Chapter 15 Warmth
The two girls took a tram to Ye's house.

"Miss Jiang is here, ma'am." Wu Ma called out and went to make tea.

He Yuxin wore a beaded light blue cheongsam with piping, casually tied up in a bun, and walked out.

"Jingxue, you haven't been to our house for a long time."

Jiang Jingxue smiled, "Mother Ye, she is very busy with homework as she is about to graduate. I will have time to play with Qingran in the future."

Ye Qingran took the tea from Mama Wu's hand and handed it to Jiang Jingxue, and said to her mother, "I'll go find some books for Jingxue."

Jiang Jingxue's face was reddish, she knew that Qingran was going to get her money, and she was afraid that she would lose face, so she said to go find a book.

Qingran is always so considerate.

He Yuxin looked at Jiang Jingxue, and sincerely liked this well-behaved and sensible girl. She got up suddenly, opened a drawer, and took out a piece of emerald green fabric, "This is the product that just arrived in the store. I look good, so I will give it to Mo." Mo and you each asked for a piece, your mother is handy, let her make you a cheongsam."

"No, I can't." Jingxue shook her head, "Mother Ye, how can I ask for your things again, you have already helped me a lot."

"Silly boy, you are going to be a teacher soon, how can you do it if you don't make some decent clothes!" He Yuxin stuffed the fabric into her hand.

"Jing Xue, take it, my mother has already prepared it for you." Qing Ran came out with two books.

Jingxue's eyes became hot, and a few tears fell down.

"Don't cry." He Yuxin advised her, "Leave after dinner?"

"It's getting late, I have to go back first. Mother Ye, I'll come see you in a few days." Jingxue wiped her red and swollen eyes.

Wu Ma came over with a bag, and He Yuxin took it and handed it to Jingxue, saying, "This is a dress that Momo can't fit in, you can take it to your mother to change it for Jingxiu to wear. Son, we have nothing else I mean, don't think too much about it."

"Mother Ye, I know, thank you." Jingxue took the burden and the piece of clothing.

"I'll send Jingxue off." Qing Ran walked out of the house with her.

"Qingran, I don't even know what to say." Jiang Jingxue looked at her good friend in front of her, her eyes turned red.

"Then don't say anything, here you are." She handed a small purse to Jingxue, and said with a smile, "Put it away, this has to be returned."

"Too many, five is enough." Jingxue felt that Qingran's ten ocean scholarships were all here.

"Not much, not much. After paying Jingxiu's tuition, you also buy two pieces of clothing yourself. By the way, Mama Wu made pork and shrimp buns tonight. I'll bring you a few, and you can try it when you take it home. "Qingran took out a white cotton bag like a magic trick, it was still steaming.

"Qingran" Jingxue looked at this sensible and considerate girl who was two years younger than her, and felt something warm her whole body that had never been touched.

Jiang Jingxue hugged her all of a sudden, the tears from the corners of her eyes slipped down again.

Zhong Shushu started changing clothes, braiding her hair after Ye Qingran and Jiang Jingxue left, and didn't go out until almost seven o'clock.

Tonight's Shushu is wearing a pink dress, and specially put on heavy makeup, especially her lips, which are not ordinary gorgeous. Although this is not Qingran's request to her, but she has her own desire in her heart. Her little Jiujiu, dressed like this to impress someone, understand?
Since the last time I ate in the cafeteria for Qingran, Miss Shushu has developed a strong affection for someone. Although she fell in love with that person at first, she is not a fool. That person fell in love with her good friend Qing However, fortunately, he has a big heart and is easy to talk, so he has already given up that person to Qingran in his heart.Fortunately, God is fair. When he closed a window for you, he opened another window. That person's good friend, the one in the suit and leather shoes, named Zong Yuan, Miss Shushu fell in love with it .

According to Zhong Shushu's speculation, Zong Yuan would definitely show up tonight, so she accepted Qing Ran's job without saying a word.

When I arrived at the Daguangming Theater, I was full of people going in and out, and hawkers shuttled back and forth. It was very lively.

Zhong Shushu took the ticket and looked for the VIP room.

On the second floor, there were four men in black suits standing coldly at the door.

Oh, the momentum is not small, isn't the surname Tang the teacher, why does the guard at the door look like a gang, did he go to the wrong door?
Zhong Shushu hesitated at the door, whether to enter or not.

The man in black at the door had already spoken, "Excuse me, are you Miss Ye?"

(End of this chapter)

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