Make the dragon great again

Chapter 43 The Dragon Book and the Nature of the Undead

Chapter 43 The Dragon Book and the Nature of the Undead

When Adrian inadvertently showed his dragon power in the lizard tribe.

On a small island in Lake Kunas, Granny, who had had nothing to gain for several months, finally noticed something unusual.


Grainy dropped the half-baked fish in her hand, and took out a magic book that was constantly shining with mysterious light from inside the mage's robe.

"It has been more than ten years since I got the "Book of the Dragon". For so many years, it has nothing special about it except that the material is tough and indestructible. Why is there a sudden fluctuation of magic power now..."

Glenn's expression was three points surprised and seven points puzzled.

This "Book of the Dragon" was found by Grainy when she was exploring a mage tower that had been abandoned for thousands of years in the tower forest before she became a heroic mage;

The text written in the "Book of Dragons" does not belong to any text known in this era. Grainy judges that this is at least a lost text before the middle of the second era, and it is completely an unreadable ancient magic book;
And the title of "Book of the Dragon" is the name that Grainy has given to it after more than ten years of deciphering, based on part of the content that has been deciphered;

The self-created [Legendary Promotion Ceremony] that Glennie is constructing, her knowledge of the secrets of the dragon, and the "dragon relic" she is looking for are all the "Dragon Relics" that she has never deciphered. Lost ancient knowledge derived from the contents of the Book of Books!
"Could it be..."The Book of Dragons" guiding me to the real entrance of the ruins?"

Glenn opened the ancient magic book with some anticipation, only to see that the words on three pages of the magic book were shining brightly.

"One of the pages happened to be the 'Bronze Dragon Page' that I deciphered part of half a year ago. This page is relatively front, located in the first third of the "Book of Dragons", and is the second hard page..."

The corners of Grainie's mouth curled up. She thought she had guessed right, because the "Bronze Dragon Page" was the source of information for her to learn about this ruin!

The "Book of the Dragon" is not thick, only about [-] pages, the pages are divided into "hard pages" and "soft pages", of which there are less than [-] hard pages, and the rest are all sandwiched together Lots of soft pages between hard pages;
Each hard page describes a certain kind of dragon in a very ancient and obscure grammar, which was called "the page of the dragon" by Grainy, while the soft page is a supplementary explanation of the dragon described on the hard page. It also contains some legends.

These are some rules that Glenn summed up after more than ten years of deciphering.

Of course, it is unknown until now, and Grainy has only deciphered less than one-tenth of the contents of the "Book of Dragons" intermittently, and all the deciphered contents are in the first third of the pages...

Grainy turned the "Book of Dragons" back several pages, and turned to a hard page that had never been deciphered before, and it was also the second page of the book that shone brightly.

"This is the eighth hard page, which belongs to the middle third of the page. I haven't deciphered it here before. The light on this page is strong and weak. I don't know why..."

She continued to turn back, and found a hard page in the last third of the "Book of Dragons", which was also the last page that changed.

Of course, this page still belongs to the part she has not deciphered.

Not long after, the light on the three hard pages began to dim, and the third one at the back directly returned to its usual state, only the first two pages were still emitting a faint light.

"I know from the information deciphered from the 'Bronze Dragon Page' and its subordinate soft pages that there is a bronze dragon family tomb in Kunas Lake, where at least two bronze dragon bones are buried, so the Bronze Dragon Page It's understandable that it will glow when it gets close to the ruins..."

Grainy looked at another undeciphered hard page whose light was flickering on and off, then turned to the back and looked at the hard page that had lost its light, and muttered to herself:
"The lizardmen here have the custom of worshiping giant dragons, and they don't have regular sacrificial activities. Calculating the time, it's almost the past few days. Maybe their sacrifices will cause changes in the things in the ruins, and it will also make "Giant Dragon" "The Book" has corresponding changes..."

Holding the "Book of the Dragon" in one hand and the staff in the other, Grainy walked deep into the island again.

"In any case, this is a good thing for me. As for these questions, as long as you find the ruins, you can get the answers..."


In the Tomahawk tribe, Adrian agreed to the request of the old priest.

Go to rescue the bronze dragon named Kunas - free his dragon soul that has been trapped for more than 1 years, and let him return to the origin of the world.

At this point, we must talk about the state of the soul after death in the world of Ella.

In the world of Ella, there is no such thing as reincarnation, and there is no afterlife, ghost hell, etc., at least as far as Adrian knows.

After the death of a creature, the soul of the weak will dissipate directly and return to the origin of the world, while the soul of the powerful can survive in the real world for a period of time. The specific time is determined by the strength of the soul.

However, it is not a good thing for the soul to stay in the real world after death.

After the soul loses its physical possession, it will always be washed away by the elemental magic power permeating the space. For the soul that has lost its physical body, it is a kind of pain like being cut into pieces by a thousand knives;

Therefore, even if the souls of many strong people survived temporarily due to various reasons, they would be tortured until their consciousness was wiped out, and eventually the souls would dissipate as a mass of energy.

