwu.The most direct impact of the death of a high-ranking monk is the mentality of a low-ranking monk.

Xu Miao clearly felt that the spiritual power injected into the formation had deviated and was even decreasing.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was dispersed, and she found helplessly that it was not a single case whose mentality was affected, but almost all the monks, all of whom fell into despair.

Once the monks in the tribulation period and the Mahayana period died, they would not be the enemy in one blow, and the only thing waiting for them was death.This kind of despair, even Xu Miao's eloquent tongue, could not resolve it.

Xu Miao could only give orders as quickly as possible to stabilize the flustered mentality of the monks, so that they could continue to inject spiritual power into the formation and ensure the battle of the remaining high-ranking monks.

Wu Wu's ferocious roar and cruel laughter hit the eardrums of all the monks present.Mixed with Wuwu's voice, there are also the painful sounds of the high-level monks who were injured, and the unwilling voices of the powerful monks when they fell.

Despair, endless despair, spread around all monks.For the first time, a blank look appeared in Xu Miao's eyes.He didn't know what to do, how to resist the overwhelming 梼杌.

Among the monks of the same level, Xu Miao looked like no matter how powerful he was, he was just an ant-like existence to Wuwu who could fight with divine beasts.How can the light of fireflies compete with the sun and the moon?
"Xu Miao, going on like this is not an option. We have to get out of here as soon as possible before the high-ranking monks die!" The treasure hunter's serious voice came, and at this time the first layer of formation outside the gathering place had been breached.

Xu Miao could clearly see the sky stained red with blood. Outside the gathering place, it could be called a purgatory on earth. Countless monks and the corpses of monsters fell on the ground messily, and the corpses were scattered all over the field.

Suddenly, Wu Wu turned his head and headed straight for the position of the cultivator of Huashen led by Xu Miao.Wu Wu opened his bloody mouth wide and spewed out a burst of spiritual power.Seeing this, the monks during the tribulation period quickly stood in front of Xu Miao and his group of monks.

"All the monks, break them into pieces, disperse and flee!" the remaining monks who came to cross the tribulation stage ordered loudly.The low-level monks who had already panicked to the extreme, heard these words, as if they had heard the imperial decree of amnesty, they instantly got out of the formation and flew out.

Some monks escaped smoothly, but most of the monks died under the attack of 梼杌.Even monks in the Transcendence Tribulation Period couldn't resist, not to mention those monks with such a low level of cultivation.

Xu Miao looked dignified, frowned and looked at Wuwu not far away, she let out her consciousness, and found a suitable way to leave.Immortal Ye Zhou landed beside Xu Miao at this time, with a wry smile on his face: "Our defense failed, no matter how hard we try, it is not as good as an attack by Wu Wu."

Although the upper plane of the sky is an upper plane, the overall strength of the upper plane of the sky is not ranked high among the 36 upper planes, only No. 19.

If the upper plane that Wu Wu arrived at was the upper plane of Tiankui, it might still be possible to trap Wu Wu.But history never had what-ifs. From this moment on, the upper plane in the sky would lose its autonomy and be completely captured by the 梼杌.

All the creatures on the plane in the sky will be reduced to losers, and they will have to act according to Wu Wu's expression every moment.If you are not careful, you may be killed by 梼杌.

Thinking of this, both Xu Miao and Master Ye Zhou had very ugly expressions.Master Ye Zhou patted Xu Miao on the shoulder pretending to be relaxed: "The message for help from the upper plane of the sky has been sent to the major upper planes. If they can come to help us, there may be a chance to rebuild our home."

Having said that, if other upper planes are willing to come to support, the upper plane of the sky will not be in such a state now.Zhu Wu's head turned to where they were, and an extremely sharp attack swept over.

Xu Miao and Master Ye Zhou hid to both sides at the same time, and they all turned into light and flew away from this place.The defeat was like a mountain, and the strength of so many monks was gathered, and they were unable to fight against Wuwu, let alone now that they had lost most of their combat power.

The monks who survived scattered and fled in all directions, fearing that if they were too late, they would be killed by Wu Wu.Xu Miao continued to use the teleportation technique, and under the attack of Wu Wu's spiritual power, she managed to escape smoothly and dangerously.

Xu Miao didn't leave the gathering place very far, she directly found a hidden corner, and dodged into the stone bead.The concealment effect of the stone beads is very clever, even the 梼杌 can't find it.

Now he can only stay in the stone bead, waiting for Zhu Wu to leave from here.The stone bead is just a hidden cave that can be carried with you, but unlike the Hunting Stone, it does not have the laws of heaven and earth.

