Chapter 20 Brooches and Jade Bracelets

Ye Jiezhi let go of Tian Yanqiu's hand in embarrassment, "This is Momo."

The scenery on Tian Yanqiu's face darkened immediately, and then she laughed again, "This is the first time I've seen Momo, what a beautiful girl, and I didn't prepare any gift for the meeting, so I'll give you this brooch. Hey, why don't you give it to me?" a bit."

Ye Jiezhi whispered, "Thank you, Auntie."

Ye Qingran's sharp eyes fixed on Tian Yanqiu.

Tian Yanqiu looked back at the girl in front of her, and saw her beautiful face, graceful figure, and a pair of clear eyes like a millennium cold pool, cold and oppressive.

Ye Qingran sneered, "It's the first time we meet, it's too stingy for an aunt to only give you a brooch worth nine silver dollars? Isn't my dad's silk shop very profitable, so don't you want to let you spend it?"

"Momo." Ye Jiezhi interrupted her, he knew his daughter's temper very well.She looks quiet and gentle, but in fact she is extremely tough.In such a large crowd, he didn't want to make a big fuss.

A few good ladies and ladies nearby have already gathered around.

Tian Yanqiu is a person who cares about face, so he was busy trying to smooth things over, "You can choose, since it's for you, you have to give it."

Ye Qingran looked mockingly, strode to the counter where the jade ornaments were placed, pointed to an expensive jade bracelet, "I like this."

The shop assistant took it out and handed it to her graciously, saying, "This is the best Hetian jade, it is gentle and nourishing, and the young lady has a good complexion, so it is a perfect match."

Tian Yanqiu looked at the price, 160 silver dollars, and was taken aback. This is not a small amount, and now a stone of rice is only worth 3 silver dollars.

"Hurry up and pack it, you go and pay." She bumped Ye Jiezhi with her elbow.Ye Jiezhi was staring at such an "obedient" daughter, thinking, if she really kept silent like this and accepted this jade bracelet, he and Tian Yanqiu would be honored.

He came back to his senses and went to pay.

The ladies and ladies dispersed when they saw that there was no excitement to watch.

Tian Yanqiu looked at the girl in front of her. The emerald green clothes made her look like a slim young tree. Her undeveloped figure was already exquisite. She had a smooth complexion without makeup, dark and clear eyes, although she was not very old. , but the brilliance of the whole body is ready to come out.It's hard to imagine what kind of beauty this will be in a few years.

Tian Yanqiu took out the jade bracelet from the exquisite box and handed it to Ye Qingran.

Ye Qingran took it with his right hand, looked left and right, and said, "160 silver dollars, you said you want to buy it, my dad didn't even bat an eye, do you know how much the three of us, my siblings, and my mother spent on him a month?" ?”

Tian Yanqiu was full of disdain.

Qingran's cherry lips pursed into a sneer, and when she let go of her hand, the jade bracelet slammed to the ground and shattered.

"Sorry, my hand slipped and I didn't catch it." Ye Qingran deliberately sighed.

"You——you did it on purpose—" Tian Yanqiu recalled.

"Momo, why are you so careless!" Ye Jiezhi ran over.

"She did it on purpose, Jiezhi."

Ye Qingran looked at his father coldly.

Ye Jiezhi stared at his daughter who was still smiling slyly, looked at the broken jade bracelet on the ground, and bit his lower lip.

He suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Momo, apologize to Aunt Yanqiu immediately."

Ye Qingran said bitterly, "I only have a mother, not an aunt!"

Ye Jiezhi lost face and waved at Ye Qingran.

"Mr. Ye, calm down." A slender and powerful hand pinched Ye Jiezhi's hand.

Ye Jiezhi looked back suddenly, and immediately smiled, "Mr. Zong, what a coincidence to meet you."

Ye Qingran glanced at the man who stretched out his hand to save her, with an ambiguous face of happiness and anger, full of evil and unruly charm, as if he had known him before.

"Qingran, what's the matter?" Zhong Shushu also hurried over.

Ye Qingran gave Ye Jiezhi a cold look, pulled Shushu up, and said in a choked voice, "Let's go."

Zhong Shushu looked back at Zongyuan reluctantly, and shouted, "Aren't you going to buy a gift for Ye Mama? Go after you buy it! Hey——Qingran, I met someone I know, talk a few words before leaving."

Ye Qingran let go of Zhong Shushu, the idiot, and went downstairs without looking back.

Tian Yanqiu showed a decent smile to Zong Yuan, "Everyone says family ugliness should not be publicized, let Mr. Zong see a joke today."

"Where, where. What's going on here?" Zong Yuan looked at the broken jade bracelet on the ground and asked with interest.

"It's the fault of Mr. Ye for his inability to teach girls." Ye Jiezhi's face was a little unnatural, and he hurriedly changed the subject, "Mr. Zong, are you free today? I would like to treat you to a cup of tea."

"Mr. Ye, Zong Yuan shouldn't refuse. Let's go tonight. There are a few things that I need to deal with. I'll go to 'Chang Ming Xuan' tonight and introduce Mr. Tang to you." Zong Yuanhua rolled his eyes. flash.

Zong Yuan has always been efficient in handling affairs.Tang Chengxun told him yesterday that he wanted to deal with Ye Jie, and today he appeared in front of Ye Jiezhi "at the right time", because Ye Jiezhi needed a lot of money to devote himself to real estate business.Coincidentally, more than ten days ago, he "met" Zong Yuan, the major shareholder of Puguang Bank. From Zong Yuan's tone, he smelled the feasibility of borrowing money from Puguang Bank.Zong Yuan's appearance today undoubtedly gave Ye Jiezhi a shot in the arm. All he had to do was hold on to the shining golden Buddha's feet in front of him, lend money, and earn more money.

Ye Jiezhi smiled, "There is no need for Mr. Zong to spend money. If you can make friends with the dignified 23rd division commander, Ye will be considered lucky!"

"It will." Zong Yuan smiled maliciously, "I have a hunch that you and Mr. Tang will become close friends and live in harmony like family."

"I hope it's as you said." Ye Jiezhi nodded with a flattering smile.

Zhong Shushu finally interjected, she rolled her eyes at Tian Yanqiu, and asked angrily, "Father Ye, did you want to hit Qingran just now?"

"She is too ignorant, Yan Qiu just bought her a bracelet, and I paid the bill with her front foot, but she fell on her back foot." Ye Jiezhi was still angry.

Zhong Shushu retorted, "Qing Ran has always been sensible, and she has her own reasons for doing that. Maybe it's because she doesn't like someone—"

Tian Yanqiu sneered.

Zong Yuan laughed before saying a word, trying to smooth things over, "Isn't it just a bracelet, Ms. Ye fell when she fell, and asked the clerk to return the money to Mr. Ye."

"No, no." Ye Jiezhi waved his hand.

The female clerk quickly handed Ye Jiezhi a small purse, and said respectfully, "This is your 160 silver dollars, please keep it."

Ye Jiezhi wanted to decline, but Zong Yuan had put the money bag into his hand, and said with a smile, "Mr. Ye, I'll take my leave first, and we'll see you at 'Chang Ming Xuan' tonight."

Zhong Shushu lifted up her skirt and followed Zong Yuan downstairs.

When Tian Yanqiu saw the lost and recovered 160 silver dollars, she felt infinitely sad.

(End of this chapter)

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