Chapter 112 Engagement (1)
There was more than half an hour before the ceremony started, and the servants of the Tang family shuttled among them with refreshments. Everyone was famous and rich in Shanghai. Today, they were gathered together by an invitation from Tang Chengxun, and the conversation was unavoidable.

"Brother Chengxun," a tall black and fat man in military uniform pulled Tang Chengxun aside and whispered, "Commander Jin is busy today and cannot come to watch the ceremony, so he specially asked me to bring a generous gift, and I will give it to your housekeeper for record .”

"Commander Xue, thank Commander Jin for me!" Tang Chengxun smiled. When he sent the invitation card to Jin Biwu yesterday, he also had a headache, should he send it or not?When he was in Taiyuan back then, Jin Biwu implicitly told him about Mingzhu. He pretended to be confused and confuse him. Jin Biwu thought he agreed, and asked Commander Xue to propose marriage to him as soon as he came back. This was also the main reason why he was eager to get engaged to Ye Qingran. reason.

Now that he was engaged to another woman as soon as he returned to Shanghai, the Jin family father and daughter must feel bad. He didn't feel guilty about Jin Mingzhu, but he felt a little sorry for his immediate boss, Commander Jin.After all, Jin Biwu has loved him so much for many years, and there are not many people who can make Tang Chengxun respect him, but Jin Biwu is one of them!In addition to the relationship between the superior and the subordinate, the two also have a friendship that has been forgotten for years.

"Brother, Lao Jin is an open-minded person, but—— Ming Zhu, hey, Lao Jin was going to have a wedding banquet, but yesterday Ming Zhu heard that you were going to be engaged and came to see you. , Lao Jin is afraid that she will cause trouble for you at this juncture, so he will watch his daughter personally at home!"

"I will definitely apologize to Commander Jin some other day!" Tang Chengxun smiled politely at Commander Xue.

"Brother! Go get busy, I'll do it myself!" Commander Xue patted his head with a smile.

Tang Chengxun left the living room with a smile and came to the west building.

Ye Qingran's family was picked up and temporarily arranged in the west building.

Ye Jiezhi and his wife were accompanied by Qian Yankai, chairman of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, to drink tea and chat.

Lingyue and Minyue played poker accompanied by several servants.

He greeted them one by one, looking for the person he most wanted to see.

In an inconspicuous corner, he saw that red and delicate figure.

He had fantasized about how she would lightly pull her long hair and put on a wedding dress countless times, but the woman in front of him at this moment completely astonished him once again!
Her skin is as fine as snow, and her eyebrows are picturesque. Even a painter with exquisite painting skills can hardly draw one-tenth of her charm at this moment!

He has never seen such a beautiful woman!

He had never seen her so beautiful!
From now on, all the women in the world are nothing but misty clouds in his eyes!

He approached, bowed his head and stared at her who was curled up in a corner of the sofa and closed her eyes.

He personally selected all the accessories for the woman in front of him. Whether it was the style of the jewelry, the texture of the wedding dress, or even her hairstyle, he took a long time to decide on it.

He couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and let out a mouthful of depression that had been stagnant in his heart for a long time.

She seemed to be aware of it, and when she opened her eyes, she saw those eyes full of affection with a slight smile.

"Momo, happy 16th birthday." He handed her a brown and yellow rectangular box.

A sweet smell came out. Ye Qingran heard people say that some wealthy people like to use rare agarwood to make jewelry boxes. It seems that this box is expensive agarwood. The contents inside can be imagined. Know how precious it is.

Her cold eyes avoided his scorching eyes, turned her face to the corner of the wall, and continued to lower her head and doze off.

His hand holding the box froze in the air.

He smiled and clung to her ear, and said softly, "Later, you have behaved well, everyone! Don't forget your promise yesterday! Baby, you are so beautiful today. I couldn't hold it any longer."

(End of this chapter)

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