Chapter 158 A Trip to Nanjing (5)
She was stunned.

Tang Chengxun was sleeping at the head of the bed.

Did he guard himself all night?
She looked at the man who was still sleeping soundly, with mixed emotions in her heart.

He was always alert, and suddenly opened his eyes, intertwined with hers.

This was the first time she met him face to face after losing her.

His slightly smiling eyes were shining brightly, "Momo, are you feeling better? Are you hungry? I'll ask someone to bring the food over."

Ye Qingran avoided his eager eyes and walked out slowly.

She sat in the dining room and told an orderly, "I want to eat."

The orderly was quick to bring a sumptuous breakfast.

Ye Qingran put her head down and ate.

Tang Chengxun tried his best to control the sound of his footsteps. He looked at her seriously and elegantly eating in surprise, and the huge rock in his heart finally fell to the ground slowly.

She didn't look for life and death as usual, and she was still able to eat. Has it changed?

He was ecstatic.

He gently sat down opposite her and served her some food.

She glanced up at him, then lowered her head and continued to cook.

Tang Chengxun looked at her with interest with a smile on his lips.

She turned a blind eye to those around her.

Tang Chengxun narrowed his narrow peach eyes, "If it doesn't snow today, we can go back to Shanghai the day after tomorrow."

Ye Qingran fumbled with the chopsticks in her hand, but she didn't look up, and continued to bury her head in her mouth.

Tang Chengxun's smile disappeared, and he stared at her deeply.

She finished the last mouthful of rice in the bowl, put down her chopsticks, turned and left the table.

Tang Chengxun grabbed her hand.

She turned her head slowly, her eyes met.

Her eyes were as clear as running water without any ripples.

Tang Chengxun approached her, gently stroking her cheek with one hand.

"Back to Shanghai, we'll have a wedding."

She turned away and said in a low voice, "You have already got what you want, so let me go."

As soon as these words came out, her heart ached.

He sneered, and pointed to her heart, "This is what I want, why have you ever given me a second!"

The tears in her eyes fell like beads, and she couldn't tell whether it was because of her unbearable fate or her sudden change of feelings!
They are people living in two different worlds, his life, she doesn't want.

At this moment, she is more eager than ever to escape from his side. She is afraid that he will find out that she has changed, and that will only make herself more ashamed. She really can't convince herself to accept him!

She wiped her tears and murmured, "Tang Chengxun, I will not marry you according to your imagination. If you want my life at this moment, please take it. If you don't want to give up, I'm sorry, starting today, I want I will fight with you to the end, if you are still a man, please stop threatening me with those lowly methods!"

He froze there, his eyes were unfathomable.

Some pain has already penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

The flowers are full and the moon is full, and the eyebrows are raised. They are all flowers blooming on the other side, which is beyond reach.

"Ye Qingran, how about making a deal?" He suppressed his bitterness, "Give me a child. Then——I let go!"

"I'm not that stupid." She sneered.

have a baby?give him?


After giving birth, can he let her go?

She can't believe it!

"You want me to let go, unless I die!" His voice was cold and sad.

When Ye Qingran came back to his senses, Tang Chengxun had already disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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