Chapter 115 Wedding Banquet (2)
"Don't look!" She grabbed something and threw it at him.

He caught it, it was a rouge box.

He laughed, "You haven't compensated me for the wound on my face! Do you want to murder your husband again?"

She couldn't bear his scorching gaze, so she simply lifted up the long skirt to wrap around her upper body. Anyway, this skirt has several layers of hem, so she wasn't worried about losing it all.

With a smile in his eyes, he picked up the shawl and walked towards her. Before she could avoid it, he quickly fastened the hidden button of the shawl for her.

"It doesn't matter whether you go to college or not. I can get you a diploma from any university you want. The most important thing is that you really should learn how to be a good wife!" The expression on his face changed from the playful one just now. , extremely serious.

"Mr. Tang, there are a lot of candidates for a good wife in your eyes in Shanghai. I doubt your vision when you fall in love with me! Although I am engaged to you, I will go out to work after graduation. I will never Make clothes to stretch out your hands to eat and open your mouth to paint and paint all day long and get out of a vase in a department store!" She retorted.

"'Vase'? Well said, in the whole of Shanghai, which dignified person's wife is not a 'vase'! You should let go of your arrogance. Being my woman and going out to work, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud? You should be more concerned about my face!" He stared at the woman with a disdainful face.

She despised Tang Chengxun's words 1 times, why did she argue with him?Who said that you have to marry him if you are engaged?She doesn't!He can say whatever he likes, marriage is still far away in her view.

She was silent.

"It was only a few days ago, and in the next year, I will ask someone to teach you how to dress and arrange flowers and tea."

"I don't have time!" she blurted out.

"Indeed, it takes time to learn these etiquettes. If you don't have time, don't go to school after this year!" He smiled maliciously.

"Tang Chengxun, may I ask you a question?" She looked directly into his eyes.

"Listen carefully." His eyes were deep, and he became serious.

"I am stubborn and stubborn. Sometimes I am unreasonable. I am not gentle and demure to you. What do you like about me? Don't say it is my appearance that attracts you. I don't think you are such a shallow person!"

His eyes are like stars in the night sky, radiant but lonely.

He always thought that the shelf life she gave him was only one month... the first time I saw her, I was amazed by her eloquence, the second time I saw her, I surrendered to her talent and determination, the third time, The moment he saw her crying like rain at the door of his house, his whole heart sank completely!
She has never been gentle to him, but he firmly believes that one day, she will be able to watch the moonlight when the clouds open!
"I like everything about you." He looked solemn.

"I'm not as good as you said! When you get tired of my bad temper and kick me away later, why don't you let me go now?" She looked innocent and sincere.

She went around and finally said this sentence again, and his smile disappeared.

"Momo, I want to ask you a question too?" He said slowly, "What don't you like about me, tell me, and I can change it!"

Her first reaction was, she got it wrong!
She had never heard such sincere and sincere words from his mouth.

I feel a little sad in my heart, but what can I do?She loves Su Wen, not him!
The executioner who broke her happiness was him!

She straightened her face, "There is nothing on your body that I like!"

She turned him down again!
(End of this chapter)

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