Chapter 697

It was rare to see a well-dressed person appear, they didn't care about anything else, and rushed directly to Xu Miao.Xu Miao frowned, didn't even raise her hands, and released her spiritual power out of her body, shaking away the crowd who came up.

Xu Miao didn't use much spiritual power, but it was enough to make these people feel uncomfortable for a while.Several people lying on the ground kept moaning in pain.Xu Miao turned a deaf ear and asked for it all on her own. Now she is pretending to be pitiful.

Suddenly, a scrawny mortal girl with a face covered in dirt hid on the side road, looking at Xu Miao shyly.A pair of big black eyes were full of admiration and envy.

Such children are usually born by monks in this town.Later, due to various reasons, it was discarded here.Having lost his parents and being young and weak, he simply cannot survive in this cultivation world where the jungle preys on the jungle.

Xu Miaofu waved to the little girl, signaling her to come over.The little girl found out that it was Xu Miao who was calling her. After hesitating for a moment, she walked up to Xu Miao obediently and looked at Xu Miao timidly.

Cultivators pay attention to fate. When Xu Miao saw this little girl, he felt that there was an inexplicable feeling between himself and her.But Xu Miao couldn't be sure what this feeling indicated. He was neither a good person nor a saint.

All he could do was to give the little girl some money, a book of exercises, and a bottle of elixir.If this little girl is really destined to be with him, then she will definitely be able to walk in front of Xu Miao again with the things Xu Miao gave her.

If the two have no fate after all, for Xu Miao, it's not even a loss.The skills and elixirs needed by the monks in the Qi refining period are almost piled up in Xu Miao's Huntian stone, which can be said to be inexhaustible.

Xu Miao touched the little girl's withered and yellow hair, turned and left without hesitation, leaving the little girl alone, staring at Xu Miao's back in a daze for a long time.


This place is very close to the Huowei dense forest, there must be someone who knows about the Huowei dense forest.The news Xu Miao got about the Huowei dense forest was all obtained from various jade slips, and I don't know how many times the information was passed on.

Only the monks who really live next to the Huowei dense forest are the ones who know the Huowei dense forest best.Xu Miao walked around the town without hiding her whereabouts. Everyone knew that a monk had come to the city.

At this moment, Xu Miao was sitting in front of an old monk.This cultivator is in the Foundation Establishment Stage. If he is on the lower plane, the Foundation Establishment Stage can also become the head of some sects.

It's a pity that this is the upper plane, and the cultivation base of the foundation building period is almost the same as that of ordinary people, and they are all the people at the bottom of the cultivation world.When the monks in the foundation building period saw Xu Miao's appearance, they were trembling. They didn't even dare to lift their heads or look at Xu Miao's appearance.

The monk with the highest cultivation level he had ever seen was only in the Nascent Soul Stage.At that time, he was shocked by the vast aura of the other party. Now that he saw Xu Miao, this person's cultivation level must be higher than that of Nascent Soul cultivator, which gave him such an unfathomable feeling.

"I came to you, of course, not looking for trouble. I just want to know about Huowei Milin. If the answer is good, I can directly help you advance to the golden core stage."

Now that Xu Miao is in the mid-stage of Void Refinement, helping a monk in the foundation-building stage to advance to the golden core stage is nothing more than a piece of cake.As long as Xu Miao is willing, he can do this in half an hour.

Of course, this method of advancement will completely cut off the possibility of monks continuing to advance.But it doesn't matter, anyway, this monk's lifespan is coming soon, and it is his lifelong dream to be able to advance to the golden core stage.

Now that this dream is about to be seen by the people in front of him, the foundation-building monks are very excited, and their hearts are burning.The monks in the foundation building period considered their words and began to tell Xu Miao.

The other party is just a monk in the foundation building period, and he once ventured into the Huowei dense forest in order to advance to a higher level of cultivation.But when he just entered Huowei dense forest, he always felt that someone was following him.

At that time, he was sure that no monks entered the Huowei dense forest together.Then he will follow his existence, he must have lived in the Huowei dense forest.

Thinking of this, he immediately ran to the way he came, and the "person" who was following him also ran.In the dense forest of Huowei, it was easy to lose direction. In a panic, the foundation-building cultivator completely lost his direction and didn't know which direction to go.

In order not to be overtaken by the "people" behind, the monk who established the foundation could only run non-stop.When he finally couldn't run anymore, the "person" behind him suddenly disappeared.And he also found the way out, and in the end he didn't have the courage to enter the Huowei dense forest again.

"How did you deal with the poisonous gas in the Huowei dense forest?" Xu Miao began to ask relevant questions after listening to the other party's experience.These questions are very important, and they all involve Xu Miao's situation in the dense forest.

