Chapter 38
While Adrian asked Anna where her teacher was.

In the northeast of the Quintus Great Swamp, on Lake Kunas, which is about the size of a normal Marquis, in the depths of an unnamed island in the center of the lake, Anastasia's teacher, the heroic magician Granny Angele Si—Looking at an ancient book in his hand, he fell into deep thought.

(Note: The name of Teacher Anna in the previous article was originally Caroline Celico, but now it is changed to Glennie Angeles)

"...According to the information I deciphered, there should be a ruin with at least two giant dragons buried here, but I have been searching here for more than a month, and I haven't even seen the shadow of the entrance of the ruin!"

Annoyed, Grainy threw an enhanced fireball technique onto the lake, causing a burst of waves ten meters high, and blowing away a few unlucky fish near the lake.

Inserting a fish that fell in front of her with the bottom of her staff, Gleinne returned to her temporary camp and lit a fire to cook today's lunch.

"Hey! This last step is obviously missing. As long as I find the remains of the dragon and analyze the remaining power in it, I will be sure to complete the design of the promotion ceremony... But sure enough, the remains of the dragon are not so easy to find!"

Due to a bad mood, the firepower of the magic-generated campfire went out of control for a while, and the half-cooked fish stuck on the staff was scorched all of a sudden.

Granny frowned and took two bites.

"Bah! It's unpalatable!"

She couldn't even grill a fish well, and when she thought about the depression of not being able to find the entrance to the ruins these days, Grainy's anger rushed up again, and she directly adjusted the firepower to the maximum, instantly burning the grilled fish to There is no residue left.


There was a sound of protest from her stomach, and Grainy, who hadn't eaten all day and night, suddenly collapsed, sighed, and went to the lake to look for food again.

Granny said to herself as she walked:
"Did I set my goal too high? The remains of mythical creatures like giant dragons are too rare. Perhaps, I should set my goal on longevity species? For example, to dig the graves of elves?"

It's just that Grainie thought about it, those long-eared people are usually elegant and easy-going, but if she really dared to dig a grave in the Forest of Silver, those few reclusive legendary Elder Elders would rush over and shoot herself to death... …

Thinking of the terrifying strength of the legendary strongman, Grainy couldn't help but shudder.

"Forget it, after all, the silver elves are just ordinary longevity species, not even fantasy species, so they may not be able to help me complete the analysis work."

Glenn comforted herself with a plausible reason, and decided not to think about it for the time being.

"Speaking of which, it has been half a year since I left High Tower Forest. At this time, little Anna has already returned to Fenglei City, and is preparing for the upcoming ancestor sacrifice of the Bechymos royal family, right?"

Grainy thought of her only student, Anastasia, the first princess of the Kingdom of Bechymos.

"I heard from the speaker that Grand Duke Griffin seems to be secretly preparing something this year. Little Anna should be fine, right?"

Granny carefully grills a fish that has just been fried from the lake.

"But with Elizabeth here, I don't think there will be any major problems..."


In a swamp forest on the north side of Lake Kunas, the team was heading towards the lizardman tribe. Anna and Adrian, who were at the end of the team, were talking about something.

"...Elizabeth is my closest elder. Even apart from my younger brother Charles, the person closest to me in the royal family is Aunt Elizabeth. My relationship with my parents is not as good as Elizabeth's!"

Looking at Anna with a warm smile on his face, Adrian hesitated whether to tell her what he knew, namely:
The person who sent someone to hunt you down was your "closest" aunt, Elizabeth, Duke of Cotton.

After thinking about it, Adrian decided not to tell her for the time being.

According to Anna, Elizabeth and Anna's teacher, Glennie, are very good friends. He wants to meet Glennie before making a decision. Doing bad things with good intentions.

And Lich Alvarez, who had pretended to be Edmund for 50 years in Gotallin, also said that the second seat of the Supreme Council of Gotalin, Glennie Angeles, was indeed a member of the Kingdom of Behemoth. Elizabeth, the Duke of Cotton, had a very close personal relationship.

When they were young, Elizabeth and Glennie were a pair of famous twin stars in Gotalin. Both of them were talented female magicians with outstanding talent and appearance. Back then, there was a wave of pursuit among male magicians in Gotalin. ;

However, as Elizabeth returned to Behemoth to become a duchess, and Grainy was promoted to a heroic magician, this wave ended because Gemini became more and more unattainable.

In fact, Anastasia's status in the tower forest today is similar to that of Gemini 20 years ago, and she is a talented girl magician who is sought after...

Adrian changed the subject and asked:
"How are you going to say goodbye to them later? You can't take them to your teacher, right? Your identity will likely be exposed."

In fact, up to now, Sally and Karen have more or less guessed Anna's true identity. It would be no big deal if she confessed it. After all, this place is far away from the Bechymos Kingdom, so there will be no danger;
But maybe it was because Anna experienced too many bad memories caused by her identity socially when she was in Gaotalin, so she has been stubbornly not wanting these companions she met on the journey to know her true identity.

The expression on Anna's face suddenly darkened, she was very reluctant to part with these friends who were in trouble together.

For Anna, who had no friends since she was a child, these companions who were not met because of her identity and talent were the first real friends she made in her life.

But at the same time, Anna also knew that what she was going to face next was the power of the aristocratic classes of the two most powerful human countries in the eastern part of the mainland, and she might even face a fantasy creature that surpassed the hero level in the end...

The previous deception and use had already made Anna feel very uncomfortable, and she didn't want these friends to be involved in a bigger vortex.

"Think about saying goodbye to them. After we find the lizardman tribe, we will leave."

Adrian reminded Anna, and Anna nodded silently.

However, although Adrian said that he wanted Anna to be separated from his companions, he actually had another idea in his heart.

"If the dragon is really extinct...and I am the only one left, then it is my mission to reincarnate to the world of Ayla to make the dragon great again and reign over the world of Ayla...'

"And the feedback from the void, which can be transformed with the original blood, is probably not only for me to grow faster, but also for telling me to spread the blood and power of the dragon..."

Adrian squeezed his chin, looked at the young people in the front line who were talking and laughing, his eyes revealed thinking and hesitation.


To be continued.

(I uploaded an illustration for each character in the character column, if you are interested, you can go to the character column to have a look.)
 It's March 8st!I beg the big guys to invest in [-]~
(End of this chapter)

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