Make the dragon great again

Chapter 335 The Senior's "Book from Heaven"

Chapter 335 The Senior's "Book from Heaven"

The lowest floor of [Sky City], in the [Hall of Dominion], in front of Adrian's [Throne].

The pandaren patriarch Wufeng and two elders set foot here through a small space door to meet the "Dragon King" Adrian.

Pandaren are a nation full of secrets. Hundreds of generations have passed on, fulfilling and guarding a mysterious mission. They treat people with humility, but deep down they have a sense of pride that "everyone is drunk but I am alone".

But the magnificence of [Sky City] and the ultra-ancient charm revealed in every detail, even the pandaren who have a high self-esteem to a certain extent, have to be shocked by it, just like every life that comes here.

In the [Hall of Mastery], Adrian, who is nearly 200 meters tall, is still sitting on the [Throne], controlling multiple space gates, and maintaining the spiritual channel connection with the front-line flying dragon.

On both sides of the [throne], two "hills" smaller than Adrian's size are rising and falling in bursts of "snoring" like thunder, which are sleeping and digesting the source blood provided by Adrian Fay and Smaug.

As for the "temporary chief of staff" Aliya who was also on the [throne] and standing beside Adrian, she was not noticed by the panda people at the first time because she was too small in comparison.

After another expression of gratitude and respect, the pandaren patriarch Wufeng said with a tangled face:

"Lord Dragon King, please forgive me for being rude... The ancestors left the ancestral instruction, and our family is not allowed to disclose any information about the specific content of [Destiny] to outsiders, but..."

It is no secret among the demihuman nations that the Pandaren family guards something called the "Mandate of Heaven", but no one knows what this "Mandate of Heaven" is.

But Adrian already had a rough guess in his heart.

"But what?"

"In the manuscript of the ancestor Wannian, it was mentioned that there might be outsiders like him in this world, and he had longed for such a 'companion' to communicate with..."

"So, you have to confirm whether I am the 'companion' he said before you can tell the secrets that your family guards, right?"


Adrian has nothing to do with it. If the pandaren hadn't followed the ancestral precepts for generations and didn't want outsiders to disclose relevant information, it would be impossible to hide the secret until now. It is really unrealistic to ask others to tell the secret when he comes.

Pandaren Wufeng and the other two elders looked at each other and nodded.

They thought of the "Book of Heaven" in the clan that has no written language and is only handed down orally by the elders from generation to generation. The "Book of Heaven" records hundreds of things that the ancestors often talked about in their later years, and the elders of the pandaren have been thinking hard about it. "Ultimate Question".

For thousands of years, some elders who were martial idiots in the past believed that there was a certain or even several peerless martial arts hidden in the "Book of Heaven", which carried the unique knowledge of this ancestor;
Some old pedantic elders believe that the "Book of Heaven" contains the truth of the world. This is the most authentic perception of the ancestors laughing at the two worlds.

There are also mission-oriented elders who believe that the ancestors protected the Pandaren clan in the early years, and their foundation was damaged in the battle. Therefore, they were deficient in their later years, making it impossible to return to the legendary hometown where everyone can "seek the stars and moon, and explore the Nine Nethers" , but in fact, the ancestors have already penetrated the method of traveling between the two worlds, and hid this method in the "Book of Heaven" between the lines...

But no matter which kind of speculation, there is one thing that the patriarchs and elders of the past generations have recognized, that is:
The content of "Book of Heaven", those words and sentences that are completely incomprehensible, records and describes what is related to the "hometown", and only those who have really visited the "hometown" can understand.

The panda people feel that the "Book of Heaven" is used to confirm whether this "Lord Dragon King" is the "companion" that the ancestors said.

——Although the panda people themselves don't know the answer.

""Book from Heaven"? Interesting, well, since it's related to that world, although I can't know everything, I can answer one or two questions."

After hearing what the pandaren Wufeng said, Adrian said so.

Aliya on the side was also curious about the so-called "Book from Heaven" and cast her gaze over it.

"Then, first question."

Wufeng's expression became solemn and solemn, and he said in a tone of explaining why he lost knowledge:
"The definite integral of a continuous function over an interval is equal to what is any of its original functions over an interval?"


The atmosphere was suddenly silent.

