Chapter 174 Early pregnancy reaction (3)
"Shut up!" she yelled.

He laughed unscrupulously, he just likes to see her face turned red at the moment, her lips are red and her teeth are white, her chest is heaving and angry.

"Isn't this the way back to school?" She belatedly called out, "Stop!"

The driver stopped the car obediently, and went down to open the door for Ye Qingran.

Tang Chengxun glanced out the car window, "Here we are. Get out of the car."

Ye Qingran quickly got out of the car, looked around, where is this?

A signboard reading "Gynecologist He Yongtang" was shining under the street lamp.

"Come on, Momo." Tang Chengxun took her hand and walked in.

"Why did you bring me to this kind of place? You are sick!" She tried to shake off his hand, but to no avail.

"Didn't you get motion sickness just now? Ask Dr. He to prescribe a medicine for you." He smiled meaningfully.

"Motion sickness is no big deal, I don't usually ride in a car."

He smiled more and more charmingly, and his peach blossom eyes were romantic.

Ye Qingran always felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't tell, just look at it. In the past few days, he threw up twice without taking a car. He didn't even have time to see the doctor. Today, he went to the clinic to buy some medicine.

He Yongtang is in his 60s, short and fat, and wears a pair of high reading glasses.

The first thing to do when you see Chinese medicine is the pulse.

Ye Qingran obediently rolled up the cuffs of the light blue female teacher's school uniform, her white wrists were as bright as white jade, shining brightly under the dim light, Tang Chengxun's heart tightened, what a jade baby who bullied Shuang Saixue!This girl's complexion is really delicate and bright.The loving gaze could no longer be taken away.

Dr. He skillfully took the pulse.

Tang Chengxun held his breath.

In an instant, Dr. He's fat face frowned, "The pulse is fast and slow, and the internal energy is impetuous, which is not easy with the fetus."

"What?" Ye Qingran suddenly withdrew his arm, his eyes widened.

Tang Chengxun asked a gynecologist to recuperate her body again, and he really wanted her to give birth to him.

At the beginning, the old Chinese medicine doctor in Nanjing gave a big basket of Chinese medicine alone, and she didn't take it all day.Now it's here again!

She said disdainfully, "Doctor, I have a bad stomach recently, just prescribe some medicine to nourish the stomach and strengthen the spleen."

"It's reasonable for a little woman to have an early pregnancy reaction and have a bad stomach..." Ye Qingran was stunned as soon as Dr. He said this.

Early pregnancy reaction? ? ?

Her face paled suddenly, as if struck by lightning.

Tang Chengxun smiled and held her cold hand.

"The little lady must not work hard again, and her daily routine is disordered, otherwise, within two months, she will definitely have a miscarriage,"

"This is inevitable. Please also ask the old gentleman to prescribe some medicines to protect my wife's fetus and body." The joy on Tang Chengxun's face was far greater than the worry.

Such a big surprise!

God treats him well!

She actually had his child!
The haze of the past two months has been swept away. My child, he never dared to dream about it. Just that one time, he won!
With a child, he and she will have a constant relationship, even if she denies his feelings, it will not be able to erase the existence of the little life!

His child is conceived in the womb of the woman he loves most right now, he is so happy!
God gave him hope, and he has a way to keep this hope alive. He has enough conditions and confidence to keep this little life.

He is going to be a father!
"What are you talking about? Who is pregnant early? Who has a miscarriage?" Ye Qingran stared at the short and fat Dr. He anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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