Chapter 10 Rejection (2)
Every movement of hers caught Tang Chengxun's gaze, and he couldn't help asking himself, what's wrong?How could I be influenced by her, how could I want to know everything about her so eagerly, how could I have an urge to let her stay by my side, is this the so-called love?

I don't know where it started, and it goes deep.

Time passed in silence.

"It's time to close the door!" An old man in his 50s shouted.

Ye Qingran rubbed his sore neck, took off his glasses, oh, it's getting dark outside.

Unknowingly, another afternoon passed.This afternoon, she read several materials before she really understood the answers to those English test questions. She felt that the biggest obstacle in English had been solved.

Ye Qingran was carrying a schoolbag, holding a large pile of books, and walked out with the flow of people.

Tang Chengxun strode up to her, stretched out his hand, and smiled, "Miss Ye, I'll help you."

Ye Qingran was startled, it was him.

His face, which had always been as cold as an engraving, was now as soft as spring water, full of anticipation, and his long and narrow eyes were as deep and brilliant as a starry sky.

Why is this man so good-looking, Ye Qingran dare not look at his shining eyes.

How could he appear here?Send one at noon, and another one in the evening.

"Thank you, I can do it myself!" Qing Ran avoided his hand and continued to walk forward.

"It's getting late, let's have a meal together?" Tang Chengxun raised a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, still following her steps, unwilling to let go.

"It doesn't seem necessary!" Qing Ran quickened her pace.

"Ye Qingran! Stop!" Tang Chengxun was obviously a little angry at the coldness of the woman in front of him. He had never behaved so lowly towards a woman like today. This had already challenged the limit of what he could tolerate. "I've seen a lot of women like you. Relying on your good looks, you pretend to be reserved in front of men and play hard-to-get tricks! You can play in front of me, don't overdo it!"

His words pierced her eardrum, which was very uncomfortable.

"I've seen a lot of men like you. Relying on their power and power, they put on a face of a lover in front of women. The women around me have changed one after another, but I always feel that the next one is the best and most suitable. My own. In fact, to put it bluntly, you are an out-and-out philandering carrot! You want me to add another piece to your history of hunting for beauty, there is no door!" Ye Qingran's eyes rolled slightly.

Tang Chengxun's face was blue and white. No woman had ever spoken of him so meanly and mercilessly in person!
The women he used to be were all charming and gentle, for him, they came and went with a wave. For women, he never spared money, and any woman who was with him would have nothing to worry about in this life.

But no woman has ever dared to yell at him like this!Said he was a huaxin carrot!
When he smiled, his long and narrow peach eyes were as soft and sparkling as spring water.Although her words were a bit harsh, there was an inexplicable excitement in his heart, and ripples rippled in the bottom of his heart, arousing ripples that lasted for a long time, something was different.

Ye Qingran didn't stop because of the person he met at noon, and continued on his way.

Tang Chengxun narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the petite figure going away.

This woman rejected him too directly. How could he, who has always been quite popular with women, have ever been so angry!His face was ugly, and he was not as good as the one at noon in her heart, at least she stopped to explain to him, but she never gave him a normal look at herself, let alone stopped.

Tang Chengxun quickly caught up with her, and pulled her into the military jeep parked by the side of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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