Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 693 Rescue Zhang Xuanwu

Chapter 693 Rescue Xuanwu
Xu Miao didn't give Maoci a chance to speak, and directly raised his hand to collect Maoci into the Hunting Stone.Xiaotian had already prepared a position in the Huntian Stone, and locked Maoci into the Huntian Stone perfectly.

Once inside the Huntian Stone, even though Maoci has [-] classes of martial arts, it is impossible to escape from it.Xu Miao stepped forward non-stop, rushing to the location of the divine beast cub.

In order to prevent the monks who entered other forks from turning back, they entered this fork again.As Xu Miao walked, she set various restrictions behind her.These restrictions will prevent the monks from moving forward. If they want to move forward smoothly, they must break the restrictions.

When it was about to reach the location of the divine beast cub, a terrifying aura of divine beast swept towards it.Xu Miao stood there very calmly, motionless, but summoned the white tiger and the phoenix.

The appearance of the white tiger and the phoenix stopped the attacking breath of the divine beast that was about to fall on Xu Miao's body.A strand of hair on the forehead was cut off by the attacking breath of the divine beast, and slowly fell to the ground.

This place is not just Xuanwu, the aura of the white tiger, the aura of the green dragon, and the aura of the vermillion bird are gathered together.Xu Miao is very sensitive to the aura of the beast, he can sense the worry and sadness in the aura of the other party.

Originally, there were only the guardian and a dying little Xuanwu on the eggshell.The breath of the rest of the beasts has always maintained the state of breath.After seeing the little white tiger and little phoenix, the aura of the divine beast white tiger first transformed into a human form.

"The white tiger cub, there will be my offspring now." The divine beast Baihu looked at the little white tiger, his eyes full of vicissitudes and joy.After the four great beasts accompanied the Immortal King and the four fierce beasts to fight, almost all of them were seriously injured and died.

It is very difficult for every divine beast to have descendants survive.Like the divine beast White Tiger, the divine beast Suzaku also transformed into a human form.

The little phoenix has not yet experienced Nirvana, and is still in the form of a phoenix, and has not become the real Suzaku.The mythical beast Suzaku transformed into a woman, an extremely gentle woman.

But Xu Miao knew very well how terrifying strength lay beneath this seemingly gentle face.When it really broke out, even Qinglong, who was the best at fighting, was unwilling to confront Suzaku.

After the little white tiger and little phoenix said a few words about their respective affairs, the expressions of the four great beasts looking at Xu Miao immediately changed from suspicion at the beginning to respect.

Those who can be respected by the four great beasts, in the sky and on the earth, there will be no second person except the fairy king!
The four great beasts all faced Xu Miao in human form. They walked up to Xu Miao at the same time and knelt down on one knee to salute Xu Miao.Xu Miao quickly helped the four of them up: "I'm just a little cultivator struggling in the realm of comprehension now, and I can't afford the big gift from the four seniors."

"No, no matter what state the king is now, the king will always be our king!" Suzaku's voice was excited. This time, not only saw his offspring, but also the reincarnation of the fairy king!

They left a trail of consciousness and aura here, just to protect the descendants of Xuanwu.As a result, although Xuanwu's descendants had some problems, at least they saw something that made them happier.

As long as the Immortal King is safe and sound, no matter how much they have to pay, they will be happy.Xu Miao's eyes swept across the four people in front of her, filled with emotion.

Xuanwu's illusioned appearance is that of an older man.The expression on his face was equally excited, but Xu Miao could clearly see Xuanwu's sad expression hidden in the depths.

I have protected the offspring for so long, but in the end, I still can't adapt to the current era and is about to die. How can Xuanwu not feel heartbroken!How not to be sad!

Little Xuanwu's aura became a little weak again, Xu Miao quickly took a few steps, and took Little Xuanwu from the eggshell to his hand.Back then he used his own blood to save the dying little phoenix, maybe he can use this method now.

Xu Miao cut her finger and poured blood into Xiao Xuanwu's mouth.However, Xu Miao back then had the strong dragon power of Canglong's blood in his body. Now the power in his body has been almost exhausted, and it is not enough to save Xiao Xuanwu.

Xuanwu originally looked at Xu Miao expectantly, but he was disappointed to see that little Xuanwu's aura did not change after drinking Xu Miao's blood.

Little White Tiger and Little Phoenix are both in the growth stage, even if all the blood is drained from their bodies, it may not be able to save Little Xuanwu.Xu Miao frowned, lost in thought.

"Immortal blood, can you save this little guy?" Xu Miao had a sudden thought. Although it is not from the blood of the beast, but possessing the immortal power of the supreme immortal king, it may have an unexpected effect.

Xuanwu shook his head: "If the king was still in those days, of course he could use a drop of fairy blood. But now, the king is only a mortal body, so where did the fairy blood come from?" What Xuanwu didn't know was that there was indeed a drop of fairy blood on Xu Miao. blood exists.

Xu Miao didn't answer Xuanwu's words directly, but turned her consciousness to touch the fairy blood in her heart.Immortal blood has a spirit, and when Xiao Xuanwu felt that his life was at stake, he would definitely be able to play a role.

