Chapter 110 Chen Shuying (2)
The Ye family responded accordingly.

Soon, two women put on a sable coat sent by the Tang family and pushed her into the car.

The car drove towards the Tang family.

She clutched the skirt of the dress tightly with both hands, but her heart was like stagnant water.

I am like the meat on the chopping board, being slaughtered by others.

she hates-

I hate Tang Chengxun.

hate myself.

Hate this world where money and power overshadow the sky.

For the man who is far away in a foreign country to live better, and for the safety of his family.

She could only swallow the bitterness in her heart.

A tear fell on the sable coat she was wearing.

The Tang mansion was full of traffic and crowded, and almost all the important figures in Shanghai came.

The entire compound of the Tang family was not affected by the gloomy weather at all.

The lanterns and festoons are festive.

Dozens of servants were busy in an orderly and tense manner, and the guard company of the 23rd Division was also transferred to help.

Tang Chengxun, who had already changed into a traditional red and black brocade jacket, was in a fitting room in the main building, looking at the three long scratches on his right cheek in the dressing mirror.

If there is any dissatisfaction at present, there are only these three scratches.

As soon as he came back yesterday, he asked Cui Zifan to try many kinds of ointments, making sure to minimize the wound, but just as Cui Zifan joked, it takes time to heal the scars, no matter how powerful the medicine is, no matter how good the medical skills are, you have to be patient and boil it too fast It will only heal more slowly.

Fortunately, he tried his best to coax his mother over.

A slender woman in yellow was reflected in the mirror in front of Tang Chengxun's eyes.

Chen Shuying.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Chengxun, you have been avoiding me these days. We live in the same yard, and it is so difficult to see you." Her beautiful eyes raised a hint of sadness.

"Miss Chen, remember, knock on the door first next time!" He scowled and turned to leave.

Chen Shuying grabbed his skirt, "Can't you just listen to me?"

Tang Chengxun looked at her hand more and more coldly.

She let go slowly, lowered her head, "Today is your day of great joy, there are some things I shouldn't have said..."

"Then don't say it."

Tang Chengxun strode out, and she hurried to catch up, "Miss Ye's heart is not with you, she is engaged to you, she must have a conspiracy! Did she scratch the wound on your face?"

He stopped and glanced at her coldly, "It's best not to let me hear such words a second time! Chen Shuying, listen carefully, it doesn't matter if Ye Qingran's heart is with me or not, as long as my heart is with her!"

Chen Shuying wept softly.

He walked out of the fitting room coldly.

In an instant, she turned back again, "Miss Chen, I have already asked someone to buy a train ticket back to Kunming. At [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, you should also pack up!"

Chen Shuying raised her delicate face and said firmly, "I won't go!"

Tang Chengxun laughed, very mockingly.

This smile stung this woman again. There were countless unwillingnesses in her heart. She was Miss Chen Jiasan, a dignified "house of poetry and books" in Kunming. When she was 14 years old, she was promoted to the cloud by a group of sons and sisters, and she began to have the title of "Kunming's No. [-] Talented Woman".

The title of the first talented woman made her more noble, and all men couldn't catch her eyes.

It wasn't until the old lady of the Tang family asked a matchmaker to propose marriage to the Chen family two years ago that her heart, which had been silent for 17 years, began to have ripples.She had heard about this young master of the Tang family for a long time in her boudoir. He joined the army in his teens, and he was already a teacher in his twenties. She also heard that he was quite capable, and his business in Shanghai was booming.At that time, she timidly proposed to the matchmaker to take a peek at the young master of the Tang family, and as long as it was not too different from the rumors, she acquiesced.

(End of this chapter)

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