Make the dragon great again

Chapter 314 Let me be healthy and you are growing normally or not!

Chapter 314 Let me be healthy and you are growing normally or not!
Adrian's remarks did not mention the source blood and the blood of the black dragon, but used "my blood" and "great blood" as synonymous names.

The purpose of saying this is twofold.

One is to hide the existence of origin blood, or to hide the fact that Adrian can condense origin blood almost unlimitedly.

After all, source blood is the 'concept substance' that condenses the powerful vitality of giant dragons and some of the world's personalities. The source blood of high-ranking dragons has the potential to make the status of lower-ranking dragons leap, while the source blood accumulated by normal dragons in a lifetime is nothing more than meager It's enough for them to burn once, enter [Over Limit Mode] once, and barely maintain their status afterwards;

Adrian, who constantly digests the source blood to accelerate growth, and even uses burning the source blood to enter the [over-limit mode] as a routine method, is definitely the only one under the ancestor dragon!
In fact, if the phrase "digesting void feedback to accelerate growth" is replaced by "affecting the rank changes of dragon clan members through godhead", this is actually part of the power of the ancestor dragon!
Before he knew it, Adrian enjoyed a little overflow of the demigod personality...

If the story of Adrian being able to give the source blood at will is widely spread, some old guys who have a deep understanding of the dragon clan will not be difficult to guess that Adrian has a godhead.

For example, in Isanata back then, Adrian was "young and energetic" at that time, and he was careless in doing things and missed the truth, and he quickly guessed most of the truth.

Although Isanata was originally an ally of the proto-dragons and knew about the plans of the proto-dragons, but that time it was regarded as a hard blow to Adrian, and since then, Adrian has been transferred to The stage of "blurring and mystifying one's own strength"...

Therefore, Adrian has always only talked about "giving power", or "giving my blood" like this time, and never talked about the origin blood of the dragon.

After hearing Adrian's words, Elena finally recovered from the trance when she first came into contact with the "extraordinary perspective". She didn't know how to answer, and looked at her brother.

When Yorkson heard the word 'surrender', he remembered that he was forced to sign the 'deed of sale', and subconsciously wanted to refuse it for his sister.

But he suddenly remembered that surrendering to Lord Adrian didn't seem to be a bad thing, and even in the eyes of many people, it could be said to be a very good thing.

But based on the self-cultivation of a qualified sister-in-law brother, Yorkson instinctively didn't want Elena to sign a "deed of sale" or something, and always felt that it would lead to some indescribable developments in small books...

But when Adrian said that Elena could make the final decision, Yorkson breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing his sister looking at him, Yorkson gave him an encouraging look, probably expressing the meaning of "don't be afraid, brother will always support your decision, if you want to refuse, just refuse bravely".

After being encouraged by her elder brother, Elena also mustered up her courage, but said to Adrian in the sky:
"That, that, Lord Adrian, I... I am willing to surrender to you!"

Yorkson nodded in relief... what! !

"Love, Elena, you, what did you just say?"

"I said that I am willing to surrender to Lord Adrian." Elena looked shyly at her elder brother.

Look, brother, Elena has also grown up in the past few years, she is already able to make important decisions on her own... Seeing the tears in the corners of her eyes, she must be very happy!
Yorkson only felt that his eyes went dark, and he almost lost his footing...

Heavenly Adrian:
"Uh, oh, uh... good."

I always feel that I have somehow added some amazing character design, and I almost shouted out the phrase "the tauren dies" engraved in the DNA in the previous life.

Huh, that's not right, according to this development, I should be the "yellow hair" who made Gongba's brother ecstatic...

"Cough cough!"

He coughed twice, temporarily suppressed some unhealthy colored thoughts, kept a tight frame, and said:
"...Very well, when the time comes, the destiny will be imposed on you, and the great blood will emerge from your body and mind. Until then, enjoy your last time as a mortal!"

Down below, the more Jackson listened, the more he felt his heart suffocate.

Although he repeatedly emphasized to himself in his heart, Master Adrian is not that kind of casual dragon, he is a dragon out of low-level interests, and he will never do things like "a giant dragon pushing a small cart".

But once a person thinks about it, he will feel that everything he hears seems to be a little bit colored. Adrian's words can be interpreted as a very high-level fable of fate. In my ears, it might just be another romantic story...

Yorkson looked at his delighted younger sister, and wanted to say "You are too young to be suitable" several times, but felt that his own thoughts were too vulgar, and used colored and unreasonable associations to speculate about Lord Adrian and Elena The pure relationship between... Oh, no!The more I think about it, the more I feel stuffy!
While Yorkson was struggling with this inner conflict, Adrian opened a new door to space. After Viserion and the other five dragons grunted goodbye to Yorkson and the others, they flew to the space. The new space gate in the starry sky is ready to go to a new battlefield.

Finally, Adrian glanced at the consuls of St. Rand, especially Hernan, whose main body was still hidden underground. The warning was very obvious:
'My people will stay with you during this time, you all have to be careful, and don't blame me for being rude if anything happens. '

In this way, after a real show, Adrian closed the door of space in the sky of the central city, and the magicians of the central city and the citizens of the empire were finally liberated from the oppressive dragon power.

Most of them collapsed directly to the ground, and those with good strength were able to keep standing, but their legs were weak and their heads were sweating profusely...

On the Steps of Truth, the consuls of St. Rand, who had regained their ability to move, immediately discussed, while Yorkson walked up to Elena, and said in a low voice:
"Love, Elena, you..."

Seeing her brother's hesitation to speak, Elena slightly annoyed and said:
"Brother! I'm no longer a child. Elena can decide things of this level by herself!"


Yorkson covered his chest and murmured:
"Yes, yes, you have grown up, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later..."

Hank and Ai Lu looked at each other in blank dismay, always thinking that Yorkson, a guy who has always been serious, must be thinking of something strange at this moment...


No matter how entangled Yorkson was, Adrian had already focused all his attention on the [Undead Plague] found in the middle of the continent after closing the space door on the central city side of St. Rand.

Although the demi-human kingdoms are located in the north-central part of the continent, bordering on the northern part of the continent, theoretically, they are not within the direct radiation range of the newborn [Undead Lich] Oppenheimer and those demigod traitors, but After all, this is the first face-to-face confrontation between the two sides after their face-to-face confrontation. Adrian must be fully prepared.

A large number of pure-blooded flying dragons, mostly of the fourth and fifth ranks of strength, went to the central part of the mainland to meet through the multiple space gates that Adrian opened at any cost. The backbone combat power is enough to suppress an [Undead Plague].

And Adrian himself is ready to open the door at any time and intervene in person!

"Come on, let me be healthy and you are developing normally or not!"


To be continued, change first and then change.

I'm going to take the teacher qualification certificate test tomorrow, so tomorrow's update may be very late (or early in the morning)
 Thanks to 'Yay Yayla' for donating a total of 3166 points in recent days!
(End of this chapter)

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