Chapter 104 Let’s Die (3)
"What you should give me is indispensable. Didn't you say before that you would never marry me. Now don't you personally come to ask me to marry you!" He smiled darkly.

There was a blush in her pale face, and she really couldn't gain the upper hand when arguing with him.

"Tang Chengxun, from now on, don't make things difficult for President Su and Su Wen. If they have any accidents, I won't live anymore." She looked back at him coldly.

"Whether they live well or not depends on whether you are obedient and obedient. If you don't cherish life, I will let their Su family and your Ye family be buried with you!" The smile on his face was always on There was frost.

Ye Qingran shuddered, this man had only now shown his truest side in front of her, ruthless and unscrupulous.

He is purely a wolf that eats meat but does not spit out bones, and he himself is a chicken that can only flap its wings.

"There is something that must be explained to you." Her eyes dimmed, "You decide on the matter of engagement, and I decide on the matter of marriage..."

"Tell me, what do you want to decide?" He became interested.

"I will decide the date of marriage, at least until I graduate from college." She said firmly.She has already thought about it, as long as Tang Chengxun agrees, she will have room for change. After all, give her another two and a half years, and she will have a chance to fight against a powerful destiny. She doesn't believe that she is really at the mercy of others like now .

"It's really easy to calculate, I'm almost 30 years old after you graduated from university," his sharp eyes sparkled, "Give you more than two years, do you want to find a way to break our engagement and get back your freedom!"

Her mind was guessed by him again.

"Momo, if you are really ready to give your heart to me, I can wait, even five or ten years. If you have other ideas, I advise you to let it go!"

This man knew her little thoughts very well, she silently looked out the window.

With affection in his eyes, he smiled.

The car quickly drove into the Shanghai Garrison Command.

Ye Qingran was waiting in the car, and Tang Chengxun went in alone.

Ten minutes later, he came back.

"Where's Principal Su?" Ye Qingran asked eagerly.

Tang Chengxun stared at her, "When will your overflowing love be used on me? Wait, someone from the Su family will pick him up, and he can leave!"

"You have to promise that Principal Su will never get involved in such things again!" She met his deep eyes.

"My guarantee depends on your performance. Ye Qingran, you are a smart person, what kind of surprise will you give me at tomorrow's engagement ceremony?" His tone was full of anticipation.

There were tears in the corners of Ye Qingran's eyes that were about to fall.

Her youth, her future, and everything about her have begun to be buried in the hands of this man in front of her. The person she loves is bound to get farther and farther away from her. Is this her life?
How can you let go of that deep-rooted love!
Close your eyes, open your eyes, all are Su Wen's shadows...

Tang Chengxun leaned over and kissed the teardrops at the corners of her eyes, "Don't think about him any more, don't shed a single tear for him!"

She couldn't restrain her suppressed emotions anymore, sobbing loudly, beating Tang Chengxun with both hands, "I love him, not you! Why, why, please let me go... let me go... "..."

He clamped her hands tightly with his right hand, and pinched her chin with his left hand, "Put away your sorrow and pain, from now on, your emotions can only be related to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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