Chapter 168 Rong Bai Yang (3)
"Third Uncle Rong wants to see you. How long are you going to avoid him?"

Tang Chengxun snorted coldly, "No. He's been in Shanghai for more than two months and he should be going back soon. Kunming cannot do without him. Remember, when he leaves, ask him to take Chen Shuying away."

"Sir isn't in—"

"Uncle Rong, sit down and have a cup of tea—"

There was a lot of footsteps and voices outside.

A tall, thin man pushed open the door.

"Third Uncle Rong—" Zong Yuan got up and greeted with a smile, and glanced at Tang Chengxun guilty.

Tang Chengxun's eyes were slightly opened, his face was calm, and he leaned on the grand teacher's chair.

"A Yuan, go out for a while." Rong Baiyang flicked up his robe and sat down.

He has a pale face and decent manners, and he has a noble and outstanding demeanor.

Zong Yuan went out with a smile, and when he was closing the door, he did not forget to wink at the expressionless Tang Chengxun.

"Mr. Rong came to the humble house in his busy schedule, what's your business?" Tang Chengxun looked coldly at the man sitting opposite him.

When Rong Baiyang heard the words "Mr. Rong", his face turned ashen.

"Xun'er," he suppressed the burning anger in his heart, "I arrived in Shanghai years ago, and you hid from me for two months and thirteen days. Can't we, father and son, have a peaceful talk?"

"Please pay attention to your wording, Mr. Rong. Five years ago, I was no longer your adoptive son. Why did father and son say that?" Tang Chengxun turned his head and looked out of the window with disdain.

"Your father entrusted you and Wanxiang to me before he died. I have always regarded you as my own, and I have no shame in my heart." Rong Baiyang paused, "Back then, Tang Feng gave the letter of divorce to Wanxiang. Wanxiang didn't marry into my Rong family because she was concerned about your feelings!"

"It's my fault that I found out too late. I have called you 'foster father' for 12 years since I was nine years old, and I really didn't know that your thoughts were always on my mother!" Tang Chengxun sneered, "You and I have already made a decision, and you have already made a decision. Why come here looking for trouble!"

"Xun'er—" Rong Baiyang called softly, "I have no wife, no children, and I have long regarded you as my close relatives. When I heard the news of your engagement a few years ago, I was so happy for two days and two nights You didn't close your eyes. You didn't inform me. I don't blame you. I came to Shanghai with an old face this time just to meet your fiancée, so I will have no regrets in this life."

"Fiancée? My mother has already made the decision! You can't see her again, so hurry back to Kunming!" Tang Chengxun's voice was cold.

"No matter what Wanxiang decides, it's all for you, don't bear any grudges against her!" Rong Baiyang changed his tone, "She has had a hard time these years! Xun'er, you have to be considerate of a mother's painstaking efforts and move back home. live?"

Tang Chengxun got up, took out his gold pocket watch and scanned his eyes, "The military department still has a meeting, excuse me."

Rong Baiyang got up angrily, and looked at Tang Chengxun's back in a hurry, frowning.

Ye Qingran has a full schedule every day.Except for class time at school on Monday and Saturday morning, she basically spends her time in the school library, which is quieter than the classroom, where she can look up information and write with peace of mind.I often write for a long time, and my stomach growls before I pick up the lunch box and go to the cafeteria to get a meal. When I get to the cafeteria, the food is probably sold out.As a last resort, she could only go to the school gate to buy something to fill her stomach.

In school, she was used to being pointed at by others, and she studied and lived calmly under the strange eyes of others.

The luxurious engagement banquet that caused a sensation in Shanghai a few years ago made her name known to everyone. This semester has just started, and almost every classmate will secretly say, "She is marrying that Tang Chengxun!"

"Tang Chengxun is so powerful, why does she still want to study here and suffer this foreign crime?"

"Isn't Tang Chengxun that Mr. Huahua? Which concubine is she?"

"Didn't the newspapers say that it was the original wife, and Tang Chengxun promised not to marry again!"

The more I hear it, the less I care.

Ye Qingran was recruited as a make-up, but she entered school late, and she spends almost all her time studying every day, and has no time to communicate with her classmates. Coupled with the explosive news of her engagement to Tang Chengxun, everyone looked at her with envy and hatred , she doesn't have a friend at all in the female teacher.She is also used to this kind of life, always walking alone.

There was no class in the third period this Friday afternoon, Ye Qingran stayed in the library until his stomach growled as usual.She walked out of the library door and looked up at the big clock on the outside of the teaching building. Hey, the cafeteria must be out of food again. Let's buy it outside the school!
After walking out of the school gate, she found a familiar snack shop and bought a rice cake, and walked back while eating.

"Miss Ye—" a strange man's voice stopped her.

Ye Qingran turned around, and a thin old man in his 50s was looking at her with a slight smile.

"You're calling me?" She was a little puzzled, she didn't know this old man.

The old man in the long gown nodded and walked towards her, "Ye Qingran, Miss Ye. My old man's eyesight is still very accurate. I heard that you are studying in a female teacher, so I wondered if I could recognize you based on what other people said to you. Here After waiting all afternoon, I really didn't expect to make me wait."

"I don't seem to know you?" Ye Qingran looked at this interesting old man.

"My name is Rong, and my name is Bo Yang. I am Tang Chengxun's adoptive father." There was a slight smile on his clear face.

Ye Qingran's heart trembled, he hadn't heard this name for a long time, let alone from someone so close to him.

"I have nothing to do with him. You have found the wrong person." Ye Qingran turned around and wanted to leave.

"Miss Ye, please listen to me." Rong Baiyang stopped her.

"Mister, you—"

"Please—" Rong Baiyang ignored her refusal, and pointed to a small teahouse next to him, "I only want to take the time for Miss Ye's cup of tea."

(End of this chapter)

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