Chapter 184 Need money (1)
"Actually, during these days, Mr. has been very tired. His daily workload is so heavy that he can only sleep for four or five hours. He has to deal with many things in the military department and Yanlong Hall himself. Sometimes after finishing business affairs in the middle of the night, he will Shut yourself in the bedroom on the first floor where you lived, and drank until dawn. We can only see his suffering. Whenever there are any articles about you in newspapers and magazines, he will let us send them to him as soon as possible In her hand, there was once a maid who didn’t know about it and threw out a newspaper that published your article as trash, and the husband almost killed her with a gun!” Zhou Chuanming was very sincere, “Luo Yi is just a vase, and the husband didn’t treat her well. sincere."

Her heart trembled, and she said calmly, "You should go back, Zhou Chuanming."

"Okay, I'm leaving. If you have anything to do, you can come to me, as long as I, Zhou Chuanming, can do it, I will do anything."

Zhou Chuanming's tall figure quickly disappeared into the small courtyard of Ye's family.

Ye Qingran closed her eyes.

He is not satisfied with a woman as charming as Luo Yi!

"Mr. Ye—" A stranger's voice came faintly from the front yard.

After a while, the mother's voice sounded, "Jiezhi is not at home, please sit in the back room."

Qingran was curious, and went out of the bedroom to see who was coming.

I saw two middle-aged men in suits entering the courtyard with documents in their hands.

"Mrs. Ye, the loan that Mr. Ye used to mortgage this house is overdue. If you still repay the loan, we will auction this house in three days to repay the loan. Please clean up and move out as soon as possible." The leader The fat man spoke first.

Ye Qingran's heart felt as if he had been hit hard by a heavy object.

house!Their family will soon lose their house!
"How much is this house mortgaged?" He Yuxin was very anxious.

"One hundred thousand is the ocean, Mrs. Ye." Another man said.

"Ah!" He Yuxin staggered, almost unable to stand still.

"So many!" Ye Qingran was at a loss, and quickly supported his mother.

"Your house is worth at most [-] to [-] oceans. It was Mr. Zong Yuanzong who was looking for by Mr. Ye at the beginning, and our president saved face and lent Mr. Ye [-] oceans for emergency."

"We are doing business, Mrs. Ye, don't be angry. If you really can't pay back, you should pack up and don't miss our auction."

Ye Qingran's mind was confused.

One hundred thousand is now in the ocean!
Even if she is exhausted, she can't earn so much!

Every day, she toils and writes manuscripts for four or five newspapers and magazines, but she can barely support the three of them to go to school and subsidize the family!One hundred thousand is now in the ocean!Astronomical figures!

Those two people from the bank were still chattering, Ye Qingran was mad like weeds growing in his heart.

"Why don't you go to my father?" she asked back.

"We also couldn't find Mr. Ye in the small mansion outside, so we came to the house. I also want to inform you that the house will be auctioned in three days!"

He Yuxin felt dizzy, Ye Qingran shouted, "Mother Wu——"

Wu Ma responded and supported He Yuxin, "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm not feeling well." He Yuxin slowly entered the living room with Wu Ma's support.

"Let's take our leave." The two turned around and left.

Ye Qingran was so upset, three days, three days later they would have no home!

She yelled to her mother, "Mom, I'm going out for a while."

"Where are you going?" He Yuxin was worried.

"Find my dad." She ran out of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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