Chapter 102 Let’s Die (1)
When Tang Chengxun pulled the old lady aside, Chen Shuying couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart and opened her mouth to Ye Qingran.

"You are Miss Ye?"

Qing Ran was thinking about Su Yihai's matter, so she nodded slightly.

She is not interested in anyone in the Tang family, so she doesn't want to know the name of the woman in front of her.

"Are you and Brother Cheng Xun getting engaged?" Chen Shuying looked her up and down, her heart trembled.

Chen Shuying has always been conceited of her beauty, but the woman in front of her is shockingly beautiful.She stood there quietly, just stroking the drooping hair with her hands. Such a tiny movement made it difficult to move her eyes. ; Observing it by force, it burns like a flower coming out of green waves."

She looks like she has just woken up and hasn't washed her hair, her long hair is messed up behind her head, but she doesn't let people discount her beauty at all. On the contrary, she feels that her beauty is not out of reach, it is the combination of real empathy and imaginary allure One, there is such a woman in the world!
Chen Shuying hid the shock on her face, the woman in front of her had already compared her in appearance, she suppressed all her unwillingness, and smiled at her, "My name is Chen Shuying, and I have known Brother Cheng Xun for several years. "

There was something in her words, Ye Qingran just smiled indifferently, you know him very well, why tell me that he is probably Tang Chengxun's suitor again.

"The marriage between you and Brother Cheng Xun was decided too urgently. The old lady only found out after reading the newspaper this morning..." Chen Shuying raised a smile that was not a smile, "The old lady has been blaming this happy event It came too suddenly."

With just a few words, Ye Qingran already smelled a kind of aggressive gunpowder in the words of the seemingly calm and calm woman, this woman is not a kind person.

She is announcing to Ye Qingran that the old lady doesn't like this marriage!

Ye Qingran was baffled, you don't like me, and I don't like you either, if you can stop Tang Chengxun from getting engaged, this girl admires you all.

Seeing Qingran's indifferent expression, Chen Shuying gently opened her lips, "Miss Ye, I heard that you and Brother Chengxun only knew each other for half a year?"

Facing the nagging Chen Shuying, Ye Qingran was very upset.

Tang Chengxun kept talking to the old lady but didn't come over, and she couldn't walk away alone, so she nodded casually, "Yes."

"It's only been half a year! Miss Ye, do you know what the status of the Tang family is in Kunming? The Tang family has been rich and powerful since the generation of the grandfather and grandpa, and they have great power and authority. Brother Cheng Xun marries a wife, not only to choose a woman with a good heart. Good girl, it also depends on the family background, whether the family is right or not. Not ordinary villagers can be worthy of it!"

After a few words, Ye Qingran became a little angry no matter how generous he was!
What does this girl mean? She deliberately made things difficult for her, saying that she is a peasant, and the anger that was tortured by Tang Chengxun just now has nowhere to vent!

Ye Qingran smiled instead of anger, "I am naturally not good enough for your brother Cheng Xun, who comes from a famous family, but your brother Cheng Xun has eyes on his belly button, and puts you, a daughter of gold and jade, who is right with him, Miss does not marry. Don’t say, you and him are a match made in heaven, not only from a famous family, but also have a virtue in speaking, that is, your nostrils are upturned, and you never care about other people’s feelings!”

Chen Shuying's face turns white and turns red. She always speaks and does things in a reserved manner. When she arrived in Shanghai, she heard about Ye Qingran and Tang Chengxun's affairs. Naturally, she felt overwhelmed. When she saw Ye Qingran today, she couldn't help saying After a few words, unexpectedly, this Miss Ye scolded both her and Tang Chengxun more directly and boldly.

(End of this chapter)

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