Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 645 Mission Help

Chapter 645 Mission Help
Guanjin repeated what he said before: "If I win by chance, fellow daoist, I hope fellow daoist can help me complete a task." Hearing this, Xu Miao knew the real purpose of the other party.

The challenge is fake, asking for help is real.Guan Jin saw Xu Miao's extraordinary strength from his suppression of the monks at the counter, so he came up with the idea of ​​inviting him to complete the task together.

This task is a task in the Loose Cultivation Alliance, but it can only be completed by monks in the early stage of Xuxu refining, even in the middle stage of Xuxu refining, they cannot participate.The Loose Cultivator Alliance has very strict inspections on tasks. If a monk is found to have completed a task with a high cost, he will be directly expelled from the alliance.

And Guan Jin once tried to complete the task by himself, but ended in failure.When he was wandering around worrying, he found Xu Miao.If Xu Miao can defeat him, then with Xu Miao's strength, he can definitely help him complete the task.

As for the 50 top-grade spar, it's not that he can't get it out, but he needs a few days to spare.Guan Jin rattled his abacus, confidently thinking that Xu Miao would nod and agree to this competition.

Xu Miao stood under the competition stage calmly, looked at Guan Jin and said, "I can accept your competition. However, I need to see if you really have 50 top-grade crystals."

"If you do have it, no matter what the task is, I can help you complete it. If you don't have so many crystals, I'm sorry, but I refuse this battle."

Guan Jin was choked by Xu Miao's words, and he lost his original pride: "This... I will definitely give you this 50 top-grade spar, but can you give it a few days?"

"Of course." Xu Miao knew, how could it be possible for a monk at the early stage of Void Refinement to take out 50 high-grade crystals so easily.Xu Miao thought about it for granted, but completely forgot about himself. Even if he had 500 million top-grade crystals, he could take them out casually.

Xu Miao acted as if she understood Guanjin: "Then you can come to me after you have collected 50 high-grade crystals. Since you are in the rented Dongfu shop just now, you must know where my foothold is. Where, farewell."

After finishing speaking, Xu Miao didn't give Guan Jin a chance to continue talking, and turned around and left, leaving Guan Jin alone in the wind.Xu Miao did not return to the cave immediately, but first went to the task distribution point of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

This contains all the tasks issued, and monks can take appropriate tasks in it.As long as the mission of the casual repair alliance is not completed, it will always be suspended at the mission.

Even if a monk accepts the task, it will not affect other monks to accept the same task.Xu Miao found the place where the monks in the early stage of refining the virtual world took on the tasks, specifically looking for the ones that only the monks in the early stage of refining the virtual world could perform.

Among a bunch of quests, Xu Miao saw a quest that was "only for monks in the early stages of refining the void".To be on the safe side, Xu Miao searched through all the task lists again, and after confirming that there was only this one task, she also accepted it.

This task was issued by an alchemist in the Mahayana period.The alchemist's alchemy furnace was damaged during the successive refining of pills, and a suitable alchemy furnace has not been found.This time I learned that there is an excellent quality alchemy furnace in that cave, so naturally I will not let it go.

However, there is a restriction in that cave, except for the monks in the early stage of refining the void, no monks of other levels can enter.If you enter it by force, the self-destruction ban will be triggered, and the entire cave will be destroyed within a moment.

Therefore, in order to obtain the alchemy furnace, the alchemist offered a high price, and promised that the monks who took back the alchemy furnace would have the opportunity to refine the alchemy for free three times.

The promise of an alchemist in the Mahayana period to refine elixir is more precious than many magic weapons.Some cultivators only hated that they were not cultivators in the early stage of refining the void, and watched the opportunity slip away from their hands.

The monk who is in charge of the task registration has seen many monks in the early stage of refining the void take up this task in the past few days.He registered and compiled the book without any surprises, and at the same time reminded Xu Miao: "The tasks in the Casual Cultivation Alliance can only be taken one at a time."

"If this task has not been completed, if you want to give up the task, you can only spend 10 yuan in mid-grade spar to offset the task, understand?" Xu Miao nodded to express her understanding, took the task jade slip, turned and left the task announcement point .

The contents of the task jade slips were all written by the alchemist in the Mahayana period.It introduced the location of the cave in detail, as well as the shape of the alchemy furnace.As for the situation in the cave, there is no introduction.

After all, the cultivation level of an alchemist far exceeded the limit requirements of the cave mansion, and he knew nothing about the internal situation of the cave mansion.Xu Miao looked at the task jade slip in her hand, glanced at her mouth, and threw it into the Hunting Stone.

From this point of view, Guanjin must need to refine some kind of elixir, and he needs this elixir very urgently, so he can't wait to complete the task.Even at the cost of 50 top-grade crystals, Xu Miao's help was needed.

