Chapter 197 Finding (2)
From the moment she disappeared, he tried his best to find her, but there is still no news of her!
He never doubted his ability and influence, but this time, the other party put all his strength into calling him!

Or for her - it is inevitable!
After a while, his cold and resolute voice sounded, "From this moment on, Yanlong Hall has entered a state of first-level combat readiness. All the dance halls and prostitutes under the hall have their smoke pipes closed. Half of the brothers are in charge of Shanghai City, and the other half are in charge of the suburbs. Dilapidated houses, leaky alleys, mountain trails. There are two shifts a day. Remember, air defense is not allowed during the guard change. If someone is careless and dereliction of duty during this period, don’t blame me for brotherhood! Whoever finds out first will be less Madam’s whereabouts, 1 yuan will be rewarded! Baoyi—Jingtong—you are fully responsible! Hurry up!”

Xie Baoyi and Wang Jingtong took orders to go.

"Yuan Yang—Zhou Chuanming—continues to keep an eye on all docks and stations, paying close attention to suspicious vehicles in Shanghai."

"Yes." Yuan Yang and Zhou Chuanming withdrew.

Tang Chengxun arranged in an orderly manner, and groups of men in black walked out of the meeting hall one by one.

Hearing the footsteps of his subordinates going away, Zong Yuan kept his eyes closed and meditated.

"If you were Shi Lang, where would you hide her?"

"Of course it is a place where our Yanlongtang forces cannot touch or are weak." Tang Chengxun stared at the Shanghai map on the wall.

"Our power penetrates the entire Shanghai Bund. It can be said that wherever there are people, there is Yanlong Hall. If we talk about the weak points, it should be the barren hills and strange roads in the suburbs."

Zong Yuan looked solemn.

"You and I will investigate these places in person." Tang Chengxun pointed to some dots on the map, "However, Shi Lang acts strangely, and often the most dangerous places are also the safest. Don't ignore our noses."

"You sit in the main hall, I'll go." Zong Yuan raised his eyes.

"I must rescue her myself." Tang Chengxun supported his tired eyes with his right hand, "Uncle Tian once showed her a picture and said that she was very rough when she was young. I have been separated from her for three to five years. I don't know. Will it be this time?"

"No." Zong Yuan said solemnly.

In a heavily guarded dilapidated Taoist temple on the top of an unnamed mountain on the outskirts of the city.

Ye Qingran had already been forced into a snow-white silk kimono by those two Japanese women, with a Japanese bun on her head, and a typical Japanese wedding heavy makeup.

Ye Qingran looked at himself in the bronze mirror, and smiled wryly.

She had already planned in her heart that there must be a banquet after the ceremony, because she saw that wine had been prepared in the yard.After drinking, the defense should be the weakest, and she wants to take the opportunity to escape.

Two Japanese women followed her closely.

Ye Qingran walked around in the innermost third yard, getting familiar with the surrounding environment.

The men in gray have already guarded them layer by layer.As soon as she tried to step into the second courtyard outside, those expressionless men in gray would stop her politely and forcefully.

"Sakura—" Shi Lang's hoarse voice came.

Ye Qingran glanced around, there was no one else in the yard except her and the man in black at the door.

"From now on, you will be called Ishihara Sakurako. Sakurako should be as beautiful, noble and pure as cherry blossoms." Ishiro in a black kimono stood behind her.

"Such a name can make your heart less regretful?" Ye Qingran gave him a cold look, "Unfortunately, the current me is neither noble nor pure."

He squeezed her small chin, "I've already prepared the medicine. After the salute, you can drink it—"

It seems that this man is determined to give her an "abortion"!

(End of this chapter)

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