Chapter 199: Leaping Down (1)
Shi Lang was not there, she asked several times, Xuezi and Yuezi both laughed and did not answer.

She sat bored on the stone bench under the peach tree in the yard.

The early summer is over, and the little blue peaches are particularly eye-catching in the moonlight.

With a thought, she picked up some big ones and put them quietly in her pocket.

She sat for a while, then simply went back to her room to take a nap.

At midnight, she tiptoed out of the room.

She took out the peaches in her pocket and threw them towards the opposite direction of the gate.

One, two, three...

Immediately, the low growl of the man in gray and the sound of distant footsteps were heard.

She's been waiting for this moment!
She quickly rushed out of the inner courtyard and the second courtyard, and ran to the outermost courtyard.

The moonlight is in the sky, floating light and broken shadows.

A tall, muscular man in a kimono stood in front of her holding a samurai sword.

Shi Lang is actually here!
The moonlight shone on the sharp blade, and there was a burst of cold light.

Ye Qingran backed away in horror, forced an embarrassed smile, "The moon is so beautiful tonight - I can't sleep, look at the moon."

Shi Lang's eyes were burning, and he spoke Japanese sharply.

A group of men in gray hurried over, and four of them knelt down before him.

Before Ye Qingran could react, Shi Lang had already raised the knife and dropped it, four heads fell to the ground.

Hot blood splashed all over the place.

The smell of blood came.

Ye Qingran slumped on the ground.

"Neglect of duty, never mind!" Shi Lang slowly wiped the bleeding blade with a snow-white handkerchief, his hoarse voice broke the silence, his eyes fixed on Ye Qingran.

He is making an example to others!
Although Ye Qingran had already seen death from Tang Chengxun, but now this kind of death without warning deeply shocked her heart!
He took his life without even blinking an eye. This man is really cruel!
She couldn't help shaking.

Shi Lang picked her up and said, "Sakura, it's time to go to rest."

Walking through the moonlit courtyard, he put her on the clean floor of the bedroom, covered her with a quilt, and spread out a quilt and clothes to lie down.

The bloody scene just now was still replaying in Ye Qingran's mind, she was wrapped tightly in the quilt and turned her back to him.

"Sakura——" he put his hand into her skin, his tone lingering.

"My name is Ye Qingran. I'm not Yingzi." She stood up abruptly, unable to control her emotions anymore. "Look clearly - I am a Chinese through and through!"

Shi Lang laughed and approached her. "Do you know how much I paid for this day?"

Ye Qingran shrank in the corner wrapped in a quilt.

"Ye Qingran! I hate these three words! In Shanghai, these three words are always attached to Tang Chengxun. I like you too, why did God not even give me a chance to compete, and you became Tang Chengxun's fiancée! I Hate—" His tone changed, "Farewell to Nanjing, how do you know how much you miss me? In the past six months, I tried to get close to you again and again, but I was disturbed by Tang Chengxun, and I lost dozens of my Bamboo Union Gang. Brother's life! This time, even if I die, I will not let go!"

Hearing these words, she felt sad in her ears.She didn't know all of this, Tang Chengxun was actually protecting her all the time!
"You're going to keep me here forever?" she asked.

"When you really become my woman, we will go back to Shanghai together. The house is packed, and I want you to be the hostess of the Shi Yuan family."

"..." Ye Qingran simply shut up, too lazy to argue with him.

"From today onwards, you are my woman, no one can take you away!" Shi Lang kissed her on the lips.

(End of this chapter)

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