"I once got a stone. When I got it, I was told that as long as I carried the stone with me, I would be invulnerable to all poisons. Later, I also took the stone into the Huowei dense forest, and I was indeed not harmed by the poisonous gas. "

"Where is the stone now?" After understanding Xu Miao's words, the foundation-building cultivator picked up the unremarkable box next to him tremblingly, took out a smooth stone, and handed it to Xu Miao.

Xu Miao injected spiritual power into the stone, and the stone immediately emitted a warm light.This light fell on Xu Miao's body, making Xu Miao feel very warm.

The Foundation Establishment cultivator stared dumbfounded at the glowing stone. Since he obtained this stone, no matter what method he used, this stone has always been the same as the ordinary stone outside, and it will not emit light at all.

If there was no other way to avoid the poisonous gas in the dense forest, he would not have chosen this stone.It was later confirmed that the stone could really avoid the poisonous gas, so he kept the stone properly.

Now it seems that this stone is definitely not only used to avoid poisonous gas, but also has other uses.If he was younger, he would definitely get the stone back, but he is old and has no energy.

There is no need to give up the chance of getting advanced golden elixir for a stone that you can't use.Xu Miao weighed the stone, but didn't figure out the origin and function of the stone for the time being, so he threw it directly into the Huntian Stone for the guys in the Huntian Stone to study.

The foundation-building monk looked at Xu Miao expectantly. Even though Xu Miao had told him that even if he advanced to the golden core stage, it would not increase his lifespan much, but would greatly deplete his body functions. Give up advanced golden elixir.

After all, it is the golden core stage, and for countless foundation-building stage monks, it is a dream that they have been pursuing all their lives.Since Xu Miao has already agreed to the other party, she will naturally fulfill her promise.

Xu Miao put her hand on the opponent's head and began to inject spiritual power.Use the majestic spiritual power to help the opponent form a golden core.In this way of spiritual empowerment, the golden elixir is promoted.

When Xu Miao left this person's courtyard, the monk who established the foundation had already become a monk with golden core.However, in this golden core period, apart from obtaining a golden core in the dantian, it has no effect at all.

He couldn't use the cultivation strength of the golden core stage monks, nor could he understand the realm of the golden core cultivation base.It won't be long before death comes.For Xu Miao, this matter was just an episode of searching for news, and it didn't even consume much spiritual energy.

Xu Miao asked several elderly monks in succession, and they all got similar information with minor differences.To say that the really useful things obtained are the stones obtained from the Foundation Establishment cultivator.

The bodies of many monks could not bear the poisonous gas of Huowei dense forest at all. Even if they could bear it, they would need to consume a lot of spiritual power to dissolve the poisonous gas.If what the foundation-building cultivator said was true, then this stone would definitely be of great help to Xu Miao.

"Xu Miao, this stone looks like a key." Xiaotian's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Xu Miao threw the stone into the Huntian Stone before and asked everyone to study the stone, but Xiaotian really saw some tricks.Xu Miao hummed, indicating that she was listening, and asked Xiaotian to continue talking.

"From the shape, radian, and notch on this stone, it should be the key to unlock a certain place. But I can't know where this place is." Later, Xiaotian's voice was a little bit frustrated.

Xu Miao didn't care about the real origin of this stone. For Xu Miao, the greatest significance of this stone was to help him resist the poisonous gas in the Huowei dense forest.For other functions, it is best to add to the cake, and it doesn't matter if you can't.

With nothing to prepare, Xu Miao directly put the stone in her arms and entered the Huowei dense forest.As soon as he entered the Huowei dense forest, Xu Miao felt the difference between the dense forest and the outside world.

The poisonous gas in the Huowei dense forest can really be said to be overwhelming and ubiquitous.Even the aura of heaven and earth contains a lot of poisonous gas.Xu Miao felt this poisonous gas a little bit. Even with Xu Miao's current cultivation base, if he is infected with this poisonous gas, he will be directly affected, and even affect his combat power.

But with that magic stone, it's different.This stone seems to have a natural purification effect. It will actively purify the aura of heaven and earth inhaled into the body, ensuring that the aura of heaven and earth entering the body will not contain poisonous gas, so that monks can avoid being affected by poisonous gas.

I have to admit that this magical stone aroused Xu Miao's curiosity.Xu Miao didn't take a few steps when she felt a "person" following him.This feeling is exactly the same as that described by the Foundation Establishment cultivator before.

However, Xu Miao was different from that monk. The monk would run and hide passively, while Xu Miao had to actively look for him.

(End of this chapter)

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