Chapter 135 A Trip to Nanjing (2)
"I love the boldness of Taibai and the delicacy of Liu Sanbian the most."

"Here's this one for you."

""Drinking Water Poetry", written by Nalan Rongruo, I have heard of it, but I haven't read it carefully." Qing Ran took it.

"Rong Ruo's words really live up to his reputation as 'the number one talented man in the Qing dynasty'. The phrase 'Life is just like the first time you see' really expresses the helplessness and melancholy of this life." Nan Zhiqiu was immersed in herself In the imaginary fantasy, "There is also the song 'Who reads the west wind to cool alone', read it once, and feel sad for a long time."

Ye Qingran turned to the first page, and couldn't move his eyes away.

This poet who had been neglected by her had such lingering, beautiful and sad lines.

Nan Zhiqiu stood beside her, reading with her.

"Ma'am—" Zhou Chuanming's voice sounded again, "It's time to eat."

"Read while eating." Qing Ran greeted Ah Zhi.

Ah Zhi took her and Xue Qi to wash their hands and came to her small kitchen.

Although the Nan's kitchen was small, it was extremely clean, and the stove was still burning. Zhou Chuanming had ordered his subordinates to prepare the meals, and the steaming steam filled the small dining table.

"It's really rich. These 'salted duck' and 'Nanjing fragrant belly' are out-and-out famous Nanjing delicacies." Nan Zhiqiu handed Qingran a pair of chopsticks.

Before Qingran could take it, Zhou Chuanming's smiling face appeared again, "Ma'am, we have bowls and chopsticks."

Ye Qingran glanced at Zhou Chuanming who was carrying a snack box, "I don't want to be disturbed when I eat."

Zhou Chuanming put down his things, bowed and stepped back.

Nan Zhiqiu stared at Zhou Chuanming's back and regained her senses.

"My bowls and chopsticks are really poor, you should use the ones you brought." She opened the food box, took out a pair of sandalwood chopsticks and a delicate blue and white porcelain bowl and handed them to Qingran.

"These people like to spoil the scenery! Don't pay attention to them. Ah Zhi, I found that you have read more books than me. Recommend me a few books, and I will continue to read them after dinner." Qing Ran sighed, "Xue Qi, you Feel free to eat whatever you want! I don't care about you when I talk to Ah Zhi."

Xue Qi's cold eyes were filled with warmth. This simple sentence immediately warmed her heart. She has always been a loner, and she is used to no one talking and no one caring. This lady not only asked her in the East Wing Where to eat, I said just now, let her do what she wants.She really couldn't bear such concern, even if it was faint, her nose was a little sore, "Okay."

Ye Qingran turned around and asked with concern, "Have you caught a cold?"

"No, no." Xue Qiyi changed from her blunt speaking in the past.

"Is Miss Xueqi here to take care of you?" Nan Zhiqiu became curious, "It is said that when the women of rich families go out, there will be a large group of servants and maids alone. Look, although there is only one Xueqi in the house, but The small yard of my house is completely surrounded by people who came with you."

"Azhi, I'm not a rich man, my parents are just ordinary people in Shanghai." Qing Ran's eyes dimmed, "A life full of servants and women, well-clothed and well-fed is not what I want."

Nan Zhiqiu is a smart person, she understands a lot in her heart.She hurriedly prepared vegetables for Qingran, "It's my fault, and I made you sad again. Such a good meal, don't let it get cold, eat it quickly, Xueqi, here it is."

Qingran also picks vegetables for Zhiqiu and Xueqi.

Of the three women, two kept talking and laughing, and the other was listening and eating quietly.

The whole afternoon was spent chatting with her like-minded Zhiqiu.Ye Qingran hasn't chatted with his favorite friend for such a long time. What's rare is that this Nan Zhiqiu has quite a deep cultural background. The two of them talked about it for 5000 years, and they still have something to say.

(End of this chapter)

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