The next thing is very simple, Xu Miao just sits in the cave and waits for Guanjin to deliver 50 high-grade crystals to her door.The agreement between the two was that although Xu Miao lost to Guanjin, he needed to help Guanjin complete the task.

But both of them tacitly agreed that if Xu Miao was really defeated, Guanjin would not ask Xu Miao to fight again.If Xu Miao defeated Guanjin, he won 50 top-grade crystals, and it was impossible for him to ignore Guanjin's request.


Guanjin's speed was very fast, and it took only two days to collect 50 high-grade crystals.Xu Miao stretched out her consciousness, glanced at the storage bag, and found that it was indeed 50 top-grade crystals, and followed Guanjin to the competition platform very readily.

The battle between the two sides was just for Guanjin to test Xu Miao's strength.From the very beginning, Guanjin launched the strongest attack.Violent tornadoes appeared from all directions, sweeping towards Xu Miao.

Xu Miao squinted her eyes. It is indeed not bad for a monk with wind root roots to use the wind attribute to such a level.But for Xu Miao, it was far from enough.

With the same wind spirit root, Xu Miao can find the opponent's tornado flaw without any effort.When a reed crossing the river was deployed, Xu Miao nimbly shuttled through several tornadoes.

No matter how terrifying and powerful the tornado looked, it didn't even touch a piece of Xu Miao's clothes.Every time Guanjin thinks that the tornado is about to hit Xu Miao, but Xu Miao dodges every time.

This was his strongest move, and it had never happened before when he was fighting with monks of the same level.As soon as the tornado comes out, the opponent will at least be hurt.But now, Guan Jin actually felt helpless.

His tornado couldn't touch Xu Miao, in other words, he couldn't hurt Xu Miao at all.Xu Miao shuttled between the tornadoes and quickly approached Guanjin.

When Guan Jin was still thinking about what to do to cause harm to Xu Miao, Xu Miao had quietly come behind Guan Jin.Xu Miao used the lunar concealment technique while moving.

All the auras were hidden, and Guan Jin didn't find out where Xu Miao was at this time.Suddenly, the position of his neck became cold, and he quickly lowered his head to see that a blue sword was resting on his neck.

Mid-Rank Chaos Spirit Treasure!Guan Jin's eyes widened suddenly. He had no doubt that if Xu Miao wanted to, he could ignore his body's defenses and cut off his head directly, letting him separate while breathing.

Guan Jin also knew that he had failed, so he gave a wry smile, knowing that the opponent was strong, but he didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful.Guanjin raised his hand to put away the tornado, and the few monks watching didn't even know what happened, so they saw the tornado was put away, and the two sides stood facing each other.

Xu Miao made a move, and Guanjin very consciously handed over 50 top-grade crystals to Xu Miao.

"Okay, your reward has been paid, when do you plan to do that task?" Xu Miao's attitude made Guanjin even more delighted.The strength Xu Miao showed just now is so strong, if he helps, he is [-]% sure to get the alchemy furnace.

A [-]% certainty doesn't sound high, but in an expedition, being able to have a [-]% certainty is already amazing.

"Tomorrow is also this time for us, gather at the exit of the stronghold!" Guanjin changed his previous disappointment and was very excited.Xu Miao nodded and left without saying much.


On the second day, the two gathered on time and flew towards the location of the cave.Xu Miao found that it wasn't just the two of them who also flew in the direction of the cave, there were also many early-stage cultivators.

They looked at Xu Miao and Guan Jin warily, and Xu Miao looked at them equally warily.There were 15 people in this group. With such a large number of people, it would be troublesome to fight in the cave.

It is best to solve them outside the cave, and avoid bringing troubles inside the cave.Not only Xu Miao, but also the group of monks had this idea.

During the break, 15 people took the initiative to lean towards Xu Miao and Guanjin.Guan Jin looked at the visitor warily: "What do you want to do?"

"Little boy, what do you think we want to do?" Guan Jin was often ridiculed by other monks as a boy because of his indistinguishable appearance.Hearing this, Guanjin was immediately stepped on and was furious.

Compared with Guanjin's jumping feet, Xu Miao looked very calm: "You want to solve some troubles, right? I happen to think so too, so let's settle it here."

Xu Miao's tone was flat, and she completely regarded murder as a calm matter, and didn't take it to heart at all.Xu Miao's attitude fell into the eyes of a dozen people and aroused their anger.

This Xu Miao, obviously just joined the Loose Cultivation Alliance, is so arrogant and arrogant, even despising them, he must make him pay the price! With this idea in mind, the 15 people divided into teams of seven and eight and approached Xu Miao and Guanjin.

Due to the particularity of this mission, all the monks present are early-stage monks.

(End of this chapter)

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