Chapter 161 Disconnection (3)
Chen Shuying froze there as if her chest had been hit hard by a heavy object.

He has never looked at her directly, but at this moment his eyes are fixed on her, but she can't feel a trace of joy and excitement, such cold eyes, such sneering expression, like a barbed sword shot at her. Her heart is so ruthless and cold.

Life is painful, but that's all.

She didn't dare to look into his cold eyes anymore, she lowered her head, her voice was hoarse with crying, "The second day after you went to Nanjing, I bought wool and weaved it day and night, in case you didn't like it, I knit it." Unraveling, unraveling and weaving, over and over again, I finally finished weaving this morning, and I thought that if you can put it on when you come back, the painstaking efforts of the past few days will not be considered in vain. Brother Chengxun, you are satisfied with this small request. Can't you promise me?"

"I have Ye Qingran to weave my sweater, don't worry about it." He turned around.

Chen Shuying looked at his back as he was walking away, tears welled up.

It was rumored that he was unrestrained and would never refuse a beautiful woman, but she felt a cold and firm rejection from him from the very beginning.She threw away her reserve time and time again, threw away her face and approached him, he had nothing but disdain, and he didn't even give her a faint smile!

The unwilling blood in her bones is boiling, isn't all the pain all thanks to that woman!

Ye Qingran and Jin Mingzhu walked slowly on the street when the lights were just lit, Xue Qi followed slowly.

"Mingzhu, thank you very much. Only you can help me with this matter." Ye Qingran's tone was extremely sincere.

"It's a little effort. Now don't worry! The one in your heart is safe! Why is Tang Chengxun such a small-minded bastard, you are engaged to him, and he is not at ease?" Jin Mingzhu's words revealed sadness.

"Mingzhu, I have something hard to say about my engagement with Tang Chengxun. I really don't like him." Ye Qingran felt a little guilty when he said that.

Jin Mingzhu smiled embarrassedly, "In front of me, you don't have to blame yourself. Tang Chengxun didn't like me in the first place, it was my wishful thinking. It's time to wake up from my erotic dream. In fact, you and her, too. Quite a good match!"

"Mingzhu, do you really like him?"

Jin Mingzhu nodded firmly.

"And now?" Ye Qingran asked eagerly.

"En." Jin Mingzhu avoided her gaze and looked into the distance.

"Since you like it, you might as well continue. There will be no result between me and him." Ye Qingran encouraged her.

"He is already your fiancé, I plan to let go." Jin Mingzhu said insincerely.

"Actually, you and him are the right couple. He was born in the army, and you are a general. You have stayed abroad and have a lot of knowledge. He needs a woman like you by his side. Mingzhu, I hope you will continue to pursue the love in your heart , I will help you if necessary."

"Is it really okay? Qingran, do you mind?"

"The person I like is Su Wen, not Tang Chengxun. Even if I beg you to help me get rid of Tang Chengxun!" Ye Qingran said calmly.

"Your words are enough." Jin Mingzhu showed a bright smile.

Early the next morning, Ye Qingran counted the betrothal gifts Tang Chengxun gave when they got engaged. Ye Jiezhi deposited the gold and precious jewelry in the bank, and deposited the check with He Yuxin. And the car keys, plus the jewelry worn on the day of engagement, it's all there.

She wants to return all this to Tang Chengxun and dissolve the so-called engagement.

"Momo, why don't you tell your father about this?" He Yuxin looked distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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