Chapter 180 Meeting Old Friends (3)
"Shushu." Ye Qingran replied with a smile.

"Why are you so busy recently? I haven't been able to see you. I thought you were missing!" Zhong Shushu playfully scratched her nose, "You're getting slimmer! Qingran, I gained eight catties again ! Eight catties!"

"Accompany me to the post office?"

"Well, anyway, I have something to talk to you about, and I'll talk to you as I walk." Shushu readily agreed.

"Shushu, have you been helping in your shop recently?"

"Hey, there is my mother and my brother, how can it be my turn! Let me tell you good news, I participated in the 'Mrs. Tao' celebrity salon, three times a week, what kind of dance, reception, Western recitation, can be regarded as the opening Broaden your horizons. Do you have time, let me introduce you?"

"I don't have time. Every day, apart from studying, I'm rushing to write manuscripts. If there's any delay, I'll deduct my remuneration!"

"These days, why are there so many articles about you in the newspapers? My brother reads newspapers and magazines every day, and forgot to take pictures of customers several times. I want to ask you something, did you quarrel with your Mr. Tang?"

Ye Qingran was taken aback for a moment, the Tang family has not published an announcement about the dissolution of her engagement with Tang Chengxun so far, and in the eyes of those who don't know, she is still the young mistress of the Tang family who has never been married.

"What are you talking about him for!" She was displeased.

"Qingran, keep an eye on him! He often goes to 'Mrs. Tao', and those beautiful and famous courtesans, second- and third-rate starlets all vie to show him favors, but he is good, and he never refuses anyone who comes. It must be you I've left him out in the cold, man, it's normal to play tricks every time, but you must be careful, let me tell you—" Shushu lowered her voice, "He has an unusual relationship with Luo Yi, who plays "The Legend of the Wind and Moon" now. , you should be careful. That woman is a vixen, not only beautiful, but also has a good ability to be coquettish and obedient. It is said that Luo Yi is more charming than Lin Hongxi back then, and Tang Chengxun likes it even more."

The schoolbag on Ye Qingran's shoulder almost slipped off, she took a deep breath to calm down her fluctuating heart.His romantic affairs will be published in the newspapers every now and then, although he is used to it, but hearing it from Shushu himself is still very heart-wrenching.

She has been silent.

"Why didn't you, the authentic young mistress, respond? I have to tell you that Jin Mingzhu always runs to 'Mrs. Tao' whenever she has something to do. Qingran, you are surrounded by enemies now."

Shushu is very concerned.

"Thank you for your overwhelming love and concern. Shushu, I haven't seen Jingxue for a long time. Shall we go find her tomorrow, Sunday?"

"You don't know yet, Jing Xue followed Pan Zhuyu to Nanjing to settle down last month."

"Going to Nanjing? Why? She is no longer a teacher?"

"How much money can I earn as a teacher after working so hard for a month? Although Pan Zhuyu's family is not as good as yours, they are still well-off. They went to Nanjing because Pan Zhuyu was promoted. If Jingxue can live up to her expectations, give them Pan Jiasheng. A son, Ru Furen's seat is occupied."

"That man has a wife?" Qing Ran was puzzled, why Jing Xue was willing to be a child.

"There are more than just wives? There are also four young ladies in the family! The oldest is only eight or nine years old, and the youngest can only walk. Her wife gave birth to four daughters in succession as soon as she entered the Pan family. Pan Zhuyu is single. No, his wife just acquiesced that he was raising Jingxue in the small mansion outside!"

Ye Qingran was very upset, how could Jingxue fall in love with a man with such a huge family!She has been busy for half a year, and has no time to find Jingxue and Shushu at all. Shushu is still the happy and worry-free Shushu who loves to gossip and dress up, but Jingxue has become someone's unnamed concubine.

"How is Pan Zhuyu treating Jingxue?" She recalled Zong Yuan's endless words, which seemed to mean that Pan Zhuyu was a playboy.

"Of course the newlyweds are so good. The former Young Master Pan was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Relying on his father's money, he ate, drank, prostituted, and gambled. He had a lot of girlfriends. Now there is Jing Xue. Be quieter, if Jingxue gives birth to a boy in one fell swoop, it will be fine."

Zhong Shushu knows a lot, Ye Qingran can only be the audience at the moment, and can't get in the way.

"Qingran—" Zhong Shushu blushed, "Last time I danced with Zong Yuan at 'Mrs. Tao', and we chatted for nearly an hour."

Ye Qingran looked at Shushu who looked longingly, and said softly, "Do you still like Zongyuan?"

Zhong Shushu laughed, her chubby face bloomed like spring flowers, "How could I not like such an outstanding man! We danced and chatted, and we talked about you."

"I said you've been sneezing a lot lately, are you talking about me behind my back again?"

"Let's find something to talk about. He must be interested in me. He used to avoid me. Now, in order to get close to me, I can only find a topic from you, my good friend, to get close to me!" Zhong Shushu was intoxicated by herself. .

Ye Qingran immediately denied Zhong Shushu's self-righteous idea in his heart. Zong Yuan and others, although his lazy and romantic handsome face often has an uninhibited smile, which is different from Tang Chengxun's calm and composed, but in his bones there is a kind of The contempt and calmness alone in the clouds, the ordinary little flowers and grasses can't catch his eyes, and it's impossible to fall in love with Zhong Shushu.Tang Chengxun must have asked him to inquire about himself from Shushu.

She scolded herself again in her heart, why did she still have such a sliver of fantasy, people were all in groups, and they still guessed randomly!
The two soon arrived at the post office. Qingran sent out several manuscripts and received a small package. She screamed, "It's from Ah Zhi!"

"Who is Ah Zhi?" Shu Shu looked curious.

"Good friend. From Nanjing." Qing Ran looked happy, "I haven't seen her for half a year, I really miss her. If I have a chance, I will introduce you to each other."

"Qingran, I have something to ask you."

"Look, it's a shame that we haven't seen each other for a long time, we need to use 'begging'!" Ye Qingran blamed.

"Blame me, blame me! Qingran, I'm not begging you, I just want to tell you that you don't have class tomorrow, can you sign up with me?"

"What's the name?"

"Of course it's our Shanghai 'Miss Calendar' contest! You don't know, I've thought about it for a long time before I made up my mind to participate. Tomorrow is the last day to sign up. Jingxue is not here, so you must accompany me! Don't say no!" Zhong Shushu's cheeks were slightly red.

"Since we, Shushu, have already opened their mouths, there is no reason for me not to go! What time will it be tomorrow?" Seeing Shushu today, Ye Qingran was in such a good mood. She also wanted to relax a little and relieve her tired body and mind.

"Tomorrow at 07:30, see you at the gate of Paramount."

(End of this chapter)

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