Make the dragon great again

Chapter 67 A little sudden testimonial

Chapter 67 A little sudden testimonial (please read it)
It has been a month and a half since I wrote this book, and I have long been mentally prepared for it to be on the shelves, but when I was actually notified that it was going to be on the shelves, my mood was still very complicated.

Many book friends said that the main reason for reading this book is because I like to read the setting and popular science. Anyway, I don’t know what to say in my testimonials, so I’ll just give you some popular science about the author’s income, classification, and novels. The promotion rules are fine.

Let's take it slow.

First of all, you may see that the starting point authors will have Lv1-Lv5, as well as the author level division such as the master platinum, these are signed authors, and the level is linked to the author's income, as follows:
Lv2 is income between 12w-1w within 2 months;
Lv3 is income between 12w-2w within 5 months;
Lv4 is income between 12w-5w within 15 months;
Lv5 is the income of more than 12 within 15 months;
Dashen is based on Lv5 and meets some special conditions, such as a book becoming popular, such as two consecutive million-word high-quality books (high-quality goods are a quantitative standard, as long as the income generated by a book is in place, you can enter the book. library boutique);
As for Platinum, it is above the Great God, the writer with the highest starting point, and I don't know the specific signing criteria, after all, I am just a street writer.

But what is certain is that for the master platinum, it is very easy for the monthly manuscript fee to reach more than 1 (of course there will be some masters who rush to the street).

For example, the author Squid, the author of the Lord of Girlfriends, once revealed that he wrote "Girlfriends" with a minimum subscription of more than 2 for each chapter. I roughly calculated that his monthly manuscript fee should be at least on the order of 7 yuan, including some days of subscription. If it is high, it is not difficult to average 10w a month (this is still a conservative estimate, excluding a large number of rewards and subsequent additional subscriptions).

Not to mention, there will be a minimum guarantee contract for the master platinum, which means that there will be a basic annual salary. As far as I know, such a guarantee ranges from 5 to 15, and may be higher...

It can be said that the authors below the starting point Lv4 are all considered street authors, because judging from the time cost and income return, if the time spent writing novels full-time is spent on work, it is not difficult to earn one hundred and eighty thousand a year. In the first-tier cities, it can even be regarded as the bottom salary.

For example, for my novel, I roughly calculated that if I work full-time (more than five hours of coding a day), I can barely earn 1000 a month, and if I write Buddhist updates part-time, it is estimated to be 200 a month...

This is about the author's codeword time.

A full-time author needs a minimum of 4k codewords a day, which will take at least three hours. This is still the standard for writing brainless and cool articles. People like me will die if the settings are incomplete/logic is not coherent. Write a It takes about two and a half hours to write a chapter. If it is a full-time job, it means that I need to code for more than five hours a day (I can’t laugh).

In addition, let’s talk about the recommendation promotion process of Qidian novels.

First of all, if an online novel wants to be seen by readers on the platform, it needs to be recommended on the platform.

On webpages and apps, all positions that can be seen by users and attract traffic to the author can be said to be all recommended positions. A novel that is not on the recommended position is basically no one can find (for newcomers) Say).

Once the author's book is signed with the platform, it will be placed in the queue waiting for recommendation, and then from a certain week, it will be placed in the same recommendation position with several or even dozens of books in the same period;

Within a week, the number of hits, collection growth, follow-ups, recommendation votes, and other data of these books in the same recommended position in the same period will be summarized by the editor, and then the editor will compare and judge to decide who will advance to the next round , who is eliminated, and so on.

If a new novel wants to increase its collection and increase its readers, it needs to continuously advance in the recommended position, advance to a better position and maintain it for a long enough time. As long as the promotion fails once and the recommended position is dropped, the readership of this book will be reduced. It's tantamount to being fixed and there will be no more growth because no one can find a novel that isn't in the recommended slot...

There are many levels of recommended positions at the starting point, and new writers generally have to start from the lowest level or two to advance all the way. Like my novel, it is from the lowest level of recommended positions, all the way to the present.

For newcomers, the recommendation slot can only be published in the new issue. Once it is on the shelves, it means losing the recommendation qualification and can no longer increase readers...

As for why I put it on the shelves now, the reason is very simple, one is because the word count is up, and the other is because the promotion of the recommended position failed (laughs)
I was suddenly notified yesterday that it will be on the shelves today. In fact, I was already mentally prepared, because I had an old author at the same time. Starting a few days ago, I already guessed that I was going to fail in the promotion.

In fact, I have nothing to lose. It is difficult for a new author to get started, and I have long expected that this book will hit the street (because I know some newcomers who have written well but still hit the street, and they have already prepared me mentally );
The reason for rushing to the street, I also expected it. After all, web articles are fast food culture, and most readers come to pursue the momentary pleasure. From the beginning of the funny novel, this book is destined not to be successful.

(Although I also know that too many settings will be boring, but when I was setting up the world view and perfecting the settings with great care, I saw some readers commented that there were too many settings, and he wanted to skip and watch. still get hit...)

Well, I’ve written a lot of stuff, actually I still have more to say, but the more I write, the more I feel that no one will read things like testimonials, okay?So, I won't talk nonsense with you about the following things.

As a new author of Xiaomeng on the Street, in the end, I can only ask everyone to support the original version, so that my subscription data will look better, and I will have the hope of switching to full-time novel writing.

I don’t ask for anything above Lv4. I haven’t graduated from my senior year yet, and school hasn’t started yet during the epidemic, so I probably still have time to guarantee a stable update for more than a month. If I can have a hope of Lv3, then I will start after graduation. Try to be full-time.

In short, kneel down to all the bosses!Ask for a first order!

(End of this chapter)

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