Chapter 132 A Trip to Nanjing (2)
"Okay!" Zhou Chuanming immediately made a decision, "Our arms can't twist our thighs, so let's go to the southern suburb 'Ziwei Lane' together."

Zhou Chuanming is quite flexible this time.

He was also deeply troubled by this lady, she was not like those officials and wives in Shanghai who shuttled around the clothing and jewelry stores in department stores all day long, but they were interested in bookstores. As a subordinate, he could only follow orders, after all, safety came first!

Zhou Chuanming and Xue Qi accompanied Ye Qingran around the southern suburbs twice, and finally found the rumored 'Ziwei Lane'.

A winding stone road more than one meter wide is covered with snow and winds forward.The word "Ziwei" on the half-moon-shaped alley made of bluestone has been mottled and separated. It is really hard to recognize if you don't look carefully.

Ye Qingran's eyes were sharp, and at a glance, he saw a black paulownia sign hanging on the door of a house in the middle of the alley, with two white small seal characters "Zi Yue" prominently written on it.

Finally found it.

Ye Qingran breathed a sigh of relief.

"Zhou Chuanming, Xueqi, I can go by myself, what are you supposed to do!" She knew that some people didn't like the atmosphere of the bookstore, so why bother others when they read by themselves, besides, she didn't like people following her.

"Madam, we will go wherever you are going. You don't want to drive us away." Zhou Chuanming followed closely, "Once Mr. knows that we are half a step away from you, our lives will be lost. Please see that we are also For the sake of not being easy, please don't open your mouth, you can treat us like air, which does not exist!"

"Okay, follow if you want!" Ye Qingran was quite helpless, looked at Zhou Chuanming and Xueqi who existed like "air" behind him, and sighed, Tang Chengxun's subordinates were all as thick-skinned as a city wall.

"Ziyue Bookstore" is actually in an ordinary courtyard house.This residential house is a typical Jiangnan building with white walls and black tiles. The walls are slightly peeled off, showing the age of the house.A few sparse bamboos in the corner of the wall sway in the winter breeze, shaking off the snow on them.

It may be because of the cold weather and the snow on the road, there are only a few people reading in the house.

Except that the south wing room is where the owner's family lives, the main room and the east and west wing rooms are all books.The five main rooms are all opened up, and the inside can be said to be full of books.The east and west wing rooms are slightly smaller than the main room, but the rows of elm bookshelves are full.

Ye Qingran was overjoyed, and finally found a good place in Nanjing these few days!

She came to the East Wing and flipped through old thread-bound books, most of which were Ming and Qing novels and Yuan Zhezi operas.Ye Qingran was in the prime of his youth, and he liked stories about gifted scholars and beautiful ladies, so he picked up the book "Romance of the West Chamber" and read it.

Xue Qi was always two meters behind her.

Zhou Chuanming was waiting at the door of the East Wing.

"Do you have a pen?" Ye Qingran's old habit relapsed, and whenever he saw a good sentence, he would copy it down.

A snow-white slender hand handed over a stack of thin plain paper and a small brush.

Ye Qingran looked back, a woman wearing a cotton gown that was slightly washed white was smiling at her.

This woman is sixteen or seventeen years old, with fair skin and watery eyes, with the warmth and delicacy of a typical southern woman.In particular, the loosely braided hair showed her unique beauty and elegance under the sunlight coming through the window.

From the first sight, Ye Qingran had a good impression of her.

"Thank you." Qing Ran got up and took it with both hands to show respect.

"I have an inkstone and ink here, you can use it if you want." The woman in plain clothes smiled and pointed to a small table beside her.

"Girl, get ready, come to read and bring all the four treasures of the study." Qing Ran praised sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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