Not only Adrian, but Aliya also fell into a stagnation, one dragon and one person seemed to have passed away, as if these words evoked some terrible memory from long ago.

No, what is this?
What about the agreed "Book from Heaven" and the old man's mantra?
How is this going?

Adrian lowered his head to Aliya, seeing that she was also looking at him, so he gave a look of "I don't know how to do this question, you do it".

Seeing "Lord Dragon King" silent for a long time, the pandaren patriarch showed disappointment, and said with self-deprecation:

"Yes, after all, this is one of the most unpredictable parts of the old ancestor's mantra. Even the Dragon King, it must be difficult to understand..."

"The answer is 'incremental'." Aliya said suddenly.

Oh, you are indeed a high-achieving student majoring in science. Sure enough, this level of question type is hard for you!

Adrian's eyes lit up, but he faintly felt that the style of painting seemed to be going astray somewhere...

After hearing Aliya's answer, the panda people fell into deep thought.

"Increment... Oh, what a mysterious word, although I don't know what it means, but it feels very similar to the 'mantra' of the ancestors! Is this the answer to reveal the truth of the world?"

Looking at the enthusiastic expressions of the panda people, Adrian wondered, although mathematics is indeed a tool to reveal the truth of the world, but what is the feeling of this thick groove getting stuck in his throat?

There is something wrong with the painting style of this senior traveler...

What about the agreed-upon martial arts masters and generational masters?Shouldn't the so-called "truths" be word-for-word and mysterious?How did this change the style of painting?

"Then, then, the second question..."

It seems that because they finally heard the "esoteric answers" to the almost gibberish 'truths' of their ancestors, the pandaren in front of them fell into a certain state of frenzy.

"Who is the sweeping monk?"

Adrian opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Although this problem is still full of slots, at least the painting style has been "corrected"... probably?
"... Nameless?" Adrian tentatively gave an answer.

"No name... No name... The beginning of the nameless world, The nameless mother of all things... That's how it is, how it is!"

The pandaren looked enlightened, and Adrian's mouth twitched.

You beast, what have you realized again!

"Cosmic people, future people, superpowers, which one prefers to eat salted tofu?"

How do I know this!And why salty tofu brain?heresy!Tofu nao must be sweet!

"If Ah Wei doesn't go to the supermarket, what will happen?"

There is no escape from Jay, and no escape from hiding.

"The man opened his mouth and closed his eyes, what do you mean?"

It stinks, next.

"Is there a magical machine in this world that can make each of us +1 for the elders..."

stop now!This is the abyss of 404!
After some questions and answers, the corners of Adrian's mouth twitched, struggling to endure the urge to complain, and Alia looked directly at the sky.

This senior traveler has something.

And the pandaren who asked the this moment, he either showed contemplation, or suddenly realized, or had an expression of being in the state of a sage and about to become a Buddha...

Although the process was a bit tortuous (probably?), it finally convinced these panda people of Adrian's "identity" and believed that this "Lord Dragon King" was exactly the "companion" that the ancestors said.

"For our rudeness just now, please apologize to Lord Dragon King!"

The pandaren elders headed by Wufeng sincerely bowed to Adrian as a gesture of apology.

"Forget it, I didn't waste much time anyway..."

Adrian shook his drowsy head from being bombarded with various other questions, and got straight to the point:
"Then now, you can tell me, what is the [Mandate of Heaven] that the pandaren clan guards?"

The pandaren patriarch and the elders looked at each other and nodded.

"The [destiny] of our family is to inherit and one day complete the unfinished business of our ancestors! But to achieve this, there must be a pandaren who has become a 'Great Master' and It is the rank of [Legend] that can truly activate [Destiny]... and Changqing, who is missing, is the clansman who has the most hope to activate [Destiny] for nearly a thousand years."


To be continued, change first and then change.

Let me tell you about the recent situation. In fact, I came back from a business trip the day before yesterday, but my grandma’s condition has deteriorated rapidly in the past few days. Now she is not only paralyzed, but her brain has also begun to shrink. My grandfather is also 80 years old, and his health is not good. I really can't stand my grandmother's noise at night, so our family takes turns to take care of her at night (our family does not usually live together), and I was responsible for the previous two days, so I have to slow down in coding...

(End of this chapter)

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