Sure enough, Xu Miao didn't spend much effort this time, and let the fairy blood appear in her hands.When the four great beasts saw the fairy blood in Xu Miao's hand, they all showed incredible expressions.

"Wang, why do you still have fairy blood?"

"In this drop of fairy blood, there is strong fairy power, there is absolutely no problem in rescuing little Xuanwu!" The four great beasts confirmed it, and Xu Miao naturally believed it.According to Xuanwu's instructions, he took out a whole drop of fairy blood and sent it to Xiao Xuanwu's mouth.

Little Xuanwu, who was nourished by the blood of the fairy, immediately improved.The breath that was still weaker just now gradually began to strengthen, and even gave birth to vitality, and it was no longer as dying as before.

Little Xuanwu happily spun around in Xu Miao's hand, crawling around, looking very happy.After Xuanwu saw that little Xuanwu was fine, he stroked his long white beard in relief, feeling very relieved.

Xuanwu walked in front of Xu Miao, bowed solemnly and saluted: "Thank you, Wang, for your rescue, and my subordinates are very grateful!"

Xu Miao shook her head. If it wasn't for the four great beasts fighting to the death, Xu Miao might not have been able to successfully trap the four beasts and keep the human world peaceful.Now it's just a little effort, nothing at all.

After the matter of Little Xuanwu was resolved, everyone's figures immediately became a little dim.Originally, they only left a trail of consciousness and aura, in order to protect Xiao Xuanwu from being born safely.Now that the mission is completed, the strength will naturally weaken.

"My lord, we old guys can't help you anymore. In the future, our descendants will help you, re-establish the fairyland, and kill all those rebellious officials and thieves!" Qinglong's eyebrows were sharp, and he looked very serious.

Now Xu Miao has gathered the white tiger, Xuanwu, and the phoenix who has not yet nirvana, only the blue dragon is missing.It's a pity that there is no memory of Qinglong's descendants in the Qinglong's spiritual consciousness here.

Otherwise, Qinglong can tell Xu Miao where Qinglong's descendants are, and ask Xu Miao to take Qinglong away.Only with the recognition of the four great beasts can he be regarded as the real king of the fairy world.The current so-called Immortal King is just a joke.

Xu Miao was not in a hurry about this, he took Baihu, Phoenix, and Xuanwu under his command one after another along the way.Presumably even Qinglong will not be far away, one day, he will also be able to get Qinglong.

In order for the three little ones to grow up quickly, Xuanwu, Baihu, and Suzaku all told them all kinds of information about their clan.Originally, in the bloodline of the divine beast, the memory is sealed up, and it is only waiting for the cultivation level to improve and obtain the memory.

But there are some things that do not exist in the inheritance of the blood, but are passed down from generation to generation to inform future generations.There is no little Qinglong around Xu Miao now, Qinglong has no one to explain, so he can only tell Xu Miao, hoping that Xu Miao can convey it one day.

"Don't worry, there will be such a day. When I see Xiao Qinglong, I will definitely tell him all this, and let him know that he has an elder who loves and cares about him very much." Xu Miao Zheng nodded and promised.

After all the explanations, the figures of the four great beasts became dimmer than before, almost invisible.Baihu pointed to the Guardian Beast lying obediently on the ground: "This guy was assigned by us to protect Little Xuanwu. Now that his task of protecting Little Xuanwu is completed, let him continue to protect the king."

Hearing Baihu's explanation, the Guardian Beast immediately walked to Xu Miao's side obediently, and rubbed its head against Xu Miao's hand flatteringly.The strength of this guardian beast is probably the same as that of the monks at the beginning of the tribulation.

If you stay in the incomplete secret realm, combined with the power of the incomplete secret realm, you can exert the power of a monk in the late stage of the tribulation.If you leave the Incomplete Secret Realm, you can only exert the power of the early stage of the tribulation.

But this kind of power is enough for Xu Miao.As long as he doesn't provoke those monks in the tribulation period, the monks in the tribulation period will not come to trouble him in idleness.

Xu Miao raised her hand and told that the guardian beast had been sent into the Hunting Stone. After the four great beasts saluted Xu Miao for the last time, they disappeared into the air completely with smiles at the corners of their mouths.

Perhaps this was the first and last time Xu Miao saw the four great beasts under the command of the Immortal King.They fought north and south with the Immortal King, but they didn't end up in such a good end, they couldn't even protect their offspring.

Just thinking of this, Xu Miao has a monstrous hatred for the rebellious Yan.One day, he will return to the fairyland again.Not only did he want to get back everything that once belonged to him, but he also wanted to let Yan know that if he offended him, he would have to bear his anger and revenge!
Xiao Xuanwu's current state has returned to normal, so Xu Miao directly asked Baihu and Fenghuang to take him into the Hunting Stone.For the sake of safety, Xu Miao created a scene where Xuanwu died and finally disappeared.

After confirming that no flaws were exposed, Xu Miao started to step back cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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