In other words, there is no aura of heaven and earth in the stone bead, and it cannot grow aura of heaven and earth by itself.If Xu Miao wants to practice, he must create the aura of heaven and earth by himself.

In addition to the spirit gathering array that consumes spar, Xu Miao has another method, which is the spirit core he once obtained.The spiritual core is the center of the spiritual veins, as long as there is a spiritual core, the spiritual core can be gradually formed by burying the spiritual core in the mountainside.

After obtaining the spiritual core at that time, Xu Miao handed over the spiritual core to Xiaotian for disposal.After so many years, the spirit nucleus has already produced a spirit vein of excellent quality.What Xu Miao has to do now is to move the spirit vein into the stone bead.

As the master of the two spaces, Xu Miao only needs to choose where to place the spirit vein in the stone bead, and with a thought, he can move the spirit vein into the stone bead.

Xu Miao simply started to retreat in the stone bead, no matter how raging the scorpion outside was, how to kill the living beings.Xu Miao was already in the late stage of becoming a god, and his recent encounters also improved his mood.The advanced refining stage can be said to be a matter of course.

However, in the past 60 years, Xu Miao's cultivation level has been successfully promoted to the peak in the later stage, and he can advance to the refining void anytime, anywhere.What Xu Miao needs to consider is how to communicate with heaven and earth.

Stone beads belong to the magic space, but unlike the space constructed by Xu Miao in his previous life, they cannot refine the laws of heaven and earth.If he wanted to truly advance to the Void Refining Stage, he had to leave the stone bead and return to the upper plane of the sky.

With a wave of Xu Miao's hand, the sky of Shizhu gradually became transparent, and the outside world was displayed in front of Xu Miao's eyes.The devastation was Xu Miao's first reaction when he saw the external environment.

Landslides and landslides, ruins, and bones exposed, this kind of environment doesn't look like what a cultivation world should look like.Xu Miao carefully opened a channel to feel the breath of the outside world.

Under the torture of Wuwu for decades, Xu Miao couldn't even feel the slightest aura.Fortunately, Xu Miao didn't feel the breath of 梼杌 here.He came out of the stone bead carefully, looking for a mountain peak that could accommodate him.

Without the aura of heaven and earth, the living environment of monks will become extremely difficult.Unable to advance, unable to cultivate, and even afraid to fight.The surviving monks that Xu Miao saw along the way all had ugly faces.

Without the supply of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, he has to deal with casual cultivators and monsters that may appear at any time and anywhere. After 60 years of running for their lives, they were exhausted.

Seeing Xu Miao's full of energy and spiritual energy, these monks all showed surprised expressions.But soon, this expression turned into greed and ferocity.

Being able to maintain this state in the environment of the upper plane of the sky shows that Xu Miao must be carrying a treasure, or has other means.If they could get one or two from Xu Miao, they wouldn't have to live so hard.

Xu Miao's current level of cultivation is only at the peak of the late stage of transformation, but the monks who surround him are all monks in the late stage of refining, or even the early stage of fusion.As early as the first ten years after the gathering place was broken, the cultivators of Huashen were killed and injured.

Today's Xu Miao, in the eyes of these monks, is no different from a fat sheep.A monk in the early stage of fusion said hoarsely: "Boy, it is really not easy for you to survive from the ravages of the 梼杌 to this day."

"I don't want your life either, hand over all your things, and leave." The monks around Xu Miao looked like hungry wolves, and their eyes even emitted green light.

Xu Miao laughed lightly: "It's ridiculous that you want me to hand over things just because of you insects. I'll give you a chance to live, now Turn around and leave, I don't have to kill you."

When the monks heard Xu Miao's words, they all burst into laughter.In their view, no matter how depleted their spiritual power is, it is still not easy to deal with a cultivator in the late stage of transformation.

A late-stage cultivator made the first move amid laughter and quickly approached Xu Miao.This person had a plan in mind, and acted first. After killing Xu Miao, he snatched his body and fled far away, so that he could monopolize the treasure of this seemingly mysterious cultivator.

The idea is good, but it is a pity that it is Xu Miao.Before reaching Xu Miao's side in the late stage of refining the virtual, Xu Miao had already taken the lead, and the spiritual power of Gale Feng Lingyuan poured out, hitting the monk in the late stage of refining the virtual.

Before everyone could react, Xu Miao had already crushed the person's Nascent Soul and took away the person's magic weapon.Xu Miao looked at the remaining astonished monks indifferently: "Go away now, there is still one life left."

(End of this chapter)

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