Chapter 148 A Trip to Nanjing (1)
"The lady named Nan Zhiqiu is a native of Nanjing. Her father is a sour scholar. The father and daughter depend on each other for life. There is nothing suspicious about it. The owner of the Yuhuashi shop is also a businessman. My wife has never met her in the Confucius Temple. Anyone who is suspicious." Guan Qingyuan said in a long tone, "Master, they can take Madam away under the eyes of a dozen of our hidden guards, their power should not be underestimated. I doubt—"

"Say—" Tang Chengxun's eyes showed eagerness.

"By taking Madam away, they are openly provoking our Yanlong Hall. Will this group of people be on the same path as the unknown forces that attacked our underground factory and smoke hall?"

"They took away Momo, what is the purpose of such a big action? If they want a ransom, there should be some movement by now. This matter is not that simple." Tang Chengxun looked out the window, the night fell outside, the lights flickered, his heart I've been feeling aching from the moment I learned that she was missing, where is she?Where?
"Qingyuan," he pointed at the map on the table, and tapped his fingers hard on one spot, "I've sorted out all the gang forces in Nanjing. This place—it seems to be our blind spot. You should take someone to search it right away. Search these few places. Don't startle the snakes."

Guan Qingyuan bowed and left.

"Master, Gu Yixiao is here."

Tang Chengxun looked up, and a man in white was approaching with a smile.

The lines of his face are so perfect that there is no trace of regret, and his smile is clear and shallow, but it is unforgettable.

"You boy, when I don't need you, you hang around in front of my eyes all day long. When I use you, I never see you!" Tang Chengxun pointed to the chair beside him.

Gu Yi sat down with a smile, "My sister-in-law, whom I haven't met yet, was robbed. I was restless all afternoon! Guess, where?"

Tang Chengxun's eyes lit up, this kid really lived up to his trust.

Tang Chengxun pointed to a point on the map, "This is the most suspicious place!"

"Brother Cheng Xun, your vision has always been accurate and poisonous. I have already found out the exact location of my sister-in-law—"


"Xiangyuli No. 19." Gu Yi smiled, his face was handsome and tough, "Xiangyuli Street is the most famous red building brothel in Nanjing City, no matter day or night, there is a lot of traffic, it is very lively, hide people there, Ordinary people really can't think of it. Fortunately, brother, I am talented and capable, and I found out after I tried my best in this area. The person who kidnapped my sister-in-law is called Shi Lang. Besides knowing that he is the newly-emerged leader of the "Bamboo Union Gang" , I couldn’t find out his motives or any previous experience, which is a very strange thing in itself. The more you try to cover up, the more suspicious things will be.”

"I'll go to Xiangyuli right away." Tang Chengxun got up resolutely.

"Brother, don't panic. I have already sent my subordinates to secretly surround the place, and the detailed map of NO.19 will be sent later." Gu Yixiao smiled lightly.

"I'll go save my woman right away." Tang Chengxun disappeared without a trace.

Gu Yixiao looked at the tall figure who was leaving quickly, curled his lips, "Finally there is a woman who can hold you back."

No. 19 in Xiangyuli is a room with flickering lights, and a woman's voice comes from Qingli, "Ichiro, Yifu and I have already persuaded you, and the current plan for Yanlongtang can only be done in secret, so as not to startle the snake. You If you arrest that woman now, I'm afraid their people will find this place before dawn, our Shi Yuan family has been planning with patience for decades, don't let your efforts fall short because of your injustice!"

"Tang Chengxun's main force is in Shanghai. I can guarantee that he won't find it here within three days. After three days, I will release this woman." Shi Lang's deep and hoarse voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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