Chapter 152 A Trip to Nanjing (3)
"That man went back to her hometown in Northeast China before she went to Beiping, but my silly woman didn't know it." Gu Yi smiled and shrugged, "You said, Zhu Yan and I slept in the same bed for nearly a month, she Why do you have no other feelings for me except hatred? Brother, do we feel sorry for each other?"

"I'm much better than you." Tang Chengxun retorted.

"Mr. Gu—" The closed door opened, and four middle-aged strong women walked out unhurriedly.

Gu Yixiao smiled wickedly, pouted at Tang Chengxun, "He's a woman, tell him."

"We used three methods to test the virginity of that girl just now, and the results were the same. That girl has a pure and perfect body." A woman said in a soft voice.

Tang Chengxun's hanging heart finally returned to its place.In fact, when he saw Ye Qingran's tattered clothes for the first time, he had prepared for the worst. Although he thought highly of his future wife for the first time, if she really lost her virginity under the coercion of others, he would Will accept her, let alone abandon her like a shoe.

Gu Yixiao is really nice and helped him a lot.

God treats him well.

"Let's go, let's go!" Gu Yixiao waved to them.

They filed back.

"Are you satisfied?" Gu Yixiao elbowed Tang Chengxun.

The smile on Tang Chengxun's face could no longer be concealed, "You boy!"

"Ah—your woman is coming out, I'll take my leave first!" Gu Yi smiled and slipped away with oil on the soles of his feet.

Ye Qingran's face was cold and haggard, with a shy blush in the pale.

Tang Chengxun took her hand, but she shook it off fiercely, and walked out.

Her nobility and dignity would not allow others to torment her like this, Tang Chengxun was so happy behind her, thinking so.

Her leather shoes stomped hard on the ground, from indoor to outdoor, from outdoor to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the "Xiangyuli" alley, Tang Chengxun followed closely behind her in three steps.

This alley is long and narrow, with red lanterns hanging at every doorway, exuding an ambiguous and obscene atmosphere in the north wind.Some men in the alley were flirting with heavily made-up women leaning against the doorway.

What the hell is this place, Ye Qingran felt disgusted.

The lights of cars that had been waiting at the entrance of the alley were faintly visible, and finally walked out of this dirty alley.

Ye Qingran walked faster.

"Oh, you don't have eyes!" A woman stood in front of Ye Qingran coquettishly, "I've already met my aunt, which hall do you belong to? It looks like you just climbed into a man's bed?"

Tang Chengxun's long and narrow peach eyes were already narrowed, looking for death.

Suddenly, a pair of slender hands slapped the woman who didn't hide her words fiercely, "papapa" again and again, with such strength and force, Tang Chengxun was stunned by her actions, this girl was holding back just now I was so angry, I can calm down now.

After more than a dozen slaps, Ye Qingran relieved his hatred and let go.

"Have you taken gunpowder? Isn't it the first time? What's the big deal!" the woman was babbling with her hands to protect her face.

Hearing the words "the first time", Ye Qingran's anger erupted again. She hadn't eaten two meals, and she didn't have the energy to hit this disgusting woman again. She took off her shoes and smashed them hard with all her strength.

"Oh, it hurts me to death! You liar, come on, I will fight for you..."

Tang Chengxun grabbed the woman who bumped into Ye Qingran, and threw it to a man in black behind her.

Ye Qingran walked forward wearing socks, she no longer wanted those shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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