In the eyes of most religions, this result is no different from being abandoned by the world.

And even if the soul is preserved through various methods to avoid the erosion of elemental magic, the soul will undergo various unpredictable changes as time goes by;

This mutation has a common feature, that is, it will distort and change the main consciousness of the soul, causing it to change in the direction of madness and depravity, and eventually it will inevitably become a irrational spirit;

After becoming a wraith, because of losing his rationality, it is easy to break the seal originally arranged to prevent the scouring of elemental magic power, causing himself to fall into eternal pain and torment until he is purified by living people in the real world, or after a long period of time. The last bit of strength was worn out in time and completely dissipated...

Therefore, in this world, the soul of the weak will naturally return to the origin of the world after death, while the strong will actively annihilate their self-consciousness after death to return to the origin of the world. Almost no one would yearn for immortality with their soul and body after death.

However, the reason why I say "almost none" is precisely because there will still be a very small number of people who yearn to transform themselves into undead or undead creatures in various ways after death, and to transform their lives in an alternative way. continue.

Leaving aside the wraith just mentioned, this kind of crazy monster that lost its mind can't be called "extending life" at all. Only those with later wisdom and longevity can be included in this list.

For example, the "Layer Lord" and the Lich Alvarez, whom Adrian has subdued, is such a blasphemous existence.

The principle of existence of undead and undead creatures that retain wisdom like liches is simply:

Let the soul be transferred to a possession before death, and transform the possession by sacrificing life, etc., so that it has the ability to transfer the distorted tendency of the soul after death while isolating the magic power of external elements. This is the general principle of "Fate Box"...

Of course, to do this, first of all, the strength of the soul must be sufficient, that is to say, the strength of one's own body must be strong enough;

Moreover, the transfer of the soul's mad tendency is not without risk. This transfer process will not only damage the "phylactery", but even cause the soul to lose part of its "soul origin".

Therefore, these intelligent undead need to repair the phylactery every once in a while, and devour the souls of the living to replenish their lost soul origin;
However, in the process of losing and replenishing the source of the soul, some abstract things that cannot be quantified, such as memory, personality, etc., will eventually pass away slowly, and can no longer be replenished...

After tens of thousands of years, one day, these intelligent undead will completely lose all memories of their lifetime, and become an evil spirit with wisdom, but only the persistence of continuing the existence of their own souls!
In the end, the so-called undead and undead creatures, they have obtained immortality by blaspheming life and violating the principles of the world, only their souls, and their personalities and memories cannot escape the end of disappearing after all.

Perhaps only when their personalities are exhausted and they grow into strong men who can transcend the constraints of such invisible rules, can they truly live forever...

For example, Lich Alvarez, in fact, his memory during his lifetime has become very incomplete, so he is obsessed with breaking the shackles and becoming a legend, because only when he is closer to the peak can he be more capable of fighting against the rules.

Therefore, regardless of the process of birth or the way of existence, wronged souls, dead spirits, undead creatures, and evil spirits are all blasphemous and evil things that are not tolerated by the world or accepted by the living.

The soul of the bronze dragon Kunas, due to the intervention of some evil force, could not return to the origin of the world. For 5000 years, it has been suffering from the erosion of elemental magic power, and is always fighting against its own madness and the erosion of the enemy;

In the world of Ella, this is simply the most tragic ending for a strong man, the cruelest punishment a soul can bear...

It's no wonder that the lizard people use the phrase "Please save Master Kunas". It is really difficult for the soul to be trapped in the real world after death, unable to return to the origin of the world and must maintain reason. A situation of extreme distress described in words.


At this time, Adrian was flying over Kunas Lake, surrounded by the magical power of the wind element, supporting Anna, who could not fly. As for the others, they all stayed in the lizardman settlement.

Anna was not in a very high mood. She had just said goodbye to her companions, and before they recovered, she rushed out of the valley and went to the lake to wait for Adrian.

Adrian looked back at the Tomahawk tribe in the valley, the golden light in his eyes flickered slightly, and his strengthened eyesight saw Sally and the others chasing after them with worried faces. He knew the journey between them and Anna, Think it's not the end.

But he didn't remind Anna for the time being, and now he just wants to enter Kunas' dragon tomb as soon as possible to find out what happened.

It would be best to get some first-hand information about the dragon clan after rescuing Kunas' dragon soul and before he completely returns to the origin of the world.

As for the matter between Anna and her little friend, we can only talk about it later...


To be continued.

Note: [Bronze Dragon] The settings of metal dragon and gemstone dragon in this book are based on DND, but they will be greatly adapted.

(Seeking recommendation tickets, seeking investment in new books!!!)
 I've made up my mind, I really want to press down on the word count (I haven't pressed down before)...

(End of this chapter)

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