Chapter 150 A Trip to Nanjing (1)
The dozen or so people in the room were high-level officials from "Yanlongtang" and "Keatsmen". In their eyes, Tang Chengxun was a high-ranking leader, but now he was publicly reprimanded by this woman, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

Gu Yixiao heard Ye Qingran speak for the first time, this girl is amazing, she loses her innocence as easily as eating a peanut, and even pointed the finger at Tang Chengxun, interesting!
He couldn't hide the excitement in his heart and looked at the woman who was close to him.

The woman was unparalleled in appearance, with a slim and pretty figure, long hair in a mess, and a pair of clear eyes that were shooting raging fire at Tang Chengxun.

Strong enough to hold Tang Chengxun down.

This girl really has a fight with that woman of his!
Thinking of that woman, a casual smile appeared on the corner of Gu Yixiao's mouth.He turned around and whispered something to a person behind him, who left quickly.

Tang Chengxun's dark eyes rolled, and he waved his hand, "Zhou Chuanming and Xue Qi's big mistake has been made, and they will be executed immediately."

The man in black who was escorting Xue Qi and Zhou Chuanming was very respectful to Ye Qingran who stood in front, "Madam, please step aside."

"No—OK." She had a high-pitched voice with a bit of cuteness, "Tang Chengxun, if you kill them this time, I—and you, forever, have no chance!"

Xue Qi looked at this stubborn woman who pleaded for her, a warm current surged in her body, and tears filled her eyes.

Tang Chengxun approached Ye Qingran.

Her eyes were clear and calm, and she didn't have half of the grief of a woman after being humiliated.

He has a personal experience, she has always regarded chastity as more important than life, if that man insulted her, how could she stand here frankly and argue with him, he smiled.

"How can the rules of Yanlong Hall and Iron Blood Hall be changed? Momo, give me a proper reason?"

"There's no reason, I just can't let you ignore human life!" She met his radiant peach blossom eyes.

"You——you'd better explain, whose blood is here and on the floor?" Tang Chengxun pointed lightly at the hem of her cheongsam.

"There's nothing to explain, what you see is what happens."

"One explanation, two lives in exchange. How about it?"

Ye Qingran cursed inwardly, she still can't count him!

However, it is still important to save lives.

She would not bet on two lives with him. Although she had never heard of Yanlong Hall's rules, it was not difficult to see the strictness from the respectful attitude of his subordinates towards him and the strict staff hierarchy.

She avoided his eyes, turned around, and said slowly, "The blood on my body and on the ground belonged to Shi Lang. He—trying to cheat on me, I stabbed him in the lower abdomen with the dagger I carried with me. This explanation Is it okay?"

"Why do you have a dagger on you?" Tang Chengxun asked back.

"It's for you." She replied coldly.

Everyone gasped, what, is there something wrong with their ears, did they hear it wrong?
It seems that this lady and the hall master have a bad relationship!

Gu Yixiao laughed softly, and took the lead to break the silence, "Where did you two get into trouble? Everyone, go out!"

Except for Xue Qi and Zhou Chuanming who were kneeling on the ground, everyone hung their heads and dispersed.

Tang Chengxun's eyes were always on Ye Qingran. When he heard her first explanation, he was a little crazy with joy. After all, she kept her innocence, but when he heard the sentence "prepared for you", his heart was torn apart again. It hurts, as if the dagger has been inserted into his atrium.

She was always ready to give him a fatal blow at the critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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